News Nov 14, 2012 at 4:00 am

Coal Train Companies Are Suddenly Facing Meetings Packed with Protesters


The reason for exporting coal to China and Japan is because we need the money. We voted to continue trillion dollar deficits, to continue the food stamp, 99 week of unemployment, and Social Security disability gravy train. To implement Obamacare. And so we propose to cut off access to our coast for coal trains? Digging up the coal, hauling it to the coast in trains and selling it to China generates tax revenue. Get it?
I find it amazing that the same people who believe the global warming scam will nevertheless fail to consider the effect of trillion dollar deficits leading to a meltdown of our currency on our future generations. I find it amazing that here is BNSF proposing to create jobs for our longshoremen and the tutti frutti urban liberals with whom the ILWU are allied are trying to stop this. At least the United Mine Workers FINALLY figured out that Obama and the tutti fruttis are not on their side! Took 'em long enough.
@1: Debt is purely a human construct. Respiratory diseases and climate change are dictated by the laws of physics and hard sciences. You're cute though, thinking your little backwards thoughts.
Vitriol, if coal dust is really that big a problem, we can always require that the coal hoppers be covered with lids. Given that human use of carbon containing fuels amounts to about 4% of the carbon cycle, and that carbon dioxide is but a small contributer to the climate, water vapor and the power output of the Sun being much larger contributers, trying to control the climate by restricting fossil fuel use is like trying to control volcanic activity by sacrificing virgins.
Debt is a human construct. So is money. So is eviction for failure to pay rent or losing your home in a trustee sale because you could not pay the mortgage. These events in your life can have a far more profound effect on your health than a few trains rolling through the tunnel beneath downtown Seattle hauling coal.
When the National Debt blows up, we will find out that the United States is not too big to fail. We can fail. When that happens, any climate change will be the least of our problems.

I believe you're looking for

Denial of basic scientific fact tends to go over a lot better of their message boards. I doubt you're going to make much headway here.
Roger Knight is funny. I think he might want to be a "scientist" when he grows up. However, he more likely will be a lobbyist/quisling; he's good at repeating wishful thinking mumbo jumbo.

He would have been one of the Vatican's favorites when they went after Galileo. Hmm, would he have been a "Tutti Fruiti" too, like anyone else who believes in scientific methodology over backward, confused, mythology?
Hmm, no mention of how this will bring high paying, blue collar union jobs to Bellingham. Also, these coal trains have been going by my work nearly every day for the last few years. Other than the grinding wheels that make ear piercing noise, I've never seen this mystical coal dust or had any problems breathing.

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