News Jul 23, 2024 at 12:16 pm

“All Options Are Welcome and All Will Fail,” Says State Democratic Party

Nobody around here thinks they just fell out of a coconut tree. Photo: Drew Hallowell. Design: Anthony Keo



I dunno

seeing the (presumed)
candidate laughing, joking
seemed to flush out 8 years of
Dismay in less than one minute

perhaps Kamala can
Kick Ass on her own but
Big Gretch (MI) or Sheldon
Whitehouse* (RI) would likely add
the Gravitas necessary to break down
the door - glass ceiling - for President Harris

now if only
the 'd'nc might Allow
the Electorate to decide.

but Do they even Trust Us?

*fucking DOUBLE (the
Whitehouse AND 'Young
Sheldon'!) Name Recognition!

It'd make Vot-
ing for the Dems
Auto~fucking Matic.


“The Uncommitted movement has provided a powerful voice to the vast majority of Democrats who want a ceasefire in Gaza. This passing of the torch is in no small part due to this nationwide grassroots movement. It’s time for the Democratic Party to align with their base”

Wow, how delusional are these folks? There is one reason (and one reason only) why Biden dropped out and that was his disastrous debate performance (and his subsequent inability to convince folks it was a one-off). Nothing wrong with pushing for a ceasefire (which I’m fairly certain has happened at various national and international levels to no avail), but please don’t pretend Joe dropped out because of the uncommitted movement.


@2 -- I disagree

smoulderin' Joe's
debate debacle did
Not happen in a vacuum

the "D"NC's hiding of Joe's
Infirmities till it was 'too
Late' magnified Joe's
gratuitos enabling
of nutnyahoo's

his lack of
support in a questionable
'primary' laid the groundwork
for his bout of Covid* to push ol'
smoking Joe outta the Whitehouse

and into the more Statuary
phase of his Presidency
where he'll be remem-
bered for his (event-
ual) Grace in hand-
ing over the Keys
to 1600 Pennsyl-
vania Ave, NW.

That and
an Ever-growing
chorus of Dissension

we're fucking
STILL killing Palestinians
with our treasure + bombs.


“Though some clearly back Harris, others call for the Democrats to hold an open convention to consider other options, including self-help guru Marianne Williamson.”

I swear to fucking god, Democrats could fuck up a wet dream.

If there were a serious contender other than Harris and a majority of delegates weren’t already lined up behind Harris, sure - open up the Convention.

But open it up for some childish notion of ‘fairness?’ To consider “other options” which in this case includes political suicide?

Fuck Off, Crackpots!!!


I think one of the funniest things about Joe Biden dropping out is how US Representative Dean Phillips was the only elected Democrat to even try to run in the primary against him, and absolutely no one is mentioning him as a Kamala alternative or even VP choice. I imagine Dean's been screaming at his TV, his phone, staffers, constituents and bare walls since Sunday about how he was right, and nobody cares.


So, the so-called "Seattle Process" is stupid for things like local taxes, which have many different ideas and no clear consensus. Still, it needs to happen nationally despite practically everyone in the Democratic party supporting Harris and an election barely three months away.


Christ-almighty, you are so tedious to read, kristofarian.


"Williamson’s senior strategist" is the funniest phrase I've read in awhile.


@5 The fact that no one took him serious as a candidate is why no one is talking about him as VP now. Most Democrats would still prefer Biden to him.


“the "D"NC's hiding of Joe's Infirmities till it was 'too Late”

The DNC didn’t hide anything. Biden’s infirmities have been on full display and getting progressively worse for at least the last two years.
You chose not to see it because you were told not to.


...Three delegates, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told The Stranger that they feel subject to a “coordinated pressure campaign” from the party to pick Harris. ...

Not sure these three delegates know what a political party does. But I think a pretty clear task of a political party is to coordinate a campaign to get people to vote a certain way. One could say, 'pressure'.
Or they could just gather money in a big pot, light it on fire and use a magic 8 ball to decide how to vote. Might accelerate the process.



Utter nonsense.*

I predicted (on these
pages) smokin' Joe'd likely
not last til 8/22 yet was Shocked
at his disastrous debate debacle as
were Millions More when ol' Joe seemed
overwhelmed whilst facing the Mal a Lardo Mango

*coming from you
that's Olde news


@2: "...please don’t pretend Joe dropped out because of the uncommitted movement."

Hey, these persons simply must cling to the fiction they have influe -- POWER!

Likewise, the way the Stranger earnestly presents these extremist positions, which are fringe BY SEATTLE'S STANDARDS, as if those positions have deep support statewide (and would not immediately get laughed out of Congress) really makes for a fun read. (E.g., " end to military funding to Israel.")


Shouldn't be too hard, running a campaign against the Trump-Yokum ticket.
One sounds like Archie Bunker, the other one sounds like Barney Google.
Neither one ever finished the first grade.


You were surprised by Biden’s performance in the debate?
I don’t know how that’s possible, but OK.
Even dyed in the wool democrats I know knew it was only a matter of time before he went off the rails so bad that it couldn’t be explained away.
There are no blinders as effective as the ones we put on ourselves.


I believe Biden can still do the job of President (mostly because he’s been such a success at it in his first term). Whether he has the energy to CAMPAIGN along with doing the job is another issue.

I agree with @4
 Exactly what is to be gained by pissing and moaning about “the process”, other than a clusterfuck of a convention and the nation having to watch crackpots like Marianne Williamson whining that their half-dozen delegates entitle them to a floor vote? There are exactly TWO candidates who are LEGALLY able to access the funding and campaign infrastructure of the DNC
 One of them has dropped out, and the other has more than demonstrated over the last 4 years that she has the political skill, the life experience, wisdom, compassion and character to lead this country as our next President.

We have just over 3 months to make this happen. Do you really want to turn off even more voters and hand the country over to the Mango Mussolini again, just so another couple of vanity candidates can preen in front of the cameras for a few days at the DNC convention? Do you really think that will help the people of Palestine?

Work your asses off to elect Kamala Harris, and THEN you can yell at her about how much or how little military support we should send to Israel.


Marianne Williamson? Why? Was RFK, Jr. unavailable? The Stranger continues its love affair with useless crackpots.

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