News Jun 27, 2022 at 2:00 pm

Seattle’s Reproductive Justice Movement Goes Radical

Speakers geared up protesters for the march with words from Vladimir Lenin rather than Ruth Bader Ginsburg HK



Maybe I don't know how the US government works, but if the Democrats had codified a right to abortion under Federal law in 1973 (or 1993 or 2013), couldn't (and wouldn't) this current Supreme Court just deem the law unconstitutional?


It's pretty funny that all these socialist organizations are criticizing Democrats for not getting legislation passed, considering their own 100% perfect record of failing to get a single solitary piece of federal legislation passed ever. It's the impotent criticizing the ineffectual!


@1 That seems likely. I don't think there's any way out of this mess under the current Constitution. But what's the path to a new Constitution that is better rather than worse? Beats me.


@1 not to mention that Democrats have held 60 seats in the Senate exactly once since 1980, when Republicans decided that abortion was a winning issue to campaign on. Even then, they didn't have 60 pro-abortion votes and they barely got Obamacare through. Could they have rammed it through? Maybe, but then Clarence Thomas and his merry band would have just struck it down as well.

Also, as noted in a previous thread, if Clinton had been elected in 2016, we wouldn't be in this situation. Kshama Sawant actively campaigned against Clinton in swing states. I have little reason to listen to Sawant's lectures in this instance.


Getting rid of the Hyde Amendment was a 2016 Democratic Party plank... Can someone remind me how that election went for them?


" for Democrats hadn’t solidified reproductive justice for the last 50 years"

Oh fuck off with this bullshit. Christ. Three days after fascists gut human rights for half the population and you're already blaming democrats. You are already falling for Rightwing troll talking points. They really have won.

For the thousandth time this is exactly what got you abortion rights in the first place you entitled asshole. For FIFTY years. You just though it was permanent and now you are shocked, SHOCKED, that it wasn't and want to blame somebody. Well blame everyone who fucked you over in 2016.

Too late now. There is no magic force field that was going to "secure" rights permanently under this system. That is a fucking myth. If its not enshrined in the constitution (and even if it was) it's always been administration to administration and luck.

There was no "codifying."

There was no magic alchemy that some how democrats were just too lazy to do.

Well. Fuck. you idiots have learned nothing at all. Nothing. Good luck with that, you whiny assholes. Because it's going to get worse.

I'm sure more petulant foot stomping and blaming the only sane party in America will work this time.


Oh. By the way. Since clearly Hannah and the rest of the Dipshit Blame Democrats brigade don't actually read the papers or understand how our own government works:

The democrats attempted to "codify" Abortion in May of this year.

And golly gee. Guess what?


@1 YES.

This whole god damned "codify' mythology is circulating the internet like herpes inseminating the womb of reality by dumb fucks and rightwing trolls. They ran a turd up a flagpole and look who salutes.

Just chanting "Codify" won't conjure up the reality of abortion rights.

In light of how this court eliminated the entire concept of Stare Decisis (and READ the decision, because that is what they did, there is no "federal law" anymore outside the whims of these six unelected perjurious religious extremists.

Wake the fuck up.


This is really about people like Sawant saying for years that there was no difference between Democrats and Republicans and telling people to vote for candidates other than Al Gore, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden. This is of course false, and it's made abundantly clear by the events of the last week. The criticism of Democrats is designed to obscure their own stupidity, and prevent people from noticing how wrong they were.


13: No. What Roger (and many others) is saying, is stop saying “there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats”, then not voting Democratic, so Republicans get elected, then complain about Democrats “not doing the job” when THEY’RE NOT IN POWER and Republicans turn out to actually be SO MUCH WORSE. This isn’t rocket science.


Ms. Krieg: As Lennon said, “But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow”. Seems appropriate for this article. And no, I’m not a boomer.


Political advice from millennial bloggers, who could have guessed? If you want to learn and then discuss how the government operates, maybe you could ask your audience first, instead of telling them (incorrectly)?

I'm not really seeing here how stopping traffic for exactly 49 minutes is changing anything. And I've been someone who stopped traffic for longer than that.


@ 13 -- David Frum said this about Trump:

"You can warn your friend that he is being conned, and he will get angry at you. And when the whole world comes crashing down and he loses his money, and he can no longer deny that you were right, he will never forgive you. He will forgive the crook, but he will not forgive the people who warned him about the crook. The crook just took his money. But you made him fell dumb."

It applies equally to those -- like you -- who are criticizing Democrats after last week's decision. We tried to tell you. We were right. You were wrong. Now you're just mad because you feel dumb. Just listen next time to those who were right before.


"Councilmember Kshama Sawant, who spoke at the event, said that ordinary people won the right to abortion by inspiring fear in the ruling class."

That's not even wrong. And, coming from a politician in Washington state, it shows a truly astounding ignorance of what actually happened.

In 1970, years before Roe, Washington state's voters enacted Referendum 20, which decriminalized abortion. In 1991, we enacted Initiative 120, which codified Roe v. Wade. (This is why abortion clinics continue operating in Washington state.) Organizing and VOTING for change carried the day. So what does she advocate?

"In order to do that again, she and other organizers called for mass mobilization, increased participation in labor unions, and civil disobedience."

Not to mention quoting a long-dead foreign revolutionary, whose failed regime brought pain and misery on a scale never before seen. That'll win everyone over!

@6: The parallels between Trump and ol' Vlad go deeper:

Born into a wealthy family, but never made much money in his family's line of work;
Embraced an extremist ideology created by a foreign author (Karl Marx, Ayn Rand);
Became a political leader despite no discernible talent, results were disastrous.


"Even the most votingest attendees..." Where's that new editor?! Time to raise up the rookieness.


The Democrats have never had a filibuster proof majority in the Senate in fifty years. There was no law they could pass.

The ONLY way these rights were maintained was by the court. That’s how extra-constitutional rights are maintained in our system. End of story.

All this weird bitter ranting and ax grinding and you don’t even know how this government works.


should say: pro-choice majority.


@21: That "shit sandwich" you deride with such jejune snottiness included women's rights to control their own bodies. Impoverished young women in some red-state shit-holes will now either have to bear their rapists' children, or risk back-alley butchery. I hope that feels great for you, because you seem completely unable to understand anything but your own desperate craving to tell yourself you're morally superior to everyone else.

"Also, it's very telling that y'all completely overlook my comment @12 which would actually bring about the change you want to see."

It's very telling you actually believe not buying a "Starbucks latter" will accomplish anything at all, let alone anything positive for reproductive rights. Starbucks has announced it will protect its workers' reproductive rights by paying for their travel expenses to obtain abortions, if extensive travel is required -- as it now will be for many more women. (

Finally, stop repeating the obvious lie, equating Democrats to Republicans. It was always obviously false (and tiresomely so), but now it's really a matter of life and death for some women.


The only thing that socialists have ever accomplished in Seattle is getting a Republican city attorney elected. Had Sawant not campaigned against Clinton, we might not have had Trump. Had her band of batshit not let protesters into city hall, Trump might not have had the same idea at the US Capitol. She only cares about her own ego and spouts too many Russian/far right talking points for my liking. We need more Democrats to change things, not fewer.


and a good number of people voting for a 3rd party in 2000 and 2016 elections is how we got ourselves into this fucking mess. Bush put Alito in the SCOTUS and Trump got away with fucking us over for years to come with three easily-bribed justices.

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