News Jan 31, 2025 at 3:42 pm

Interview with Shemona Moreno, REI Pro-Worker Board of Directors Candidate

Shemona Moreno UFCW 3000



REI lost $300 million last year. Last thing they need is a bunch of easily replaceable unionized retail workers. I mean, it's not like this job requires any kind of skill beyond showing up on time and not stealing.


Anyone here think this "proud Latinx & Black woman " could actually run a multi billion dollar business? Pretty sure she couldn't organize a fu*k in a whore house.


" It seems like the capitalist mindset of ‘it wasn't making money, therefore, it wasn't useful.’ But do we always have to be thinking about whether or not something is making money?"

You can't make this sh*t up.


“not just people who have lots of money"

Hmmmmm, maybe a line of equipment for our "urban camping neighbors"?

"3,000 members supporting your candidacy"

Fact check: REI has 24 million members.

"We saw PCC do it and PCC is still around"

Fact check: PCC lost $10 million in 2023. Even more in 2024. Only so many dollars you can squeeze out of gray haired white ladies with "She Persisted" bumper stickers on their Foresters.

Does anyone at the Stranger ask questions anymore? Or did Rich Smith set the standard for Stranger journalism, "give them the best bang for your buck?


Co-Ops are run for the benefit of their members - this is their primary mission (for example, most Co-Ops typically calculate a return to member). Sadly too many of our local Co-Ops have lost their way culturally - I would like to more about this candidate, but barring any red flags, she seems infinitely more qualified then the current group of six figure compensated board members (given the current financial state of the Co-Op these folks are clearly not good at their fiduciary responsibilities).


"clearly not good at their fiduciary responsibilities"

Ah yes, better get someone to run a business who doesn't believe in capitalism.

"'It seems like the capitalist mindset of ‘it wasn't making money, therefore, it wasn't useful.’"


"REI is having an identity crisis. Originally formed as a co-op in 1938, it earned a strong reputation in our community for its commitment to environmental issues, fair treatment of workers, and climate education initiatives. These values fostered generations of loyal customers who felt good about supporting the company."

HUH? Where is this shit coming from? REI started as a way for US consumers to obtain expensive, niche, hard-to-obtain mountain climbing equipment as a group. I was taught this as an REI temp years ago. Shipping from places such as Switzerland was expensive at the time. People saved money by doing so!


@7 Can't the upper middle classes have a coop?


Septum piercings look ugly and gross on ANYONE who has one.


Also, LOL at Krieg & Nerbovig. BYE PSYCHOS!!!!


Also, you incompetent hacks might want to update your masthead before Monday.


@11, I keep looking at the masthead hoping that those two hacks will disapear, but doesn't seem to happen. Five will get you ten that they will be "rehabilited" just like ash was last year and return (not so much Rich, he's toast unless he can f**k his way back in). Unpaid "guest" postings is the way to cheap out. With the new ownership and the union you just had to see this one cuming (sorry Rich)!


@5, @7: Sad to see another once-great Seattle business has lost its way. I remember shopping at the Capitol Hill store, and later, climbing the Pinnacle at the flagship store. They always had what I needed for my skis, board, and cold-weather gear. (As noted, the return-to-members payments were a nice bonus.)

I hope REI can return to its original spirit and greatness.


Hypocrites. Always proclaiming that they want people who actually walk the walk, talk the talk and look the part to represent us then put up a an organizer who doesn't look like they do much outdoor activities. Zero self awareness.


“It seems like the capitalist mindset of ‘it wasn't making money, therefore, it wasn't useful.’ But do we always have to be thinking about whether or not something is making money? Is that a good metric of real value?”

in trumpftopia
Corps' Sole Value
is ‘is it Profitable?’

“There’s a bill in the Washington State Legislature that would require Washington businesses designated as a co-op to include employees on the board and follow a transparent democratic process for elections.”

it’s the olde
vs Stakeholders
War, by/for Profiteers

“… because at the end of the day, they're making all this money, but we're the people who actually buy things. We're the people that work.”

is it Good
for the Citizenry
or just for The Chosen Few?

sure looks like djt’s

perpetually embittered
White Men’re making a Comeback

399 years
of Repression
who tf can Blame them?


The phrase that leaps out is "Does REI want to be one of those companies that's put on a boycott list?"

That reads as "nice store you got here, it'd be a shame if some Social Justice happened to it."

If this is at heart a labor dispute, maybe focus on that and leave the Omnicause out of it. One issue at a time, that's how battles are won.


Guess REI didn't learn from when PCC pulled this crap


I'd vote for her to be on the board.
Non-corporate hack voices are required to keep corporate greed in check. Since our current laws favor greed, anyone who is willing to be the board Jimmy Cricket, chirping the morality of things, I support them.


@18 -- no duh.

in the EU who holds
Big Tech Accountable
Stakeholders're REQUIRED
to be on Boards of Directors

as in
ya Don't
getta take Advantage
of OUR Schoools and Roads
ALL that Other shit and dump

Paying For It onto everyone else.

Fuck off with that shit.

& yet yonder
cometh Thedonolde

Trust in your Instincts
mr president - just
like ya trusted
in Rudy's.



"Non-corporate hack voices are required to keep corporate greed in check."

Since REI lost $300 million last year, I'd say a lack of successful greed is the problem.

But sure, vote for the fat socialist who gets winded walking into a Krispy Kreme from her car.


you be

the daily


REI has been co-opted by the crisis-capitalism system and is little more than a facade of the REI of the 1970's. It is just another business that promotes over consumption, treats its employee as an impediment to profitability and is complicit in the introduction and use of toxic substances in consumer products. REI is synonymous with Gore-Tex and has promoted the use of hazardous materials despite decades of scientific research showing it is contributing to the epidemic of cancers and auto-immune diseases.

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