Claudia Balducci wants to ride a train through King County's glass ceiling. Courtesy of the Metropolitan King County Council



Glad to hear she's running. Claudia is one badass Balducci.


Good info in article. I'd vote for her. She's got an impressive list of accomplishments. I like people who know how to get stuff done. I'm glad Dow is leaving. I was tired of him ages ago.


Why are Ukrainian Banderites interfering with our elections?


The entire King County Council is a bunch of Labor Union door mats. The worst is Girmay Zahilaly. Girmay supported defund the police, more taxes, and no accountability for any spending.

Look at the rotten King County Homeless Authority. Anyone who thought Dones was competent to run a huge, expensive Homeless Authority. I watched Dones twice before I knew he/they were worthless. I was right.

We need a county executive that isn't a worthless door mat like Balducci and Zahilay and Dow.

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