As of 2012, there were more African-Americans in prison or jail or on probation or parole than were enslaved in 1850.
As of 2012, there were more African-Americans in prison or jail or on probation or parole than were enslaved in 1850. txking/Shutterstock

I agree with just about everything that Dan said about Bernie supporter Susan Sarandon's flippant stupidity on MSNBC last week, where she brushed off the possibility of a Trump victory by claiming it would lead to a glorious revolution. Especially this part:

It's easy for white people with a lot of money to fantasize about what might happen if Donald Trump gets elected... because if Trump's election doesn't bring the revolution, if his election only visits misery on Mexicans, Muslims, African Americans, LGBT Americans, women who get abortions, etc., the wealthy and white can jet off to their homes in France and wait it out.

As an antidote to that kind of thinking, you should watch this interview by Chris Hayes, the same host who incredulously interviewed Sarandon, with acclaimed author and scholar Michelle Alexander, the author of "The New Jim Crow." I wrote in January about Alexander's criticisms of the Clintons, who, she explained, embraced and expanded mass incarceration in America. Readers left some thoughtful comments pointing out that the 1994 crime bill was widely supported, including by some black leaders, at the time. Alexander answers that point and others, and, interestingly, she stops short of fully endorsing Sanders: