News Aug 29, 2024 at 11:56 am

Their Collective Outrage Triggered an Organizing Effort, and They Have Demands

“Picture owning a small business and publicly pushing to legally pay your workers less, then coming in on Monday morning and being like, ‘Hey guys, how was your weekend?’” Hannah Krieg



Isn’t this the same tool that implemented a surcharge for sick pay back in 2013? Haven’t been back since then but unsurprised to see that he still sucks. Vita, Victrola and Ladro have better coffee anyway.


"Her bill would undermine a deal that the council brokered between business and labor during Seattle’s historic fight for $15 in 2014: that small business would get a decade to adjust, but come 2025, they would have to comply with the same minimum wage law as every other business."

That is the root of the problem. In 2014, Washington State's Minimum Wage had been increased by voters for over 15 years (I-688, 1998), and had no tip credit. Then-CM Sawant colluded with Mayor Murray to insert a tip credit into Seattle's minimum wage, making a lie and mockery of Sawant's "$15 Now for Everyone!" slogan, which she still continued to use anyway.

If Sawant hadn't inserted this tip credit to get her name on the minimum wage, the current drama would not be happening.


@1: Yes! And I haven't been back since.


Why not pay the minimum wage, raise prices a little, and institute a "no tipping" policy that their customers would appreciate.


@4- absolutely! Prices have already gone up quite a bit at coffee shops due to the higher wages (at least in part). The expectation for higher and higher tips (facilitated by the choices for higher and higher percent tips on the credit card readers) has gotten out of hand. Time to really kill the tipping system and just pay people.


@4, @5: Tipping is an archaic and demeaning practice, one we as a society should have ended a long time ago. Of the many things one can say about a tip credit, all of them bad, extending the miserable existence of tipping leads the list.

I'm a customer. It's not my job to set the prices of anything in your shop or restaurant, and that includes your labor costs. Stop pushing the work of paying your employees onto me. I did my part when I paid my bill. Raise my bill by the appropriate amount, and be done with it, already.

With everything in Seattle which desperately needs attention from the Council, extending the tip credit should rank at the very bottom of their priorities.



the Seeds for
a General Strike.

I Like it!


"Collective outrage."

Seattle's default setting, apparently.


When you’re in a job with crummy pay and bad work environment, you could always find a new place to work.
Better still; the employees should pool resources and start their own coffee shop.
Show everyone the the way a business should be run.


This author shows her absolute and complete ignorance regarding owning, operating, and trying to keep open a small business in the city of Seattle. I had two, closed both. Just not worth hit.

Her highlight ignorant closing paragraph:

"Sure, business may rule at City Hall after the 2023 election, but workers still rule the workplace."

Uuuuh, NO, they DON'T.

AND... as of 9/19/24 these clown workers have NO POSSIBILITY of "ruling the workplace".

Owner closed shop, shut down business. So, no workplace to rule.

Still think these entitled clowns "rule the workplace"?

Why not ask Emma, after her comments below. (Although I WOULD pose one question to Emma... "How'd that 'tough' stance workout for all the FORMER workers?"

(HINT: Unemployment insurance won't equal that these "underpaid" workers were earning.

Couldn't have happened to a better lot.

PS - Your rent will be going up minimum 5% in January and/or at lease renewal. Good luck.

“Thank God this had consequences,” says Emma Komar, one of the workers who quit Cherry Street Coffee House.

“The fact that [Ghambari] had to shut down a store is proof of how much power we have as workers,” Komar says.

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