

That is an amusing photo choice at the top of the post because the reader appears to be holding the book upside down. (Unless the photo itself is reversed.)


Redacted. Yes. I'm sure it will be. Riiiiiiight.

This whole country is a farce.


'3.3 percent' makes that 3.3% appear bigger
sometime you make wanna make it smaller

I say flexibilty is Key.
Caveat lector, baby.


Flexability and a fucking proofreader...


Barr is obviously obeying direct orders, or else his plum gig goes to the next schmo. This is what an AG does: s/he covers for illegal behavior in the white house, according to Dotard.


I don't know why they went with 1st degree murder charges which are plainly unsustainable.



Thereā€™s no way he wasnā€™t aware, being an alcoholic, that he can get violent while wasted, so fuck him forever and always for not getting help before now. We are all wholly responsible for our behavior while drunk, period.


Being blackout drunk is an explanation, not an excuse.

Really wonder how much will be redacted and how the country will respond.


The funny thing is I don't recall the news coverage referring to him being drunk. You would think someone would have noticed if he was really blacked out.


@10 - Don't conflate passed out with blacked out. People in alcoholic blackouts can still function to various degrees, drive cars, catch airplanes, possibly only appearing tipsy to some. But all along, like on a computer writing to a file without saving, no memories are being "saved to disk."


Everyone will be able to read the report! What a glorious day! Lol. However, none of the activists/conspiracy theorist.... Er..... "journalists" (like good ol' Nathalie here) will. Evidence (or no evidence of collusion, in this case) doesn't really prevail over leftie, tin-hat wearing narrative. Facts don't really matter to them. Never did, never will. And, like I stated in the past, today's "journalists" don't do an ounce of investigating anyway.

But congrats on knowing how to spell "percent"! Trully an achievement by today's journalist standards! You would hope someone would know how to spell, at least, if their job was to write. Even though their scribble is mostly amusing ragebait.


^^^ You spelled ā€œtrulyā€ wrong, dipshit.


Every 20-something I know is on anti-depressants and hyper-self-conscious and usually living with 14 roommates in order to afford housing between student loan repayments. And to get laid, they have to submit themselves to an unending rogues-gallery of swiping. The guys usually spend every second of free time gaming. Many are also obese.

If you do get around to dating, you have to listen to some stranger whoā€™s as fucked in fhe head as you are drone on and on about what their friends posted on Snapchat. If you get around to fuckinā€™, chances are you are going to have negotiate out each otherā€™s laundry list of sexual identities and preferences.

Better study: how does anyone ever find it in themselves to bump uglies at all anymore when we are all so fucking annoying?


@11- I'm aware of the difference ("passed out" would not be compatible with a shooting spree). But I would have thought that if he were truly very drunk someone wold have commented on it in the reports. Intoxication defenses, which he appears to be trying to set up, are very difficult to get accepted.


He should have said he was homeless, heā€™d be out free today.


"Evidence (or no evidence of collusion, in this case) doesn't really prevail over leftie, tin-hat wearing narrative."

Enjoy your Gloat whilst you can; Mueller opened up a giant can of worms for this illegitimate "prez" -- not to mention, nearly all of his closest advisors and top campaign personnel. But that's okay -- he's still got Rudy Gulliani.

Only Thee BEST People!

"And, like I stated in the past, today's 'journalists' don't do an ounce of investigating anyway."

Then you must trully miss the Fourth Estate.


@16: Initial reports were that the police found him under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


@10 @11 I once ran 3 miles while blackout drunk, came home, took a shower, cussed out my roommate, went to a neighbor's house to watch an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, went to another party, and woke up the next morning in a strangers bathroom.

It took me weeks to gather all that information about what I'd done. I'm really glad I didn't go on a double murder spree. I feel bad for this dude, but he's lucky to be alive, unlike his victims.



I would be happy if you didn't rape anyone, too.


@14. Thank goodness it is not my JOB to WRITE for a publication then, unlike Nathalie, who's job REQUIRES knowing how to spell. Lol. Dipshit.

