
I am outraged at your glorification of the Goat-Exclusionary Radical Sheepist boy whose coercive sheep oppression effectively occupied goat space and erased all of the goat competitors at the Goatalympics. What may look like a folksy whimsical fundraiser to you is a matter of LIFE AND DEATH for the vulnerable goat community. You lack the capric knowledge and language necessary to responsibly report on the subject in a way that would not feed into the narrative of anti-goat sheeple.
I missed this year (had to go to a wedding, and apparently "GOATS!" isn't a good enough excuse to miss someone's nuptials), but glad to see the little boy and his not so little sheep is back. Last year for the talent contest they did a "magic show" where he led the sheep into a pop up box and ran around with a magic wand. Meanwhile the dad, crouched down in the box, but bunny ears and a tail on the sheep, then the kid led the sheep out. It was so cute I no joke wept and then called like three people to tell them about it.

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