News Nov 12, 2024 at 4:01 pm

Council Members Propose Taxing The Rich, Ripping Out the Street Car, and Restoring Tenant Protections

Money at work... CRISTINA SPANĂ’



"The tax could generate anywhere from $16 million and $51 million in its first year and would only apply to about 860 of the city’s wealthiest residents, according to central staff analysis."

Hannah, would you move 5 to 10 miles to save $18,604 to $59,302 in taxes PER YEAR? (16 million divided by 860 and 51 million divided by 860 to get taxes per person). You can get a house with the same or better amenities, you don't care what district its in, you can still get to your business interest or job, and you still get all the beauty of Puget Sound.

So how much would the tax collect in year two? A hell of a lot less.


Re: “SLUT shaming” - it was originally called the trolley iirc.

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