Also, English is my second language so I think I am doing quite well for what it is. Unlike Nathalie's. Xenophobic dipshit. Lol



It doesn't matter if English is your 57th language. If you're gonna bag on someone for a goddamn spelling error (particularly one on an alt-weekly blog's daily news roundup) you'd best proof the fuck outta your post for typos. Better yet, reserve your criticism for relevant factual inaccuracies and content. Lol, indeed. Dipshit.


@22: Haven't we already established the reason for your whimsical writing style? Isn't it that your first language meth?


17 How brain damaged are you that you actually believe that? Go away creep.


@21: You know, call me a concern troll, but I think it deserves an amount of respect for anyone to share personal stories especially on drinking and alcoholism from which such discussion provide an oasis of common growth and understanding amidst all our political bantering.


23 So with that comment you are proving you are a sexist.


@27: You're not wrong, Sportlandia didn't have to reveal that experience. It must have been pretty terrible, not to mention frightening not to remember what you may or may not have done.


LOL, speaking of typos, my comment @25 should have read "Isn't it that your first language IS meth"
Hoisted by my own petard! :)


Since he studied sociology at UW he should blame society.


@24. Another xenophobe. Lovely. :)



The data presented in the article shows that Jordan Peterson is wrong.
Young women are also reporting a decrease in sexual activity.

You should also remember that the sexual Revolution happened 50 years ago. If sexual Liberation had anything to do with it we would have seen the evidence decades ago.

More young people live at home with their parents. Fewer young people live with a sexual partner. It's as simple as that.


@31 ... listen to yourself.

Aw. Those poor Not Cool Guys. I guess they are OWED sex. Just lay down and take it, ladies. You just have to be monogamous relationships with ā€œuncool guysā€ because they are sad and angry.

Christ. That is some twisted bullshit right there.

How about you think of it as it really is. Women can be selective. They are no longer as dependent economically on any male. Thatā€™s the reality of modern economics as engineered by the mother fucking right wing. It takes two incomes to survive and have a family.

So women got jobs. Turns out women are sick of your shit, donā€™t HAVE to have your genetically inferior brats, and can have careers of their own. So they donā€™t NEED you.

The ā€œCool Guysā€ are generally the ones who get that. Understand? THATā€™S why they get laid.

Thereā€™s a word for ā€œuncoolā€ guys: losers. And those losers keep doubling down on policies that reinforce long dead socially conservative norms that just do not work in the modern economy or in a more gender egalitarian culture. So fuck them.

Nobody owes losers shit. Particularly when they buy into scam artists like Jordan Petersonā€™s misogynist garbage.

Women can smell that creepy entitled horseshit a mile away. The losers who Peterson appeals to are not entitled to sex or anything else.

You donā€™t get laid because women are all sluts - that doesnā€™t even make sense. You donā€™t get laid because youā€™re an asshole.


@33:I'm sorry but I don't think meth addled asshole a recognized ethnicity?


@36: You still seem to believe that women being expected to take one for the team is the answer. Nope. The subjugation of half of the human race is no longer the acceptable solution to the poor impulse control issues of the other half.
Men are sentient, morally cognizant beings entirely capable of self control.
Nobody owes them pussy to keep them from turning into Nazis.
Come to think of the traditional views regarding gender norms and monogamy which were fully enforced in the 1930s didn't prevent it either so maaaaaaaybe pussy ain't got nothing to do with it.


Oh my god! "IS"a recognized ethnicity. I do wish there was an edit button..... :)


@40: No worries. It dependents upon what the meaning of the word is..., is.




Sex drought? Among twenty-somethings? The answer's blatantly obvious. They're having sex with the devices they never log off of long enough to have actual sex with another human.

Let's look on the bright side. The number of unwanted, unplanned pregnancies and the rate of STIs must be dropping dramatically. That has to be really good news on the public health front.


@36 let me get yours and Jordan Petersonā€™s argument straight.

A bunch of losers with stunted emotions become Nazis and thatā€™s womenā€™s fault because women donā€™t want fuck loser that become Nazis.

So, the solution to prevent Nazis is women must volunteer to bond themselves sexually in monogamous relationships with potential Nazis.

Jesus Christ. The cognitive dissonance and total lack of self examination and critical thought it takes to believe this clap trap is incredible.

How about men take responsibility for themselves and become something other than socially retarded shut-ins that ensconce themselves in sexist victim mythology horse shit. How about that.


