Dan Strauss claiming attorney client privilege...as the client. Seattle Channel



“ They will continue to protect the wealth of a few while the [majority] of Seattlites continue to be displaced and priced out”

This is why nobody gives a fuck what advocacy groups say. The majority of Seattlites are not being displaced and priced out. Why does the bottom 10% of earners (or non earners) think they’re in the same boat as the middle class and professional class, and it’s only the ultra billionaires and people like them?
And the solution is to always give the poor person a fish and never to teach them how to fish. Or we teach them how to fish, and they refuse to fish, so we give them the fish anyway, instead of letting these people experience the results of their actions.


Strauss, not a lawyer, may not realize that assertions of Attorney-Client Privilege is not as cut and dried when both the lawyer and the "client" are municipal employees.


It sounds like CM Strauss asked the City Attorney’s Office for advice on how to compose an alternate to I-137. That’s actually what he should do if the Council plans to place an alternative to I-137 on the ballot. The Stranger doesn’t want the Council to put an alternative to I-137 on the ballot, so it’s spinning this request for legal advice as some nefarious machination, when it’s merely one of the legal options available to the Council.



something Is Fishy
when we despoil fish stocks
thru overfishing and habitat destruction

and then
we decry those
fishers when those fishies
they seek're nearly all vanished

much as all the Money
that used to float thru our
economy's been Hoovered up
by the cunningly monetarily gifted

who've used those
many monies to purchase
our courts lawmakers & public opinion

but in America
we find it so much
more Gratifying to blame
the Victims, who're Symptoms
of our collapsing late-stage un-
bridled and free-ranging Capitalism.


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