News Feb 3, 2025 at 3:07 pm

Dangerous Socialist Sponsoring a Bill to (Ahh!) Protect Working People

Beware! A nefarious socialist out here, doing the unthinkable… trying to protect working people. What’s next? Living wages? Healthcare? God forbid, a fair shake? Alex Garland



Who did he have to bang at the Stranger for this puff piece?


'organize a
Union, go
to Jail.'


not to Worry

Thedonolde'll soon
have Plenty enough work
for Everyone -- in his Prison Camps*

*where the pay is slightly less
than what fifth world slave
masters pay theirs

or you can
Skip it and go
Straight to Guantanamo

Rich People
pay to come Whip
the Inmates or pay a little

and get
The Specical


*it's fifty grand
bring your

'it's all about
the Cruelty'?



got an eye
for Au-


Why did Shaun Scott vote to prohibit schools from notifying parents if their child is SEXUALLY ASSAULTED by school employees???
Really, WTF?


You missed out on Scott’s other big things he tweeted out today

HB 1687 - getting the state to pay for social housing everywhere because why limit the grift to just Seattle

HB 1618 allowing cities with more than 500k to set up a non police alternative to 911. I think you’d dial 1312.

HB 1402 stop employers from mandating a drivers license for employment. Let’s that about that one. Why would the job mandate a license? Maybe because you are required to drive?

Anyway look forward to more great legislation like this from Scott’s office.


@6 You're dumb.


Such a clever and insightful comment could only be the result of a public school education.


@7 lol, I take it you're not going to try to defend Scott's legislation. Don't worry I'm sure he's just getting started and we'll have more inanity coming from his office soon. The 1312 line would be perfect for his proposal though seeing as he thinks all cops are murderers.


Look at you immediately resorting to name calling just like Donald Trump.
What else do you have in common with him?


If unions go away, American worker relations get a lot more spicy real fast. This is still a country where you can buy a gun relatively easily, and the people have a long history of shooting people who displease them. If the bosses continue to exploit workers, they're likely to quickly share a common life experience with Brian Thompson real gosh darn fast.


@11,my guess is that "the man" will always have the upper hand in weapons and tactics.


I wonder why Conor Kelley doesn't bother to say what Leg Dist Scott represents?
Does he consider it irrelevant?
He could've simply written "newly elected representative to the 43rd district", adding 4 words total. Why not?


As predicted the "newly elected representative to the 43rd district" went ahead and put this on X today:

"My office is working on a wealth tax proposal to Trump-proof state services from the other Washington’s chaos.

So long as the president is committed to dissolving the republic, state governments must fend for ourselves by funding programs working families depend on."

He's just getting warmed up, next up in rent control no doubt.



The author also could’ve included a link to the bill about establishing a Labor Review Board, or simply its number, the author does for other bills mentioned in the piece.

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