ā€œMen are sentient, morally cognizant beings entirely capable of self control. ā€

Not according to Ken and Peterson, apparently.

According to them men just canā€™t be responsible for becoming Nazis or rapists or ISIS. Itā€™s not their fault they have weak chins, shitty jobs and no social skills.

Clearly itā€™s the fault of all you sluts boneing indiscriminately. But somehow, contrary to laws of physics and all logic, boneing TOO discriminately.

The tortured logic at work to believe this bullshit must wear these incels out so much that they canā€™t get it up.

Hey, Ken. Guess what? Iā€™m an old now but I never had a problem getting laid. Ever.

You wanna know why? Itā€™s not that Iā€™m fantastic looking (though I am). Or rich (I sure wasnā€™t then). Itā€™s that I donā€™t hold grudges against the women who DIDNā€™T fuck me. I moved on.

Itā€™s not alien technology. Iron a shirt and dress like an adult. Practice good hygiene. Make an effort. That and, you know, ā€œbe interested and youā€™ll be interesting.ā€

Itā€™s that god damned simple. Now I gotta get back on an airplane and live a life.


Seems to me millennials donā€™t even know what their genitals are for.


@46: I didn't say that the circumstances of someone's life doesn't have some bearing on whether that person becomes a Nazi or joins a violent street gang. I said that pussy doesn't keep them from becoming Nazis or joining a violent street gang. In the 1930s woman had far fewer rights. Abortion was illegal, traditional gender roles & marital monogamy were enforced by law, and due to WW I there were a lot more single women than men, so no shortage of available pussy.
And yeeeet Nazis!


@1 -- That's cuz it's a pic from The Future, seatackled.
It should revert to regular sometime in April, I believe she said.
I'll keep an eye on it...

Better be careful, Nathalie -- that marshmellow could prove to be a bit large, if swallowed while reading Mueller's report. Remember gee dubya vs. the Pretzel.

@20 -- "I'm really glad I didn't go on a double murder spree."
Yeah, me, too.

You mentioned you'd blacked out --
did you get a chance to check the newspapers?

@23 -- "... excessive sexual freedom destabilizes society by creating a large numbers of young heterosexual men who aren't getting any pussy."

So -- they're Entitled to Pussy?

Sorry, how the fuck does THAT work?
For the other Half of the population?
The ones WITH the pussies.

I think women are rapidly becoming Beyond that shit, anymore.
You better Hurry.

@30 -- "Hoisted by my own petard!"
There appears to be an Epidemic.

"... would lend greater support to the position that erosion of the traditional norm of monogamy leads to a few cool guys having a monopoly on pussy."

So, women don't actually own their reproductive organs --
Pussies are Actually Community fucking Property?

WOW. I propose we IMMEDIATELY buy pussy for our Incels,
before they go fucking Medival on our collective asses.


@35 -- YES.



@48: True, and if he stopped there he would be just another harmless self help guru. Buuuuuut he doesn't stop there, and that's the problem. Telling someone to stand up straight and clean their room is one thing. Telling them that the reason they some how ended up a Nazi is because women are no longer forced by the culture to marry them is another.
And that's all I'm going to say about Peterson! Because, Christ on a cracker, his minions seem to have "Someone Is Being Mean To Our Lobster Daddy" Google alerts and if we keep talking about him they're gonna swarm.


Judging by the hysteria this Peterson fellow is generating he must be on to something.


@52: Awwww you're cute. Is this Baby's first troll?


Careful Hysterical.
That rabbit is Loaded.



There is at most a 10% difference between unfucked young men and unfucked young women.
It's about 3 out of 10 men, and 2 out of 10 women. That's not much of a difference.

The numbers do not back up Peterson's theory.


@54 I hear mercury and vibrators are good remedies for the kind of hysteria this Peterson person is eliciting from you.


@54 should be @53 of course. Must be the hysteria I'm surrounded by.


@37. Hahahahahaha. What? "Ethnicity"? Xenophobia has nothing to do with what ethnicity you are. It has everything to do with what nationality you are. Not ethnic. National. You know there is a difference, right? Dipshit. Lol.

