News Sep 19, 2012 at 4:00 am

A Fight Over Coal Trains Shows Just How Hard Noel Frame Is Willing to Hit


"Frame slyly took advantage of a somewhat ambiguous statement Tarleton made on the matter,..."

I'm going to have to look up the definition of "sly." I never realized it was synonymous with "grandstanding," "demagoguery," and "claiming the rhetorical high ground on matters you have zero power to influence."

The argument from Frame is almost as thoughtful as a Newt Gingrich talking point. Categorical? Are you serious?

Prediction: Next week, Frame will accuse Tarleton of apologizing for America. The Stranger will dutifully follow with sycophantic praise and call it "crafty."
Please---let's just keep coal trains from running---PERIOD!!
This race has become a hair-splitting contest between youth and experience. One day, Noel will be the seasoned leader taking hits for taking her time before popping off the next quotable quote. But for now, she is the second-most-qualified candidate for the job. Compare Noel Frame and Gael Tarleton on actual victories won in tough fights where compromise served our kids' futures better than quips. Gael has earned this job. Noel's turn is coming.
Out of Seattle, but coming soon to Coos Bay, Oregon. Please do not simply ship this issue to our rural small town, where we have far fewer organizations and concerned citizen's to fight coal. The Port of Coos Bay is more than happy to accept profits for shipping the dirty coal at the expense of our ecology and community. Lend a hand and ensure that the region as a whole, says no to coal.
The Federal Railway Administration (FRA) has jurisdiction over railroad operations, not state or local governments. The railroads arranged this many, many, years ago, so that they wouldn't have to deal with piss-ant local governments setting speed limits, etc. So if the FRA decides to approve coal traffic through Seattle, then the coal will roll. And Seattle and its Seattleites will damn well like it, too.
A lot of voodoo about nothing.

The Federal Railway Administration (FRA) has jurisdiction over railroad operations, not state or local governments. The railroads arranged this many, many, years ago, so that they wouldn't have to deal with piss-ant local governments setting speed limits, etc. So if the FRA decides to approve coal traffic through Seattle, then the coal will roll.

And Seattle and its Seattleites will damn well like it, too.
The pro-coal-train people say the train is a done deal SOMEWHERE;contact the EPA.

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