

Must be so nice to blame all your failures on racism. I'm sure that doesn't have any negative effects when there's no need for reflection. It's just out of your hands after all. And shame on you all you Seattle racists!


All progressives have increased their share of the vote by ~1% according to today vote drop. All leading conservatives have correspondingly lost ~1% of the vote compared to last night (even more for Pedersen). With a 3rd of the vote left to count in King Co, it could look a lot worse for conservatives by the end of the week.


Umm, are these the same Teresa Mosqueda and Nicole Grant that actively pushed lies about her opponent Jon Grant during the 2017 election. I'm surprised at the feigned surprise at the negativity. I say this as a union member: Labor as a group holds little power in Seattle because they have actively squandered it trying to curry favor with only certain folks in power, while ignoring larger strategic goals.


OMG, labor is out of touch if this is the analysis.

First, “Emily Myers is a scientist” was such a a patronizing slogan, replete with a white lab coat and beakers in her mailers, what’s with the costume? Does she seriously have no idea how how policy is made, of COURSE her labor friendly colleagues on Council look at data. Then they throw it all out the window in favor of ideology. She’s naive to think data cannot be manipulated and views through the lens of ideology, or that voters vote with their brains. They vote with their hearts.

Second, cut it with the pay equity and child care are women’s issues. They are family issues but will continue to be ignored and written off as screechy feminism stuff if we frame them as women’s issues.

No wonder labor lost big last night.


@2: So, have you some recent, local examples where incumbents who
failed to get even 50% of the primary vote went on to win in the general?

Because crowing that each of your candidates was just told that a majority of voters wanted someone else seems pretty pathetic.


I feel like there's a big wheel behind Rich Smith's desk at The Stranger office, he spins it every day to decide what to blame all of Seattle's problems on. Amazon? Trump? NIMBYs? Homeowners? Today it was racism. Tomorrow it will be corporations. It's an endless, nasty, immature blame cycle.


I wonder how much political clout "Labor" has in this city.

First, union membership throughout the country has been falling for decades. At the same time, Seattle's population has doubled or more. I don't have data, but I'd guess the per capita rate of union membership in Seattle has to be much much smaller than it was a decade or two ago. We still have public sector unions, and the shipyard. Boeing has huge unions, but very few of them actually live in Seattle. Other than that? Most of the biggest employers in the city are not unionized.

Second, is there data that shows how reliable union voters are? I've belonged to a couple of unions in my working life. Union members are not monolithic. Anecdotally, I'd say that earlier of the unions I belonged to probably had a very slight democratic lean in their membership, and the later a stronger lean. So depending on which unions you're talking about, the membership may or may not vote the way their leaders want them to.

I'm liberal and a union supporter, but if we're honest, I don't know that Labor is that big or reliable of a voting block in Seattle these days. Or at least no where near what it once was.


@7, good points. I think we would be wise to note the blue collar union dynamics from out friends in the Midwest that delivered the presidency to Trump (ok there was help from many nefarious places, but the left cannot count on all labor to vote blue).


@8 Except Trump voters were predominantly middle-class, not working class. His base is the used car dealers of America, not the poor saps they sell lemons to.


@5 the only thing I am crowing about is voters thoroughly debunking the corporate propaganda you spew day in and out: there is no incumbent sweeping wave of popular discontent about the Amazon tax.


@9 ah yes! but it's not the message favored by media and rightwing Democrats. You don't want people to start believing that Trump won because the poor mostly didn't vote since they don't trust Democrats who are as responsible as Republicans for the neoliberal policies that gutted their communities.


Fun Tip: the General will be even more left.

Get used to losing, corporate greedheads!


As a rank and file union member of SEIU 1199 I don't understand why MLK Labor failed to endorse Sawant for district 3.. Nicole Grant says we need to fight big business so why didn't she endorse Sawant who has been a proven fighter for working people and against corporations since the begining of her first term in office? Sawant's success in building movements such as the one that won the $15 minimum wage, the bold launch of the Tax Amazon campaign,which had strongunion involvement, and her current rent control campaign demonstrate that MLK labor made a mistake in it's endorsement. Working people have benefited from Sawant's seat on the Council and will continue to do so if she is the elected. MLK labor do what your rank and file members want and need: endorse Sawant!
This is not a race in which labor leaders can stand on the sidelines. We need to be on the frontlines fighting against big business. Which means not only endorsing Sawant, but going all out to make sure she wins.


Confused as to why Labor didn't endorse Girmay for King County Council District 2. Seems like he is the better candidate for them in every way. Might be time for new leadership for Labor....


13 and 14: it's because the "labor council" is just an extension of the establishment Democrats, aka corporate friendly liberals.

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