P.S. And you still can't use grammar right. I am from another country. What's your excuse? Lol


Lol. Lissa is my new favourite dipshit. Lol. Doesn't know definitions of words and fuck the grammar.


@53 Lissa FTW

And you triggered the sock puppet @59


@27 @29

There's certainly value in forgiveness and empathy for people who have done horrible things, but considering that if the shooter had done what he did another day and maybe a few blocks over he literally could have been shooting at me during my commute, I'm certainly not going to have any respect for someone who "feel[s] bad " for the shooter.


The gun control debate is full of irony.

Those opposed say they hold this position because this represents an encroachment on personal liberty. The approach they favor instead is to increase the presence of psychiatry in our daily lives. Psychiatry is a field where unelected practitioners hold the power to detain individuals without trial, even in the absence of a crime. What greater encroachment on personal liberty is there than that? All that is required to involuntarily detain anyone under the auspices of mental health is the professional opinion that said individual represents a potential harm to self or others. This opinion is not reviewed by any court of law, may not be challenged by legal counsel, and cannot be appealed or overturned. You would rather have this than be denied the purchase of a weapon? Armed or not, the moment you are placed intro the loving arms of an involuntary psychiatric hold, there is little hope of getting out.

Further, not all who commit harm are insane while the harm is being committed. Some persons do so while in a perfectly rational state of mind. Ted Bundy never suggested that he was intoxicated while committing his crimes, and neither did the Green River Killer. They were sane enough to carefully plan their crimes, to the point where they ere able to repeat their offenses with little fear of getting caught for many years. A disordered mind would have been much sloppier, and would likely have been apprehended much sooner.

Instead, we are told to screen one another constantly for signs of mental disturbances that, in the absence of the gun necessary, would not lead to violence. Equivocations are made to Britain's knife crime problem, ignoring the matter of scale. Fantasies of armed individuals someday overthrowing a tyrannical government purposefully ignore the massive size of the US police and armed forces, pretending that some lone stockpiler of weapons could withstand a siege by the US Marshalls, ATF, FBI, or military. This, in spite of historical evidence to the contrary on both Left (Wounded Knee) and Right (Ruby Ridge).

To hold this position, one must live so completely in the realm of ideals that one ignores reality. Did Jefferson write of nourishing the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants? Yes, in the 18th century, when that was still possible. It's not in the 21st, whenever small town police departments such as that of Ferguson, Missouri have tanks and mortars.


Women certainly don't "owe" any guy pussy. But the idea that young males without pussy are more prone to violence is certainly true for virtually all mammals (think elk fighting during mating season). Hormones do change behavior in humans drastically, as any middle-school teacher can tell you. Conversely, OKCupid reports that the #1 "requirement" that women put in their profiles is that the man "must make more than $X amount of money." So when whole classes of jobs are disappearing as is happening now, you get young men who don't have the money to attract women, and lots of angry young men who support turning the clock back to when they could get a decent-paying job. It's not a coincidence that the German economy was in free-fall when the Nazis became popular, Lissa. Just like it's not a coincidence that as farms become more efficient, it's the rural areas in the U.S. today that are looking for anything to blame, and voting for Trump. Or that the surplus of males in China has led to a more aggressive country there, and to buying brides from neighboring countries. Yes, the guys who can't attract females are "losers" economically, Lissa, but mostly through forces that they don't know how to change; taunting them as "losers" is about as empathetic as taunting "loser" women for being obese.
...and that does NOT excuse violent hateful behavior...we just need to address the source of that behavior. (Perhaps the government needs to get these guys sex robots as soon as possible. :) )


On, the other hand, we all have microscopic bits of plastic inside our bodies, as a recent study found. Plus there is overwhelming evidence that chemicals used to make plastics are altering the sexual development of many species, one of many causes why fish and amphibians are going extinct. Human sperm counts today are about half of what they were 50 years ago. So it is also possible that pollution is altering hormone levels so that young people aren't as able to or as interested in having sex as were past generations.


@61: I undersand. I think the "feels bad" is exclusively empathetic in the context of "OMG - what horrible things can happen in a blackout" in relating to the experience.

I had a blackout once and it haunts me to this day. Nothing bad happed though. I don't drink alcohol (even though still sing the praises of fine wines) and I don't own guns.



