News Sep 12, 2018 at 4:00 am

The arena isn’t cheap, and it likely won’t land us an NBA team.

Josh Powers



Can we at least call it The Coliseum again???


I’m pretty sure the city council is not giving OVG a pass on paying taxes and fees - you should double-check those facts, Lester. Personally, I don’t buy the Hansen argument that the NBA doesn’t think KeyArena will work for both the NHL and NBA.


This will go down in history as the most corrupt deal in Seattle history. The Council is blocking construction of a private arena in SODO, you know at the center of our $50 Billion Light Rail system on a technicality to protect their asset and parking lot profits. This entire con is a disgrace.


Why does this article treat the new NHL team like a sorry consolation prize? Thousands of Seattlites are extremely excited for the city to finally get an NHL team back, regardless of the fate of the Sonics. Doesn’t the Lester remember how the season ticket presale sold out in a matter of hours? I think it’s unfortunate that the Sonics’ return isn’t guaranteed, and infuriating that the Sodo Arena was strangled in its crib, but at least we’ll have hockey!


As a Seattle native and lifelong Sonics fan who has followed this saga with disgust from the day Howard Schultz demanded a taxpayer handout to refurb the Key back in the mid 2000s, I must say that it is sad how the "Save Our Sonics" and "Bring 'Em Back" movements morphed into "well, I guess hockey works, right?". Sure some people around here - probably transplants from hockey cities - are pumped for hockey, but my native Seattle ass is only interested in seeing the NBA back. Progressive leagues like the NBA, WNBA, and MLS could all flourish in Seattle (2 of the 3 already do), and the Sonics, Storm, and Sounders are really all our dear city needs as far as pro sports go.

Oh yeah - Go Storm!


I will give a hearty guffaw when that group demands more $$$$ from the city. Plus They're gonna fill in the International Fountain and use it for executive parking. Google it.


Nice sources from Chris Hansen’s PR team and another “reporter.” Hell, why bother talking to anyone working on the project when you have sources like these.


WTF?? The Mariners soaking Seattleites for paying their rent and maintenance at SafeCo, Bumbershoot planners demand extortionist prices at Seattle Center ($130 a day and no re-entry?!) and wonder why their turnout after 12 years suddenly sucks dogshit, and now a Key Arena deal is left out in the cold? It's all about corporate greed, folks, and it won't subside until we, the people, take back the Emerald City by boycotting the Mariners, Bumbershoot, etc. until the money grubbers wake up.


I've always found Key Arena uncomfortable. The seats are way too small and close together for 21st century Americans. I'm 5-feet tall and my knees bump up against the seat back in front of me.

An updated, more comfortable Key Arena would likely attract more events (with or without those pseudo-Sonics). I left the arena after my last visit feeling it should either be totally renovated or demolished and replaced. I'm not against the renovation even if it never houses another sports team.


Not to mention boycotting Ticketmaster/Live Nation. The deal makes them the ticket vendor for the arena. This might have been a chance to screw them for a change.


LOL, “boycott the Mariners.” We already are, it’s called poor game attendence. Boycotts don’t work when your government subsidizes them. Call for veto or repeal any of these government deals you don’t like. It works better than complaining in a Stranger comment section.


Throwing more money at wealthy team owners. Sure. What could possibly go wrong?

Just ask Oakland. This kind of shit should be illegal.


The Sonics will be one of two teams in near future expansion. It's already a back room deal, I promise you.



You win today’s Idiot of The Day Award.

You can add it to your growing collection....


12000 deposits for NHL tickets in 12 mins and your article doesn't even mention this?

I get you want your NBA team back, but hockey is now on the menu.

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