Photo courtesy of Friends of Girmay



I'm voting for the candidate who prioritizes expanding public transit, which apparently puts Girmay down the list.


I’m hoping we continue to see a good group of candidates - will be interesting to see if any of the local executives (mayors) run as well.


Girmay is basically Sawant. He's a radical, defund the police, social justice, no jail, raise taxes/cost of living type of guy.

We've tried this shit. It's shit.

If you want your rent to increase and safety plummet, Girmay is your guy.


If SeattleLove, possibly the most deranged commenter on this site, is against him he must be doing something right.


@4 I don't know. Just a couple months ago Ashley was telling us he was a sell out


If NFL-loving thirteen12, possibly the most MAGA commenter on this site, is for Girmay, he must be wrong for King County, Seattle and Washington state

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