News Oct 29, 2009 at 4:00 am

KIRO Colleagues Had Plenty of Nicknames for Susan Hutchison Before She Ran for King County Executive—None of Them Good


Pure Shite article.

Did she have cue cards when she kicking Dow's ass in the recent debates?

Everyone has low level jealous employee shit-talkers in their past.

Did you interview child cancer patients at Children's Hospital for this article to get the whole picture?

This shit is worse than Glenn Beck. Seriously, Rush Limbaugh journalism.

This is really bad reporting. The Stranger is now lower than the person being reported on. Next, as reported by the Stranger: "Susan Hutchinson: Should she register as a sex offender?"
The teleprompter thing totally made me think of Anchorman. "Go f*ck yourselves, San Diego!"
I'm going to start calling her 'Ginger.'
"...recounting the tale as it was told to him by people who he said had witnessed the event."

That's a solid source you got there, ace.
I'm Ron Burgundy?
Stranger you bad, Hutchinson good. Boo hoo.

Oh, there you go again, Dom, with that ol' Gotcha journalism, tryin' to confuse the Joe Sixpacks out there about Susan and her executive experience and strong fundamental ideals.
And what of our Dear President who is reviled on the Right for his teleprompter reading abilities?

The not-so subtle misogynist undertones of this article are disgusting.
If Susan Hutchison were stupid she would not be endorsed by State Auditor Brian Sonntag, a Democrat, Attorney General Rob McKenna, a moderate Republican, the Seattle Times, the Mayor of Kent, and the Eastside Business Alliance.

Vote for Hutchison. Visit her website.
@1 Yes. Teleprompters are often used in televised "debates"
Another great hatchet job. And another new low. Stick to the facts and stop passing hearsay off as journalism you fucking hack.

@10. The mayor of Kent is a powerhouse player, let me tell you. Oh, and the Seattle Times is a "fair and balanced" newspaper definitely.
I'm no Hutch fan-- can't stand her. But that's all you got?
Dude. I hate it when the side of progressive ideals looks bad as a result of a dumbass rumor-mongering article like this. Come on, people. There are plenty of reasons to vote against Hutchinson and not one of them is covered here. Stupid.
Ha Ha! Dumb people are funny--except when they're running a county with a $5 billion-dollar budget.
I'm all for fair criticism of journalists/writers, but the first half of the comments here are clearly from the Hutchison campaign office, which completely destroys their credibility.
hmmmm....someone is channeling Kenneth Anger today and it's not me.

more, please.

(I heard there's a city council candidate they used to call "The Human Ashtray" in college)
hmmmm....someone is channeling Kenneth Anger today and it's not me.

more, please.

(I heard there's a city council candidate they used to call "The Human Ashtray" in college)
Attention Hutchheads:

I trust you aren't watching FOX NEWS -- because this article is about the same grade of journalism seen on that loathsome excuse for news.
@17 - for the record, I don't see how I'm "clearly from the Hutchison campaign office".
(and PS - I voted for Dow)
I gotta say, this article was the most convincing statement to vote FOR Hutchison that i've come across.
Wow!! Good thing for this article, i was undecided until i read this, now there is no way I can vote for Hutchison!! I almost made a huge mistake, i'm so happy the stranger takes such a serious stance on their reporting! and never makes any jokes!! and doesn't write funny and ironic articles that appeal to their obvious reader base!

Go away hutchheads!
The article probably should have dropped the third-hand hearsay and stuck with the "blah blah blah" story, which a LOT of people remember seeing on the air. That's damning enough. She never was any kind of journalist; she just smiled prettily and read what was on her teleprompter.
Just because she's a dumb preprogrammed robot reading canned scripts to appear normal doesn't mean she shouldn't run for office.

As dogcatcher.
Um, lame. If I wanted to read a random spray of insults laced with misogyny, I'd read comments on ECB posts in the Slog archives.
The Seattle Times endorsed John Kerry, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Dino Rossi, Rob McKenna, Peter Goldmark, and Susan Hutchison.

