News Mar 11, 2015 at 4:00 am

A Family of Medical Marijuana Growers, Facing 10 Years in Prison, Was Recently Acquitted on Almost All Charges Against Them

The jury's decision in the case of the "Kettle Falls Five" sends a message. As one pot legalization activist put it, that message is: "Can we please stop wasting taxpayer dollars on these types of cases?"


No matter what they call themselves—DEA, Joint Task Force, Municipal Drug Agency....seemingly ad infinitum—the out-of-control Law Enforcement Industrial Complex entities are increasingly desperate ...they know the writing's on the wall, that their anti-marijuana charade is winding down. These badged bozos of the pot war are thankfully a dying breed—but it's clear they're not going to slink away quietly into the night.

It's amazing to me that the federal government has been peddling this abject nonsense about weed for, like, forever. The upshot is that no college student in America believes *anything* the government says about drugs, because of the blatant fiction that weed is on par with (or worse than) crystal meth, heroin & cocaine.

That's why it is so gratifying that the jury saw through the Feds' BS in this case. Slowly but surely the unjust, costly war on pot is coming to an end ...and btw how much was spent pursuing & prosecuting the Kettle Falls Five? ...$1, 2, 3+ Million? Shame on the DEA, and especially shame on the politicians who continue to give them cover for their nefarious operations!
Words you should know: " jury nullification"; " citizen's arrest"; " adverse possession".

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