News Dec 21, 2023 at 4:25 pm

Then the Hospital Sued the Attorney General

Sorry, Ken, you can't have the records. Mark Kostich/Getty



"The hospital also argued that because they don’t own Texas land, have offices in Texas, or provide telehealth services in Texas, Texas has no jurisdiction over their practices."

I assume no one is dumb enough to seek legal analysis from the Stranger, but just in case, lack of personal jurisdiction is actually the primary argument raised by Seattle Children's.


If Paxton asked Seattle Childrens then he likely asked it from other hospitals in other states as well. Hopefully they responded with their own lawsuits.

This will end up in the Supreme Court where it will be a coin flip given how much those Justices hate minorities and love Christianity.


Christianist nutters.


I hope they also managed to add an argument that Paxton should go fuck himself.

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