Just shows why the Stranger should not be one's guide to choosing elected officials. Try reporting some solid, interesting news for a change.
You can find unflattering anecdotes about anyone. Susan still remain better qualified than Dow to meet the needs of King County.
I find a lot of The Stranger's political coverage thought-provoking and important, which is why shit like this shouldn't be published to muck up the works and make the rest of it seem more dubious than it really is.
Go fuck yourself, San Diego.
like I'm gonna believe someone in TV news named Mapes
KIRO used to have a teen advisory program (maybe they still do), and my best friend was a member when we were in high school. She told me way back around 1990 or so that nobody seemed to like Susan and would make pained faces when asked about her. I don't have any detailed dirt, but the impression I had was that she was a princess who didn't take well to not getting her way.
I see the PR flaks for Susan are out in full force in this comments section. The misogynistic accusations are especially interesting... since the article clearly talks about how Kathi Goertzen (whom I've worked with and is a STELLAR journalist) and Jean Enersen are great journalists. Go back to your PR holes, guys--- Susan's probably going to win anyway--- so why bother?
I love the Stranger, but even for them this is a really disgusting article.
Wow. Seriously lame gossipy bullshit, Dominic. I detest Hutchison and voted for Constantine. But this is REALLY FUCKING PATHETIC. Grow the fuck up, man. I know your superiors at the Stranger(read: Dan)are encouraging you to do otherwise, but this truly a travesty of "journalism" and makes me actually miss ECB's shrill "reporting", which is saying a lot.
@15, @31, @37: Eh, get over yourselves. If there were dirt like this on a Democrat the right would not hesitate to trumpet it as much as they could in every news outlet available to them. Trying to "out-nice" the Republicans and claim the moral high ground has always been a losing strategy for the Dems.
@15, @31, @37: Eh, get over yourselves. If there were dirt like this on a Democrat the right would not hesitate to trumpet it as much as they could in every news outlet available to them. Trying to "out-nice" the Republicans and claim the moral high ground has always been a losing strategy for the Dems.
Awww, this article is mean! It`s probably mostly true, but it`s not very nice.
This article is basically a bunch of rumors. I have little doubt that they're true, but that's not the point. It's just gossip.

If you want to take Hutchison down, check out the mailer that Dow Constantine's campaign just sent out. It's a simple checklist of issues showing that he's got what it takes to lead King County and she doesn't. On the back it's got a list of women who endorse Dow and a quote and picture by a woman. It's clearly aimed at suburban women voters and it succeeds by simply telling the truth. If anyone's undecided and sees that, it will work.
not only is this petty, but it's pointlessly petty.
Lame article is lame.
Ummm, sorry but this article just confirms what I've heard from former associates speaking long before she decided to enter politics.
As Susan's former KIRO colleague Richard Pauli said, "She has schooled herself, and she has morphed into an ideologue."

This is right on! Susan Hutchinson is being dishonest with voters about her radical religious views.

Why do Susan's radical religious views matter in this election? Because she served for ten years on the board of the Discovery Institute, which...

-- teaches against evolution and lobbies for so-called 'Intelligent Design' (code word for Creationism) to be taught in public schools. (The Discovery Institute tries to claim it doesn't actually support this, while at the same time it urges states to add religious-based 'Intelligent Design' to school curriculums.)

-- Federal courts have repeatedly ruled against the Discovery Institute in its promotion of religious teachings in schools:

"Its 'Teach the Controversy' campaign aims to teach creationist anti-evolution beliefs in United States public high school science courses. A federal court, along with the majority of scientific organizations, including the American Association for the Advancement of Science, say the Institute has manufactured the controversy they want to teach by promoting a false perception that evolution is 'a theory in crisis', through incorrectly claiming that it is the subject of wide controversy and debate within the scientific community.

In 2005, a federal court ruled that the Discovery Institute pursues 'demonstrably religious, cultural, and legal missions', and the institute's manifesto, the Wedge strategy, describes a religious goal: to 'reverse the stifling dominance of the materialist worldview, and to replace it with a science consonant with Christian and theistic convictions'."

--the above quote is from Wikipedia.

We don't need a radical rigid religious idealogue like Susan Hutchinson promoting such nutty ideas for King County & its schools.

You know who else used gossip and innuendo against political opponents? In the 1930s? In a major nation in central Europe? Need I say it?
Wait... the US is in Europe? In the 1930s? ???
somebody speaking on the condition of anonymity once told me that dominic rimmed dan's ass as he was serviced by an ex-intern from the letterman show.

how's ass aidz taste, mr. reporter?
Doesn't really seem like rumor-mongering when a lot of these quotes were from people who witnessed the behavior. Not all the quotes, true, but a lot.

Just the fact that a local television newsanchor is running for public office is enough to make me not vote for them. It's still just all "cat in tree, film at 11" shit, with few exceptions.
Douchebag Dominic loves to sniff panties and write about it.
This is some seriously weak shit.

Dominic makes ECB look like Bob Woodward.

