


National taco day, national vodka day, national poetry day AND bring your fairy tale book to school day are ALL ON THE SAME DAY!!??


DUI also includes getting high and it any surprise the rate has gone up since we had been legalized....who coulda predicted that?


2...should have said "since weed had been legalized"


@2 & 3- The KING5 article said "alcohol-related" fatalities. It was not clear whether any of the deaths or the increase was due to pot. Have any evidence one way or the other on this?



You are correct, I didnt see that.
I remember reading a few articles about it, but the details escape me....I will search for a link to post.



Well after a quick search, there are numerous articles from WA and CO regarding increased DUI accidents and pullovers since weed was legalized. Apparently can’t post links here, but a quick google search will get you the articles. Hope that helps.


"Despite initial reticence, the Mormons now are excited about [using cannibus for] helping to alleviate human pain and suffering." Cool. Perhaps I shall convert (or maybe they've already taken care of that for me).

A commendable goal (the former).



"I remember reading a few articles about it, but the details escape me." Sure, pot's Legal, in this here and now, but that doesn't mean one should go overboard.

Was it the Gummy Bears?


RE: 8 year old girl pulls 1,500 year old sword from lake.

Look, strange girls swimmin' in lakes and distributin' 1,500 year old swords is no basis for a system of government.


They want to ban pot gummy bears and other candy to "protect the children?" Fine, it's not like there's not a billion other ways to get it. While they're at it, why not make pot "candy" that looks like skulls or poison faces or something little kids would be afraid of. That should pacify the stupid, fucking pearl-clutchers, and have the benefit of making pot seem "cool" again to the stupid, fucking stoners.


You report on alarming DUI deaths and then follow your article with another on stocking up on your favorite weed gummies. Your Hypocrisy is disgusting.



So, you would posit there's a the difference between "they're a'comin' fer yer pot gummies - better stock up quick!" and "they're a'comin' fer yer AR-15's - better stock up quick!"?


12 - Your faux outrage is just boring. Get a hobby.


Where is the valid evidence that marijuana impairs a driver's ability to safely operate a motor vehicle? Since driving while impaired was already illegal, the initiative made driving with a trace of THC in the blood evidence of DUI. I considered voting against it but voted for it in spite of that nonsense.



You are kidding right? I have seen people so stoned they can’t even stand up, much less operate a vehicle.


@15- I don't know that there is really any good evidence on how much THC is too much. Certainly the per se limit in the law is almost meaningless. It does not appear to have the same kind of simple relationship with impairment that blood alcohol levels do.

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