News Apr 25, 2023 at 11:20 am

A Slew of Bills Aim to Ban Care and Legalize Bigotry

Queer people still thrive in Montana, but many of their lawmakers want to make it much harder for them to do so. Design: Anthony Keo



gender nonconforming citizens

which is Where
these Fascists begin
burning books burning
Whiches which is whatever
YOU is 'less you appear to be
a NeoJesus Freak with a Nice neck-
tie oh & an AK-47 lapel pin never Hurt
anyone. First they came for You and I was-
n't You so's I DGAF* and when they Came for
ME where the Fuck were YOU? oh that's Right

I forgot

*didn't gaf

Vivian McCall
Awesome name
for a Writer. Nice
Work as Well! KUDOS!


it's Totes
Kozy dewey
we all* know
it's a flag-like
metaphor for
TRUE patriots
all the rest can

Vacate the

in one of
Two ways:

Stay Safe in
your Blue State
& hope the Fascists
keep at Bay. you "should"
be Safe Enough in This State...

*now you do too


we're likely to
need Papers to
travel Interstately
soon along with Men-
strual cycles Fertility num-
bers and Proclivities. let's all
Hope they postpone the body-
cavity searches as long as they Can

once The Mean Ones
get a Toehold they
Seldom give up
an Inch with-
out a Whole
Lotta Blood

I sound
so Unoptimistic.



The inland west (the west slope of the rockies to the East slopes of the coastal ranges) is not entirely populated by horrible people*, but for some reason the horrible people* who live there tend to get elected to public office. In part because normal people are increasingly repelled by horrible people*, in part because old people vote in larger numbers and are largely too feeble to recognize horrible people* when they are right there in front of them.

(*Horrible people = Republicans. Republicans are horrible people)

Montana has a population of one million people. That's basically the population of the Seattle City Light service territory. Idaho has a population of 1.9 million, which is smaller than King County. Wyoming is like 2/3 of Portland's population.

But yet these six states, with a population less than that of Puget Sound, get six Senators. That is not a representative democracy.

But more to the point: How many transpeople live in this sparsely populated area? How much taxpayer money is being spent by horrible people (again, Republicans) to make their lives miserable for no good reason?


oops, that should be "these three states", not "these six states"

Mrs. Vel-DuRay regrets the error. But the important thing to remember is that Republicans are horrible people.


well they're not
ALL Peeps Hor-
ribilus but're
working O-
vertime to
get There

generally speaking
Catalina's gentle
Spot On gen-


need to realize that
heated rhetoric is never progressive."

it's hard to make the Fascists
any Angrier but capitula-
tion merely makes
them Bolder.

if only
our Fascists
were Friendlier
they'd be more
Fun to work with.


Yes, that person saying those mean words is almost as bad as the other people passing bills into law that codify the assertion that the person saying said words doesn't have the right to exist. Real nasty stuff on both sides, that. Why can't she just be polite to the people removing all her rights to equal treatment and access to housing, employment, and healthcare? Civility really is dead.



is there some Point
at which Obtusity
masks an insipid
Desire for At-


Demanding decorum in a process that is being used to cause material harm to the people that are allegedly being represented in the process is sickening. Progressive movements have always had people who are willing to be diplomatic and find consensus, but they have also always had agitators who are unwilling to accept the evils of their day. I am proud of Zephyr and her supporters for standing up for what is right in such a hostile environment.

@8 Catalina Vel-DuRay This is why I'm a fan of proportional representation in Congress, by party not by state. It is simply not sensible to think that there is enough agreement across all the people Washington for a dozen people to fully represent us. Geographic proximity has very little to do with political disposition, except in the broadest of strokes.


saffronsnail dear, how do you define "proportional representation in Congress, by party not by state"? I have no problem with non-gerrymandered House Districts (although I think we need to increase the house significantly to really represent populations) but assigning the Congress by party affiliation sounds like a remarkably bad idea to me, especially in this era of decreasing party affiliation - unless I am missing something, which is always a viable possibility.

My gripe is with the Senate: Why does California have the same amount of Senators as Wyoming? Why do the Dakotas, the Carolinas, and the Virginias all deserve two Senators each? They should be assigned by population density.


they could
(maybe Should)
Share a Senator. for the
wee ones (pop-wise) about
4 states/Senator oughtta do it.

or maybe 5.

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