As it turns out, sexual orientation AND political ideology are protected classes under Seattle law; nothing good can come of late night booze on the street w your crews.
Sounds like two different versions of the story. Is it possible that the gay couple threw a drink into the Trump/Vance car first, and started the confrontation? No, that’s impossible. Our side would never do that.
(The suspect apparently has nine felony convictions over the past decade, so if the Stranger had asked CM Morales for a statement, she would have lectured on the vital importance of tearing down the carceral state.)
“In the call log, police say they weren’t able to reach the suspect by phone or in person, which suggests that they might have the suspect’s phone number.”
Since one of the suspects called 9-1-1, the police undoubtedly do have the suspect’s phone number. That’s real Sherlock Holmes stuff right there, I should be a detective! 😃
@6 I mean he was convicted 9 times and didn't seem to improve much so the carceral state speaks for itself there. You think round 10 of the same thing will be the ringer?
@2 Driving through the part of Capitol Hill noted for gay bars flying a Trump flag with a baseball bat is suspicious and provocative behavior on it's own. So even if the drink was thrown without the guys in the car hurling slurs first, it looks like they were looking for an excuse to "defend" themselves. The big question is that temporary tag. One can get temporary tags simply if the VIN matches the vehicle description. So the real determining factor here is who owns the Porsche, what is its actual license status, and who obtained the temporary paper license?
As it turns out, sexual orientation AND political ideology are protected classes under Seattle law; nothing good can come of late night booze on the street w your crews.
Sounds like two different versions of the story. Is it possible that the gay couple threw a drink into the Trump/Vance car first, and started the confrontation? No, that’s impossible. Our side would never do that.
“Neither Mayor Bruce Harrell or City Council Member Joy Hollingsworth has made a public statement about the assault”
Huh? Is this common (I don’t remember similar comments with all of the petty assaults over the past few months).
Just here to shout out the drink marksmanship again. Milkshake level legend
Porsche with "tags" (paper license plates?) from a Kia, and a bat in the car... noooo they weren't looking for trouble....
@3: After a series of stabbings in D2, the Stranger has most definitely NOT asked CM Morales for a statement. (Or for anything else, either.)
(The suspect apparently has nine felony convictions over the past decade, so if the Stranger had asked CM Morales for a statement, she would have lectured on the vital importance of tearing down the carceral state.)
“In the call log, police say they weren’t able to reach the suspect by phone or in person, which suggests that they might have the suspect’s phone number.”
Since one of the suspects called 9-1-1, the police undoubtedly do have the suspect’s phone number. That’s real Sherlock Holmes stuff right there, I should be a detective! 😃
@6 I mean he was convicted 9 times and didn't seem to improve much so the carceral state speaks for itself there. You think round 10 of the same thing will be the ringer?
@8: Another conviction or another stabbing? You choose.
@8: Did he serve any time?
@2 Driving through the part of Capitol Hill noted for gay bars flying a Trump flag with a baseball bat is suspicious and provocative behavior on it's own. So even if the drink was thrown without the guys in the car hurling slurs first, it looks like they were looking for an excuse to "defend" themselves. The big question is that temporary tag. One can get temporary tags simply if the VIN matches the vehicle description. So the real determining factor here is who owns the Porsche, what is its actual license status, and who obtained the temporary paper license?