
About the girl with the long distance boyfriend, I want to say something to the boys about this. GUYS: If your woman has been away from you for a while, and she then feels "loose" when you fuck, it isn't proof that she cheated on you; dry vagina feels tight, wet vagina feels loose(r). If she felt wetter than usual (thus looser), I would take it as proof that she probably hasn't fucked in a while. (And that you're terrible at foreplay for not getting her as wet most other times.)

Your woman would have to be fucking someone who has a dick that's as fat around as a newborn baby for her vagina to get noticeably stretched. To add to that, if you have been beating off with a death grip in the interim, her vagina will also feel noticeably looser by comparison. (DUH!)

Could she be cheating on you? Yeah, sure. But unless her being more wet that usual is because there is a shitload of fresh semen in her vagina, I wouldn't use "looseness" as a reason to accuse of her of it. That's all I have. Thank you for your time and attention...
TSARY, are you guys aware that this podcast and last week's sound kind of unedited? In the middle of the rapist call, Dan doubles back in a way that sounds like he expected part of his response to be cut.
Douche is DEFINITELY a slur against women, with implications of dirty vaginas and female shame. Dan's excuse that in his mind a douche could be intended for a man's ass is ridiculous. The VAST majority of people would say that a douche is for a vagina and an enema (NOT douche) is for an asshole. This reminds me of the white guy who told me it was ok for him to use the word nigger because for him the term applied to both whites and blacks. Nice try, Dan, but it is very unpleasant to hear you using douche as a perjorative when you are supposedly sex-positive and anti-bullying.
Regarding the pause in the rape call mentioned by @2, I think I fell madly in love with Dan when he said "that doesn't make any sense!" and then had to think for a bit. I wish all his responses were unedited like this, but then I'm a lover of outtakes and messy moments.

As for using the word douche, whatever. I'm a woman, I'm a feminist, and I don't care. Not worth fighting over.
@1 - I was thinking the same thing when listening to that call. The caller said she had not even played with her toys. When a woman hasn't had sex or masturbated in a while, they get much wetter during sex, which probably feels "looser".
@1 - right on.

@3 - get over yourself. Words mean different things in context. As a woman, I have no problem with using the word "douche" as a pejorative. It's actually probably the word I utter most frequently when stuck in NYC traffic.

On a related note, I do douche. I don't use that ridiculous vinegar stuff, but I have a reusable bag and I douche with warm water when my period is over to make sure everything is squeaky clean before sex. Does that mean I'm ashamed of my vagina and think it's dirty? No, it just means I don't want to have the vaginal version of santorum all over my sheets if there's still some menstrual fluid that hasn't yet worked it's way out. I'm a bit grossed out by period sex.

@3 Maybe I'm totally off on this one, but if anything, douche is a slur against men--a douche(bag) is a "tool" women occasionally stick in themselves. The slur against women would be "scrotum washer".

But can't we all just get along while acknowledging the general desirability of genital cleanliness?
@7......I agree. Can't we all just get over ourselves? Considering that Dan's column was originally "Hey Faggot", I am so beyond calling anyone out on being a douche (like myself). I'm also confused & confounded by all of the hullabaloo (I hope I spelled that right) in regards to the former name of Rick Perry's former hunting spot. The fact that Perry is a HUGE douchebag is completely divorced from the fact that he's (more than likely) a racist, self-hating homo. Also, I loved Dan's little sidetracking on the pope.
Man boobs.... Yes, if you're overweight, it happens, so get in shape! In my early 20's, however, I was actually told by doctors that I was under-weight, so why did I have man boobs? My mother, in response to me telling her I was gay, decided I should have my hormones checked. Well, the doctors found estrogen within a normal range for a man (actually on the lower end of normal), and more than normal range on testosterone. The reason for man boobs? In the doctor's terms, "gynecomastia". (doctor speak for "man boobs") Technically, my body had a jacked up reaction to the natural estrogen running through it that caused actual breast tissue to develop.