(And I voted for Constantine.)
Sound like another George W Bush. Just what we need!
This article shouldn't have been written. There's way better ways to slam her without recounting anonymous anecdotes. This is kinda sad.
@28 the times did NOT endorse john kerry. they endorsed Bush for reelection despite everything he'd done to ruin this country. i remember it clearly as it's the #1 reason i dropped my subscription. that said, lame article. she's eminently unelectable for all sorts of proven reasons (e.g.-the b.s. discovery institute).
@ 54) What are you talking about--"anonymous"? Four people are named in the article. They all share sentiments, based on their past experiences, about the intellect of someone who wants the run the county government.
So you're saying she's hot.
She sits on the board of the Discovery Institute. The organization that is trying to destroy science education in the country.

That is all you need to know to determine she is a complete idiot.
Lazy Reporter Ranch, Enumclaw, WA wrote:

"Douchebag Dominic loves to sniff panties and write about it."

Dude, why don't you write about your love of horses...

"Drunk clown in a pant suit" - classic.
This is a truly terrible article. It actually makes me feel SYMPATHY for Susan Hutchison. She may be unqualified but this article was tone deaf. I hope no one reads it and votes for her just out of spite.
Dear Stranger,
I have been a fan and while I'm not surprised by this empty attempt to sway those in your audience, I am disappointed. Your article of pure heresy would only be relevant if I couldn't think for myself. Really though, how many of those people actually vote? Your belief that we are all your sheep has you slipping. The libertarian view point is emerging. I want the government out of my bedroom and out of my purse. We need some production in this town, not just night life.
Voting For Jobs From Now On
#1 must have listened to different debates than I did; in the ones I heard Susan Hutchison said exactly... nothing. She avoided answering any question specifically and didn't really seem to have any ideas.

I'm not sure why her job performance in a position she held for so long shouldn't be scrutinized.
I heard something about someone once.
Wow. This was so badly written. The Stranger's a joke. So pathetic.
@17 - I also wrote an early comment. And I strongly support Dow. Just because I support Dow doesn't mean I can't find this article to be really poor in journalistic integrity.

Our comments do have credibility.
Dominic, thank you for writing this, it's about goddamn time someone did. As she has no experience in government, and as she cites her 20 years as a "journalist" as a huge part of her resume, this is extremely relevant. From what I've heard, pretty much everybody at KIRO (as well as her other jobs) hated her and thinks she's an idiot. She's been given a free pass on this, and frankly it's too late now to get the story out. All these whiners should quite whining, she got off way too easy. Christ, I was waving signs for Dow at a husky game and someone came running up and practically assaulted me, imploring us to attack attack attack. He said he spent 15 years at KIRO making that woman look good, and she doesn't know ANYTHING. He said he would leave king county if she's elected. When the campaign manager asked for his number he went running off, saying "no, you'll report me."
Also Dominic, did anyone mention the incident that several people have noted, when the teleprompter went out and she dove under the desk, leaving her co-anchor (Gary Justice?) to fend for himself?
Suzy is not entirely thick. I worked with her for many years.
But, she is thick enough, and devious enough, to be dangerous.
Sound familiar? Suzy is a blond Palin, with a tiny iota higher ability
to form a sentence. DO NOT VOTE FOR SARAH IN SEATTLE.
The anecdotes quoted in the article are all true, and there are a thousand more from a thousand different former co-workers, including some (from the male perspective) of a harassing nature.
Now, her co-anchor Steve Raible is in another league - intelligent and very hard working and sincere. Kathy Goertzen is not in the same universe - smart, hard-working, and one of the nicest people you'd ever have the pleasure of meeting. Hutchison coasted in from Hawaii and a boner from the former CEO, and has been taking a free ride since. Don't let her take King Co away from reason, science, and thought. Dow ain't Suzy.
Article runs long and has a troubling gossip-to-facts ratio. Good topic but undercooked.
So the P-I dies a merciful death and the only major daily in Seattle endorses Seattle's own "Sarah Palin" for County Executive. I guess people not only get the news coverage they deserve, they just might get the candidate with the best hair and makeup skills...and not much more.
Weak case. She may not be qualified, but this collection of office gossip from people who probably did not work very closely with her does not prove it.
misogyny, misogyny, misogyny, misogyny, misogyny

just keep throwing it at something, it's bound to stick eventually, right?
re: "misogyny" -
Just keep throwing it up as an alleged rationale, as opposed to real, credible accounts describing a person who aspired to run the 14th largest county in the country, where 1/3 of all Washingtonians live, (in other words, not an espresso stand), and it's bound to stick eventually, right?
Were the reservations that a vast majority of the sane citizens of the United States had/have about Sarah Palin "mysogyny"? Are you kidding?
russian girls
Great post!Thank you so much for your post.
interesting post with some nice views, usefull source thanks for sharing.
The timing on this "up date" is concerning. How surprising that a left wing socialist would come up with this bizarre take on Susan.

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