News Dec 18, 2024 at 3:17 pm

Forgoes License Suspension in Favor of Keeping Officer on the Road




I thought Davison was going to put stop to catch and release policies and hold people appropriately accountable for the harm they caused. Can't wait for Rahr to reduce this killer cop's punishment to a training referral.


Officer Kevin Dave will be a special guest at Trump's inauguration.


Poor judgement, Officer Dave. If it were me and I received a call for a possible cocaine overdose, I'd finish my coffee and dougnut. And then taken my sweet time about getting there (stopping at all the lights, obeying the speed limits, waving to all the scooter riders). When it comes to prioritizing the life of a pedestrian or a drug user, the druggie gets a distant second place.

When Kevin Dave comes back to work, I hope they put him on a bicycle patrol.


@3 Officers don't assign the priority level to the 911 call. The 911 dispatcher does. Officers just respond to it per department policy. The OD call was a life threatening emergency, the highest level priority so he was actually well within department policy to go at high speed to the call.

Why hasn't anybody linked to the actual SPD report? Not the Seattle Times and not the Stranger? Come on, link to the report so readers can see it for ourselves.

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