News Dec 13, 2024 at 8:57 am

It’s Washington’s First Two Anti-Trans Bills of the Season

Just a little treat from Olympia. masaccio



It seems that many governments around the world are starting to address the concerns regarding using puberty blockers on children. It's good that Washington state is also having that conversation--as opposed to making political like The Stranger does to everything. These children need the best care possible--not political divisiveness from The Stranger

The Labor government in the UK banned puberty blockers for children as part of a series of decisions stemming from concerns over the use of these medications in treating gender dysphoria among minors. Their decision was influenced by several factors, one being safety.

Safety Concerns: There have been growing concerns about the long-term health effects of puberty blockers, especially regarding their impact on bone density, fertility, and overall development.

The ban and restrictions on puberty blockers for children in the UK stem from concerns about the safety, long-term consequences, and the capacity of minors to fully understand the risks of such treatments. These actions have been part of a broader reassessment of how best to treat gender dysphoria in minors.

Please consider the children over pushing political doctrine.


@1: Points well taken

Also laws to protect populations within prisons from people convicted of assault seems reasonable.


On the other hand, a gay male prisoner convicted of assaulting men and boy is put in a men's prison. So segregating based on the gender of the assaulter's desire seems futile in the prison system.


Christmas presents are always appreciated, however wouldn't it be more appropriate to call it a "holiday" present, just to be inclusive?

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