News Oct 3, 2012 at 4:00 am

A New Way to Elect the Seattle City Council: By Districts


Cleve Stockmeyer is an asshat. He was part of the "brain trust" behind the Seattle Monorail Project. His perspectives on local government issues suck cock, and not in a good way.

Hey Dominic -- put a little effort in, willya? You're just copying the "news" from Crosscut:…
Instead of an immature ad hominem, why don't you give us your brilliant perspective on local government issues; how would you propose to improve democracy and governance in Seattle?
Anything shy of district voting is in violation of the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act;most cities in the USA use it;Action Seattle wants to convert to a mixed system (where some city-council seats are decided by at-large voting,while others are filled via district voting).The ACLU and various so-called civil-rights groups are,for the most part,moot on the subject (including the Brennan Center,Public Citizen,and the National Lawyers' Guild).Fuck them all;sue the City of Seattle in federal court(and sue the bourgie bassturds for not implementing PUBLIC-ONLY financing for PUBLIC-office campaigns!!!
The state's human rights commission and the commission's on both African-American,Asian-American,and Hispanic-American affairs don't seem to give a fuck about the deleterious effect the absence of district voting has on certain historically-oppressed demographic groups.The Win/Win Coalition does (majority-minority electoral districts for both the county council and the state's legislature are goals the coalition has campaignes for).CALL the DoJ;tell them to investigate
This "Districts" arrangement is B.S. It's used in Chicago to easily buy off one single alderman in their ward - ie fiefdom instead of having the support of the entire council. The arrangement has lead to create corruption and fleecing of city tax dollars. Business interests (especially developers) love it in Chicago, it's really easy to put up their stooge for election every time.
Win/Win Network (did you know that Seattle DID have district voting three GENERATIONS ago??Pfft! (And ALL true World-Class cities have use district voting AND have genuine Leftists holding municipal seats. ... .Just sayin' . . . . *rolls eyes in Disgust*)Pfft!!!
This is an interesting map. Although I could see a lot of downtown powers that be fighting it as it seems their voting base could be diminished by dividing it between three districts. Also, I wonder what effect having the port divided by two districts (1 & 2) will be?

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