

If it was up to CPC they would nominate a teddy bear in a basket of Hershey’s kisses to lead the SPD.

And then they would accuse him of being a racist and demand more citizen oversight into his huggable, chocolatey crime fighting approach.


A close reading of the article shows that Mayor Durkan used the exact process specified in the City Charter. She's the boss and the decision will stand.


The "Watch Dog" group is gonna watch it happen. Then just lick their nuts.


I have never heard why it has been stressed "...the successful candidate MUST be an outsider." It seems to many of us that a successful police chief should be familiar with the community. Can someone please respond?


If management at SPD is failing, as has been repeatedly documented and exposed, then why would the city hire a member of that failing management team to lead the department? Or, is this a matter of certain types of corruption being tolerable? Best was rated #5 by the committee, so this is moot and much ado about nothing.

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