
Hillarly doesn't owe anyone an apology over mass incarceration.
How dare you talk shit about hyper-violent youth gangs, Hillary.
Thank the FSM someone had the courage to confront Clinton on this.
Good for Hillary! She's got my vote!
Rah rah for mass incarceration? What the fuck people?
David Duke totally endorsed the wrong candidate - at least Clinton has a chance of winning.
i loathe hillary clinton, and tend to agree with BLM on a number of issues, but come on, nobody owes someone that interrupted them an answer about anything.
I'd vote Trump before ever voting Hillary. Let it all burn.
The protester makes it sound as if Hillary was talking about all African-Americans when she said that 22 years ago. She wasn't. Therefore she doesn't owe an apology to anyone. Use your time to challenge your real enemies - the Republicans who want to roll back every bit of progress on civil rights.

And why should Hillary be required to change her speaking topics because of one person who interrupts her? That would just set the precedent that, hey, if you want Hillary to talk about something, just interrupt her.

Gotta think on her feet, not be self-righteous and dismissive. I have no doubt she'd be cheered for treating any other protester the same way, but I also suspect that not a few supporters especially liked seeing a disruptive black woman put in her place.
I like Bernie.
I like Hillary.
I don't like people who think they have identity-based entitlement to be rude.
@10: Pretty much.
Check your facts, Ansel.
You can usually find videos of exactly what Hillary said.
Oh man... I can see the add for the general election now: Hillary voiceover: "They are often the kinds of kids that are called 'super-predators.' No conscience, no empathy, we can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel" slow zoom into very sympathetic pictures of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and etc.

God I hope she gets the nomination...
@10 is right, but since we're not in the middle of a campaign appearance ourselves, we can talk about it...
I really don't think that anyone at the time of Hilary's "quote" was looking to incarcerate all black youth or even trying to necessarily increase the number of minority prisoners, well at least not on the D side of things. They meant well in trying to tackle a spike in crime, but we all know that it didn't quite work out that way and has had disastrous impacts on many people and their communities (much as the drugs themselves were doing at the time). Now, the better question is to ask if our candidates understand this and are willing to act to fix it? On the Democratic side they are. Do you think Trump will? That's who this young woman ought to be harassing.
@10 nailed it.
@10 @16 she was talking about AA: Hillary Clinton's black history:…
[often using her own words and with contemporaneous footage]
@15: the above video does show the real world consequences that her words have embodied

More videos like the above and articles (such as this one written by law professor, Michelle Alexander:… ) are reminding folks about the Clinton's true legacy regarding AA.
Nonsense that we were on drugs was a legacy of Clinton only -- goes back decades from Nixon and earlier -- get your history straight before you opine.
christ, these comments. did anyone else watch the same video I did? has anyone else here read 'the new jim crow'?

all white presidential candidates need to speak to this issue. a real power play by hillary here would have been to sit down with this girl and talk to her.

but then she wouldn't be 'strong' or whatever. 'this is why i love hillary she's so strong so cunning' etc.

compassion requires strength and hillary looks like a grade A coward here.
This 1996 speech is a perfect example of Clinton's lack of core progressive principles. "Black superdator youth" threatening to take over our cities was a racist corporate media trope of the 90's and sure enough, HClinton regurgitated that notion to position herself advantageously and justify a police and judicial crackdown rather than argue for social welfare and jobs. As for those people claiming that it is OK to say what she did because she didn't say 'all black people' have some serious soul searching to do because Reagan never said either that all black people were welfare queens (among other terrible things he alluded to about black Americans).
I love how people strive to give Clinton a pass on EVERYTHING, as if they would even DREAM of attributing as much nuance to candidates they dislike as they do to Clinton's "super predator" comment.

Meanwhile, decades ago Sanders says that rape fantasies are pretty common in women and the same people cast him as some kind of rape advocate.

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