

The fix is in. They are who you thought they were.
At this point I actually find Graham's ranting to be less nauseating than the bullshit Hamlet act from Flake and Collins. At least Graham doesn't insult our intelligence by pretending to give a fuck about anything other than putting his guy on the court, quite literally no matter what.


as she feared, Dr. Ford put herself through an annihilation, and it didn't make any difference. please make a note of it.


Oh man, the lines at the Crying Rooms are going to look like opening weekend for Star Wars in 1977...

You all better make reservations...

For the record, I don’t give a crap about Kavenaugh either way, but I do find the fact that people got fixated on whether he drank booze in high school or not pretty comical.

As far back as I can remember(the late 80’s), the opposition side to every SC appointment screamed from the rooftops about how it was gonna be the end of society as we know it......guess what, still hasn’t happened in the 40 years....



I’m sure you have the same sympathy towards the numerous women who came out about Papa Bill Clinton, only to have #ImWithHer pour gasoline on them and lite a match...of course you do.



Yeah, because it was all JUST about the underage drinking (which he lied about), and NOT any of the other dozen or so lies he uttered under-oath, not to mention the SEVERAL accusations of sexual assault and harassment.

Face it, you people have the moral sensibilities of a sea-slug. No, actually, I'll bet even a sea-slug would exhibit a higher level of ethical behavior - at least they don't treat half their species as domestic slaves and on-demand baby incubators.


I think this is funny as shit. I hope he does get confirmed just to watch The Stranger and the commentators lose their shit in downtown Seattle. But I honestly don't think he will get the votes in the Senate. Maybe Trump will nominate someone who is a hard-core pro-lifer next time around?


Politics aside, this guy should have been disqualified by his lack of composure at the hearing. Simple as that. A conservative judge is gonna get on the court on way or another, but it should not be this douche. I hope some republicans vote with their conscience. But not holding my breath.


@4: i didn't really care one way or the other if Clinton was impeached. i have empathy for their stories. i believed them for the most part, though accepting Trump's invite, and going front and center at the 2016 debates as a rebuke to HRC was tacky as fuck.

Hillary didn't assault them; she merely did what any number of republican women who don't have 1st-hand knowledge have done in the last 2 weeks: slander the accusers in defense of her man.

i found the republicans relentless VRWC pursuit of Clinton from the Arkansas Project through to impeachment over perjury charges repugnant. i suppose that's how you feel about democrats now. of course you do.


Let me fix that for you: "Senator Feinstein put Professor Ford through an annihilation, and it didn't make any difference. please make a note of it."
-There, that's better.


$ & 6 are garbage human beings. This is what we're up against. The high road is no longer an option.


"We are near rock-bottom" and "let the FBI do what they were hired to do... They go where the facts lead them." are statements that are ALMOST true, you just have to choose to forget that the FBI were severely constrained in whom they could speak with, and how much time they had to investigate. So close, Grassley.

@11: Yep. Though don't forget 3 & 10. (I don't care that 3 is basically just a troll here to rustle jimmies, it's still repugnant behavior even if you don't believe it. Maybe even more so, since you don't have the cover of your convictions in that case.)

@9: Extra double yep. That's what this is all REALLY about. They're not going to chance another Mueller or Comey with any other SC candidate: someone they expect will be a loyal conservative foot solder. They KNOW Kavanaugh will defend Trump to his last breath, and that's all that matters to Cheeto Benito.



Holy fuck Compte, do you even know how to fucking read? I mean I get it, artsy types aren’t exactly top shelf in the brain dept, but you should at least be able to read and comprehend English.

Where did I say it was “just” about underage drinking? My point being, that once we delved into the “he partied in high school!!!” meme, the whole process had jumped the shark.

You so fucking studid that I’m almost embarrassed to be conversing with you.



Ya, but you love love love my tax there’s that...



Love you too.....but not quite as much as calling out the hypocritical leftist chodes on this site.


I'm wondering how long it will take for Kavanaugh to drink himself to death. He's been looking like a three-day hangover ever since his name was in the news, and that rant performance he put on was such a cry for aspirin and darkness it was almost comical. Except not. And in the meanwhile, we'll have to endure the consequences of the Republican Party's abandonment of any ethics at all in pursuit of power.


@3, @4, @6, @13, @14, & @15: STFU already.
@13: By the way, Ogie--you might want check your spelling and grammar.
Your stupidity screams volumes.

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