Ansel's dumb ass might not think the Baltimore riots so "admirable" if he got to watch his city burn, watch as his neighbors are reduced to living on the street, their homes nothing but a burnt shell, his neighborhoods get flooded with cheap drugs from the looted pharmacies, and have to lay down on the floor in fear of the bullets fired by those "righteous" rioters flew through the city.
Not to mention the orgy of theft and assault that went on afterwards. I had to stay up all night with a baseball bat, sitting in front of my door as the neighborhood was looted. Twice groups of hooded, armed men tried to force their way into my home. I thought I was going to die that night. Thankfully the deadbolt held.
Fuck everyone who tries to legitimize the violence and wanton destruction of rioting. You may think differently if it ever got close to your naïve, sheltered ass.
It seems to me that you're saying that encouraging violence is the same thing as violence. Which may or may not be true--but I'd hold that it is a new definition of the word.
@2: Word.
Your average revolutionary is so certain of the glorious new world to follow that they will excuse whatever acts of destruction their side perpetrates. Revolutionaries are a blight on humanity except in the direst of cases.
When anti-capitalists post videos, they post them to YouTube, a product of pure capitalism that guarantees that the anti-capitalist video will deliver more money to capitalists.
@2 Except that NOT A SINGLE home was burnt down. A CVS, a Payday Loan place, and a construction site were burnt down. I would challenge you to find me one example of a person's home being burnt in Baltimore or Ferguson.
@11 Tell that to the coworker we had a donation drive for, asshole. I am sure the tears she shed after being gifted a new bed for her child were completely fake.
When anticap busts a car window out of an innocent citizen it's a major crime, when multinational corporations ransack neighborhoods with subprime loans and pilfer countries of their labor with collapsing factories, well, that's just a unintended consequence.
Mass media have associated Anarchy with random acts of violence, often performed by provocateurs, and now some doofus believes that committing randoms acts of violence is anarchy? is that a form of blowback?
Not to mention the orgy of theft and assault that went on afterwards. I had to stay up all night with a baseball bat, sitting in front of my door as the neighborhood was looted. Twice groups of hooded, armed men tried to force their way into my home. I thought I was going to die that night. Thankfully the deadbolt held.
Fuck everyone who tries to legitimize the violence and wanton destruction of rioting. You may think differently if it ever got close to your naïve, sheltered ass.
Your average revolutionary is so certain of the glorious new world to follow that they will excuse whatever acts of destruction their side perpetrates. Revolutionaries are a blight on humanity except in the direst of cases.