My solution? Plastic surgery. In 2007, I went to a plastic surgeon to correct this genetic oddity. I can take my shirt off in the summer now without feeling self-conscious, so I'd say it was a good choice.
About the girl whose boyfriend thinks she is cheating: Those are MUSCLES, and like any muscle, the LESS it's used, the looser it will feel. I went through the same thing when I lost my virginity--the guy thought i was lying because he said I wasn't tight enough. But the more you use those muscles, the tighter they get. So you could say that the fact that you were looser is just proof that you have not been using those muscles.

This is a particularly good podcast...Loved it.
Re: surgery for gynecomastia ("man boobs") - I work for plastic surgeons, and it's my job to get insurance coverage for this (and many other) plastic surgery procedures. In my experience, MANY insurance companies will cover gynecomastia excision (sometimes called "male breast reduction"), as long as you meet their criteria. How do you know if you meet their criteria? Call the customer service number on the back of your insurance card and ask. The rep will be able to tell what's covered and what's not. Or, check out the provider section of your insurance company's website, and look for a link to "Medical Policy" or "Utilization Management" or something to that effect. You may need procedure codes to look up the policy, which are; 19300 (gynecomastia excision) and 611.1 (breast hypertrophy). Good luck!
haha terrible editing on this show, Dan and company! Although the little blooper was cute!
I generally agree with Dan's advice to the guy with gynecomastia. If your breasts are making you miserable (and it sounds like they are), surgery may be a good option. A few small counterpoints, though:

1) My boyfriend has gynecomastia, and I totally dig it. Although I'm a guy, so that may be small comfort to you personally.

2) There ARE women who like men with boobs - I've met some! How many there in total I don't know, but they do exist.

3) The surgery will kill all sensitivity in your nipples. If nipple stimulation is something you enjoy, you'll need to choose whether the trade-off is worth it to you. (Someone feel free to correct me if this is inaccurate...)

Best of luck, whatever your decide!
I got gynecomastia surgery in July, so today's podcast was very relevant. As a gay guy who tries to stay in shape, it frustrated me to no end that guys much heavier than me had flatter chests. I didn't even realize that you could be really skinny and still have man boobs until recently. I'm 5'11, 185 lbs so I always thought that if I lost 10 more lbs the boobs would go away.

My doctor's actually doing the surgery in two passes. He said if he removed too much fat and breast tissue in the first procedure it would leave the chest with a "deflated" look. Dr. Law suggested doing an initial surgery in which he removed most of the fat and breast tissue, then, after letting the skin tighten back up (9-12 months), he would perform a second surgery to remove the rest.

I had the first surgery two months ago and honestly I don't see why he couldn't have removed all of it in one swoop. Right now the only difference I see is that it doesn't looks like I have boobs when my nipples are soft. The first surgery cost $4900 and the second costs $1800, which is still in the typical range for the gyne surgery, so it's not like he's trying to squeeze extra money out of me.

I still have scarring around my nipples but I still have some sensation there. YMMV. Finally, check out Their forums have a lot of people sharing their own personal experience and some doctors answer questions there as well. Best of luck!
This is for the guy with the man boobs. Honey, don't get the surgery! There are women out there who find man boobs hot, me included.
Sorry Dan, "douchebag" is misogynist. 99% of people think of vaginas when they think of douching; enemas are for asses. Though it was kind of amusing to listen to you go through all the mental gymnastics to justify your decision to keep saying "douchebag." Wouldn't it just be easier to drop all the justifications and make the decision not to say something that offends people--even if you don't think they should be offended? Intent really doesn't matter, the fact that you yourself are part of a marginalized group doesn't give you a pass, what matters is that people have told you they're offended/hurt, yet you choose to uphold the sexist status quo by taking a product that is associated with women/vaginas and using it as an insult. Don't you know that the first step toward being a good ally is to LISTEN and BELIEVE when someone of a marginalized group (in this case, women) tells you they're hurt by something you've said? It's really not that hard.

And yeah, some women still douche with Summer's Eve-type products, and some fucked up old-fart doctors still recommend douching with same. (On the other hand, a douche with something like diluted apple cider vinegar or peroxide can be useful for certain conditions, like yeast infections or BV.)
RE: the whole douche debacle, here's a different way to look at it.

(Assume for a moment we are talking about vaginal douches, not anal douches.)

What is a douche, exactly? It's a product that is marketed by exploiting women's insecurities about their bodies, about their natural, healthy vaginas. It is an unnecessary, frequently harmful, shame-inducing invention, and I have no problem associating that with unlikeable, assholish people.

If anything, I think that decrying 'douche' as a misogynist insult is granting undue value to the vaginal douche. Fuck vaginal douches. What have they ever done for us anyway?
Wait a minute, Dan just said that a woman who says she was raped might be lying, and you people are arguing about whether or not a playground insult is sexist? I made popcorn because I was hoping to see an epic war of the sexes, and all I get is this bullshit? Come on people! If the comments using terms like "objectively pro-rape" and "feminazi" aren't forthcoming, I'm outta here.
@3 &16: Can you back up your assertions about the "vast majority of people" and "99% of people" with stats? I don't think people my age even know that vaginal douches still exist. They seem like one of those things that was hot in the '70s that in retrospect seems leotarded, like pet rocks or something.
Douches are unnecessary and those who believe in them will try to tell you differently.
This statement applies to both Summer's Eve and Rick Perry.
C'mon, dammit! Someone do some mansplainin' to the manhaters!
Douche isn't sexist or whatever, that level of needing to take offense at anything is problematic, there are way too many folks these days looking for a way to be aggrieved.

Never mind the fact that this term generally is used against men.

As for the suicide, the narrative is convenient but the concern is that the story is probably more complicated than the convenient narrative. If you want to kill yourself you will, most people gay or straight wont, and kurt cobains of the world don't kill themselves because they were bullied. Like the phoebe prince story this might be more complicated, so I wouldn't be so fast to jump on the bandwagon.
As a trans man, I can totally sympathize with the caller who has gynecomastia. I had top surgery to get rid of my breasts; expensive but totally worth it, to be able to have your shirt off in public and not slouch. I'm now going through expensive physical therapy and using medical braces to help correct my rounded shoulders and slouching posture, since I had been slouching and curling inward to hide my breasts since puberty. I highly recommend having surgery if they are getting in the way of your everyday life.

Depending on the type of surgery you have, there can be loss of nipple sensation, although often it's only a 50% chance. A lot of guys end up having limited or even full sensation in one or both nipples. I can't feel most of my chest around the surgery site, but I never had erotic sensation in my nipples anyway so I don't mind at all.

In the meantime before surgery, or while considering it, please look into getting a binder. Underworks is a great place to get binders. They'll flatten your chest and give you more confidence, and save your posture. Binding is a good intermediary step while you consider your options with surgery, though it can be uncomfortable for long periods of time.
As far as douche or douchebag, go, I don't think of them as sexist terms. When I think of douching I still think of vaginal rather than anal, but I personally like the way the noted feminists over a Shakesville justify the term:

"Douching was a terribly anti-woman practice designed to make women feel ashamed about their natural body odor. Repeated douching can wash away the lining of the uterus, making it not just pointless but dangerous. So, when one needs a word to describe, say, our pointless and dangerous former president, one would be hard-pressed to find a better word than douchebag."
Anyone else think that Dan was way too harsh toward the small dicked boyfriend of the loose vagina woman?
After all, he did not suspect her of cheating for no reason - he had a reason even if it was a misguided one. And of course he is going to be insecure to an extent - both because of his low endowment and because of inherent insecurity of long distance relationships. The girlfriend should cut him some slack and give him the skinny on vaginal mechanics explained here - if he is satisfied with that, good; if not, only then should she consider taking Dan's advice and leave him.
To the guy having a hard time with new partners after a breakup: I went through that during a moderately painful divorce. Running into disfunction while trying to fuck my way back to mental health. I think it was depression. Could that be what's going on with you?
@19: why did you say "leotarded" instead of "retarded" while defending use of the term douche as a slur?