" (Perhaps the government needs to get these guys sex
robots as soon as possible. :) ) " --Biologist in the stix

I concur (as I did above -- 'WOW. I propose we IMMEDIATELY buy pussy for our Incels,
before they go fucking Medi[e]val on our collective asses.').

Time's a' waistin'.
They could -- at any time! -- go off like a million Mt. St. Helenses.



" So it is also possible that pollution is altering hormone levels so that young people aren't as able to or as interested in having sex as were past generations." --also Bits

Wow -- the very Creators of our own demise (thru the "convenience" of Plastics!).
Who wouldda Guessed WE (God's "Highest" Creatures!) were so. fucking. Stupd...


@63 -- and if they wanted Familes, we could get them true-to-Life(-like)
robot babies, whose needs MUST be met 24/7/365.25.

I think you ARE onto something,though, Bits -- there are no longer enough Decent Jobs (like in the 1950s, 60s and 70s, where ONE spousal unit could provide sufficient Income for a Home, a vacation home, a couple cars, or so, decent Retirement, and a world-class (governement-supported!) Education for one's Progeny.

Republicans saw all that "waste," and determined THEY were Owed any and ALL of that Largesse, and to Hell with the Hindmost -- today's 98-Percenters Club -- US.

Well, they've Succeeded.
Whatchya think, Incels?

Is it the Fault of Womenfolk that you
don't actually have one to come Home to?


The spell check in Safari is crap.


70 Stop speaking for millions of women which you know nothing about. Women are far more complicated than you can imagine.


The guy in the video article that is not really homeless? I see him downtown and on the D line to Ballard, a LOT. He doesn't have that much trouble getting out and about apparently. SO, he is not homeless, he is might not be abusing drugs or alcohol either. But ut is obvious from anyone's view, if you are familiar with him, that he has severe mental issues and whatever help he is being given is not near enough He always causes a commotion, always cursing and ranting. I doubt he can help it. The whole point of that article is that people need to be given help, whether they are capable of seeking it or not, and we have to start somewhere so lets start with the worst, peel that layer of the onion and all the sucking up of emergency services that could be going to more deserving citizens, then take a look at the next layer. It is about truly being compassionate instead of burying our heads in a pile of money and hoping the problem takes care of itself.


More about alcoholism ................................. Friendship........A Story......

My friend said there was a hole in his wall and someone was spying on him. He had jumped into Lake Union because he was high on alcohol and pills in a blackout. I told him to make sure to go back to his program. He lost all his keys including the extra set for my car. The car I canā€™t afford and have to sell.

He started to feel better after a while and likes it that someone calls him almost everyday. Everyone likes to feel important. He became diligent about his sobriety. Previously he had accumulated over 10 years of sobriety so I knew he could do it again if he kept it simple.

I havenā€™t heard him mention the hole in the wall and someone spying on him for a long time.
Should I cross my fingers? I will keep calling him almost everyday if he wants me to.


I never called anyone a "loser" not once. I said that pussy doesn't keep someone from becoming a Nazi or joining a violent street gang and that men were sentient and morally cognizant beings capable of self control. Please do not put words in my mouth in future.
Legally enforced gender norms and marital monogamy (not to mention the fact that due to WWI women outnumbered men, so no lack of available pussy) did not prevent the rise of the Nazis. You come close to what I think is a more plausible reason, but then sadly veer back to the frankly misandrist position that men need to get their dicks wet to keep them from becoming racist antisocial and violent.
I am of the opinion that lack of meaningful purpose rather than lack of pussy is more to the point.


73 You are onto something real. The city of Seattle need to stop acting like nazi Germany.


Meaningful purpose is the valid point. Lissa.

Do something positive with our lives like working to eliminate poverty and to save the environment for example, There is so much because we are needed so badly more than ever.


For Ivy and others who need a refresher:


Seattle isn't dying, it's just getting old.

The documentary begins with the assertion that, while there has always been homelessness here, this is something new caused by drugs.

Did they just completely miss the 1980's and 1990's? There is nothing new about heroin in Seattle. In 1993, when I first got here, it was easier to score dope than it was to buy booze. Inside the QFC on Capitol Hill, they had to lock up the beer cooler after 2 AM. The dealer on the sidewalk in front of the store never closed.

There's another movie called Streetwise, which was made back in 1983 and released in 1984. Its a documentary about homeless kids in the area around Pike Place Market. Its a far more accurate depiction of Seattle homelessness than that KOMO piece. It may be old, but the same forces that create homelessness still drive the crisis to this day. They've just gotten more intense. Pioneer Square was just as rough and tumble 25 years ago as it is today.

Now, whenever someone gets old, they get crotchedy. Seattle went from it's teens in the 180's and early adulthood in the 1990's, when the city had a lot of artists and things were cheap and you could afford the rent just by selling plasma, to it's middle age. In your twenties, you didn't look at guys like that kid from Reno they interviewed as someone that would drive down your property values. Now, in middle age, youre making bank on real estate and investments, and that guy is a liability rather than someone thumbing his nose at authority.

Seattle, you were once Calvin Johnson. Now, you're Mark Sidran. While you once made the music that we all danced to, now you want to tax anyone who dances in public. You're old, and you want us all to get off your lawn.

You once liked being around other creative people once. Now, creativity scares you. Change sucks when you've invested a lot of money in things staying the same. Dynamic forces are no longer winds of change- now, they're hurricanes.

Homeless people in Seattle have gone from being people with problems to the problem itself. We no longer want to help them solve their problems by drawing out their creative talents so they can made everything beautiful. Now, we see them as the thing we need to solve.

Seattle isn't dying. But damn, it's getting old.


@60: Thank you, you are kind :)


@79: There has never been homeless encampments in every nook and cranny along our freeways and roads like there is now. Never.

So downplaying KOMO's documentary is pointless. Nor does a production QA blunder on the part of KOMO negate its reporting.

Driving from Montlake to Northgate in heavy traffic the other day, I counted 20. Some really trashed out with lawn chairs and grills, most of them precariously perched on very steep inclines, and some were fairly neat and disguised.

An environmental and health nightmare no matter how its spun, such as the popular compartmentalizing as "troubling images" in our society on inequality.


@79: That was beautifully put. I always enjoy reading your comments (even when you're grumpy) you write so well.


@29 I was 18. It was amusing.


@84: Ah to be young! I'm glad nothing bad happened to you. :)


@86: Ooooookaaaaay? Not sure why you think that was a useful addition to the conversation.....


@83: Yes, Wandering Stars, viewpoints aside, is gifted with prose and a good read.


If you want to fuck someone you have to leave the house. When you stay inside and argue on the internet all day about who is more virtuous and offended, you aren't going to get laid. Almost seems like people are more invested in proving they have a fun life than actually living a fun life.

It also may just be that decades after the free love movement, people are starting to wise up that just mindlessly fucking everything you can is actually extremely unfulfilling at the end of the day. It's going to drop the average.

I also have to wonder, why does every comment thread over 50+ eventually devolve into arguing about Jordan fucking Peterson? What is the obsession with this guy?

"Wash your penis, kiddo" is not groundbreaking thought, nor is it a precursor to Nazism. It is just standard self-help nothingness.


Congrats Utah... might as well change your motto to Sindustry! Just kidding :P



That's because, in the past we concentrated our large populations of homeless into one centralized area:


@91: Okay, but so what?


@89 "Wash your penis, kiddo" is not groundbreaking thought...."
Correct! We all agree on that.
"nor is it a precursor to Nazism."
Good thing nobody said then that isn't it?


"When you stay inside and argue on the internet all day about who is more virtuous and offended, you aren't going to get laid. Almost seems like people are more invested in proving they have a fun life than actually living a fun life."

Oh. God. The irony.


It is an interesting question - why has the nature of homelessness changed - why do we see these big encampments, when in the past, we did not?

I think the simple answer is that it's no longer as acceptable for police to harass homeless people. In 1989, if you set up a tent under I-5 near the James Street entrance, you could expect a beating. Law & Order was what people expected from the police and so we generally looked the other way.


"If you want to fuck someone you have to leave the house"

That would be news to my wife.


@75 Aaagh; you're right. It was ProfHistory, not you, who used the term "loser" repeatedly. My apologies, Lissa, I'm sorry I conflated you two.


@97: No worries! :)

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