


OK, that maybe (maybe?) meets the "architectural significance" standard, but wouldn't "economic heritage" be the better argument here?

And it's our municipal Landmarks Preservation Board you're thinking of, not the program run by the National Park Service.


So you're gonna do the leg work to rally community interest (aka put your money where your mouth is)?
Thought not.


Demo The Mother Fucker Already.



If you read my comment again and ponder it a bit, I think you'll find I was entirely aware of that. I might be having a little fun of my own here, y'know?


I miss the movie theater (it was big). I especially regret that I missed the brief period when the movie theater was converted to a concert hall. It had a really good design (from what I read) in terms of a bar on one end, good sight lines, etc. It was likely one of the nicest big venues in town, except that at the time, it was contained within a suburban mall. Now, of course, the city has grown up around it, and good transit abounds. It is too bad it couldn't have hung in there, as it would have been great to be able to easily get from Capitol Hill to there. Now folks in Capitol Hill will be able to enjoy ... what exactly? A hockey rink, where they can watch dudes practice? I guess the suburban nature of the place still lives -- the folks who live there will be able to enjoy the city life when Link gets there, while folks from the city get a chance to visit their friends. I don't know, maybe they will have the occasional ice show at Northgate.



If that makes you feel better, OK. No need to trouble your pretty little head thinking about the comment, sweet pea. Or to squinch up that cute little face of yours trying to remember the distinction between federal and municipal agencies, for that matter.


jackkay dear, Northgate, like Bellevue Square, was originally an open-air mall. I don't think they covered it until the early 70's. (I was a mere child at that time, and mostly living in Iowa, so you will have to forgive me if my memory is unsure.)

I think what you are getting at is that Northgate is supposedly the first mall. The people of Minneapolis would disagree, saying that their Southdale was the first mall. The two towns are remarkably similar, (both are insufferably smug, but Seattle has better weather) so I will leave it for the Norwegians to figure that out.

In any event, the current Northgate bears almost no similarly to even the Northgate of the 80's, let along the original configuration, so I don't think there's any landmark considerations for you to concern yourself with.



I don't think you've quite got a grip on how to use the word "apologist," there, sugar-poo.

But keep at it! You'll never learn if you don't try.

Do you see what I meant about "having a little fun of my own," or is it not quite coming into focus yet?


Jeez, go have a sex swing party already you guys.


“I’m not really interested in any more odes to the mall” - then you are not a journalist. What a bullshit statement about a pioneering retail strategy and cultural centerpiece. You are the problem of “New Seattle,” and you are an awful person. Think about that, please.


Apologies, please replace “awful person” with “crap-ass journalist.” I regret this error.



Nathalie, PLEASE get over your comedic fixation on Ted Bundy and get help.
@1, @4, @7, @9, @11, and @14: Is it a little slow down at juvee?
@12 Catalina Vel-DuRay: I, too, remember Northgate Mall as a child, a teen, a college student, and a US Navy veteran. Indeed, it was open air, hip, and happening. It's sad to hear about its demise. God--I remember when Frederick and Nelson closed the summer of 1993. Sad.


I grew up in North Seattle so I have a few fond memories of Northgate like buying games at EB and Toys R Us, playing the arcade machines at Red Robin, and clothes shopping with mom. Mostly I'll just miss having Macy's and DSW (if that goes too) along with Mama Stortini's though. There's still a nice transit center, movie theater, hospital, gym, Target, Best Buy, and some other decent restaurants like the Saffron Grill.


I managed to see Motorhead, High on Fire, The Melvins, Gwar, and The Dwarves at the Northgate Theater, and I only attended it twice. It made for a good music venue. I remember not really liking it for movies though.


@21 - Gwar? The Melvins?? Motorhead?? Damn, who knew? Thanks for that bit of Northgate music history. @16, thank you, I was thinking the same thing.

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