Dan's justification for why he thinks "douche" is fine as a slur--because in his mind, a douche is for an ass, not a vagina--is what convinced me the word is offensive. Anything that requires such a convoluted excuse cannot be justifiable. What if I said using "aids fag" as a slur was ok, because I vacationed in England, so when I say "aids fag" I'm actually just thinking of a helpful cigarette?
@27: Because "retarded" actually is offensive. There actually are people who have mental retardation in this world, and saying that something is "retarded" implies that those people are worth less than other people.

Douchebag, on the other hand, shouldn't actually offend anyone, because anal douching might be considerate, but it's also pretty gross. And your example is totally bizarre. "aids fag"? Why on earth would "helpful cigarette" be a good insult? How can a cigarette be helpful?

Your advice to the man separating from his wife may cost him the house in his eventual divorce.

In most States, monogamy is one of the core marital obligations. Whatever the moral truth is, the "vows" are not legally suspended until the divorce is final. Until then, you aren't a free agent. Sex with other people is one of the grounds for an "at-fault" divorce. This can be important because it often shifts the division of assets in favor of a non-cheating spouse.

However, someone's right to use the adultery claim against their spouse can often be waived. In that way, a trial separation is just like a "break" in a non-marriage relationship: you have to /actually have a conversation/ about your intentions of sleeping with other people.

So, he should probably ask his divorce attorney about how what hoops he needs to jump through in his State to have sex during the separation without risking all his worldly possessions.
When I call someone a douchebag I always think I am using a foreign slur. I don't connect it with douching at all. I know what a douche is, but I've never met someone who used one.
I think gynecomastia is hot. Spanish actor Javier Bardem has it on one side more than the other, a gay porn actor from the 90's who went by Stony has it. It shows up in porn every once in a while and it irks me that no one takes advantage of it, plays it up and I can't find anyone else who thinks it's hot or any trove of photos.

I, like the other poster who's into it, am a gay guy. I don't think that means only gay guys are into it. Generally what I find hot about a man there's also a woman who finds the same thing attractive. I'd like to hear more about the specifics of what chicks think is hot. Like do you like hairy pubes or shaved or a dick that curves up. There are guys who like large clits or large, meaty labia and other specific things that arent full-blown fetishes just features. Tons of gay guys like foreskin, for exampe. I suspect women dont have that kind of attachment to details so I'd like to hear what ladies have to say for themselves.

Back to gyno boy, it sounded from his tone of voice like even though he wanted to be told how to get rid of them, he somewhat wantd to hear hes ok as-is like he was maturing into a point of view where he's old enough now he can choose who sees his chest and maybe he's growing into being able to own it as his uniqueness. As you get out of high school and college, you tend to show your bod only to really intimate people - lovers but also just friends you're swimming with and not the entire boys gym class, so the shame and discomfort decrease.

Funny thing is having said I think gyno is hot, if I could snap my fingers and change my body, I would get my nipples reduced. Big gum-drop nipples run in my family and in my self-hating twenties, I pierced them myself and they're bug and yukky in my opinion. Its the profile of them; they're a little like a tiny sac loosely tied on. I would like them more if they were at the points of boobs but on a bony man chest they're odd. I actually took birth control pills I ripped off for long enough to get a little gyno going and it was starting to look cool in that "oh it's kind of wrong which makes it kinky and hot" way. I can understand if you want to get a change and it's your body and follow your instincts. About numbness, youre likely to get paresthesia - funny feelings. I had lung surgery where the incision was very large but no part of it was closer than 3 inches to my nipple and I lost sensation to a while section of my chest including my nipple then it came back along the way the feeling was weird and prickly like a foot that had fallen asleep until it finally feels 99% normal like 6 years later.

Lastly if you get the operation, go to a specialist. They're easily searchable. I tricked with a guy who had had breast cancer. Yes, the same small amount of breast tissue all men have that can grow in gynecomastia can also become cancerous, although he refused to use the word breast, preferring chest cancer. Whatever hack did his operation left him with a horizontal fold in his pec muscle that had a nipple hidden in it.

Follow your gut.

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