Hahaha, I love the cadence of the guy recording the funnel cloud at the end ...”over Ballard right now?” I think that was god’s tiny penis reminding us that even though life is pretty good in the PNW right now, he is fucking us over on many other fronts. It’s the Dark Mark of our muggle world.
I used to have no idea what people were talking about when they described our government as white supremacist. Then Hurricane Maria happened and the government’s excuses and denial started pouring out. Now they won’t even doing the bare minimum of acknowledging the many deaths in PR from lack of access to medicine, water, etc after the hurricane. White supremacy is alive and well in the US government.
Glad I'm not the only one who thought Brock Long sounded like a porn star name!
@1 objectively speaking, I don't think there's any reality in which anyone could have intended to assert that the current FEMA Administrator would be desirable to see in porn. Brock Long just has a certain porny ring to it.
@2 Um, the Dark Mark is the Dark Mark of our muggle world...
Bob Flake = World’s saddest porn name. “Hi, I hear your plumbing needs fixing. I’m Bob Flake and I’m....45 minutes late and I forgot my tools. Sigh...wanna bone?”
Is there a more challenging occupation than 'cat'?
(That's how I'm coming back next time.
[hope I never run into the Catastrator ...
tell the Vet 'vasectomy' for me so I won't hafta
spell it out on his arm, wouldja? Thnx!])
Wrong, I don't think any of us deserve to see this guy in a porno, either.
(Or most of us. The trolls should be forced to watch him porn in a porno.)
Hahaha, I love the cadence of the guy recording the funnel cloud at the end ...”over Ballard right now?” I think that was god’s tiny penis reminding us that even though life is pretty good in the PNW right now, he is fucking us over on many other fronts. It’s the Dark Mark of our muggle world.
I used to have no idea what people were talking about when they described our government as white supremacist. Then Hurricane Maria happened and the government’s excuses and denial started pouring out. Now they won’t even doing the bare minimum of acknowledging the many deaths in PR from lack of access to medicine, water, etc after the hurricane. White supremacy is alive and well in the US government.
I wouldn’t be surprised if having a groper-in-chief was causing an uptick in domestic abuse, hurricanes or no.
Glad I'm not the only one who thought Brock Long sounded like a porn star name!
@1 objectively speaking, I don't think there's any reality in which anyone could have intended to assert that the current FEMA Administrator would be desirable to see in porn. Brock Long just has a certain porny ring to it.
@2 Um, the Dark Mark is the Dark Mark of our muggle world...
Oops, yes, I overlooked the part where MB said it's the "name of the porn star we deserve," not "the porn star we deserve."
Apologies for any unfortunate images that may have creeped into anyone's head.
" hardly anyone is calling for an open car-hunting season" But imagine the increased bus ridership and reduced congestion that this would inspire.
Bob Flake?
Bob Flake = World’s saddest porn name. “Hi, I hear your plumbing needs fixing. I’m Bob Flake and I’m....45 minutes late and I forgot my tools. Sigh...wanna bone?”
As for North Korea, the Russians are trying hard to save the mid terms. An October surprise is a possibility.
I thought he deserves to be identified as Bob Flake when I saw it.
Calling them "game" carries some kinda little prejudgment there.
Is there a more challenging occupation than 'cat'?
(That's how I'm coming back next time.
[hope I never run into the Catastrator ...
tell the Vet 'vasectomy' for me so I won't hafta
spell it out on his arm, wouldja? Thnx!])
Michael, what's a 'one-ever'?
Is that new?!
How do you know you won't be a female cat?
It'd be too much work.
"...“you can’t blame spousal abuse after a disaster on anybody." um, yeah, Brock, you can blame the abuser.
Also, October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. TRUMP - OCTOBER IS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH.