Moore is a creep but the Clintons are way bigger creeps,
The Democrats nominated Clinton for PRESIDENT so try not to be too surprised if folks don't set their hair on fire about Moore.
Alabama is a red state because it doesn't have any real cities. Birmingham, Montgomery, and Mobile are all Bellevue sized. We are becoming a nation of liberal city-states floating in a sea of red towns and villages. All the money and jobs are in the big cities, but only rich, educated (and therefore increasingly liberal) people can afford to live in those cities. The mouth-breathers sit on the porch pickin' tunes elsewhere. This is born out by the fact that the 472 counties that voted for Clinton have 64% of the national GDP, vs the 2584 counties that supported Trump only having 36% of the GDP. The people with the money being an electoral minority (owing to that fucking electoral college) and the people in power having no money- what could possibly go wrong?
Hillary is several orders of magnitude worse than Moore.
Did you not read Sydney's moving post?
"If you know there's a sexual harasser in your party-Bill Clinton- and you don't do something about him, more sexual harassment will continue. If you're cool with that because of political calculus or whatever else-Hillary Clinton-, you're not just as bad as the Republicans. You're worse."
Don't expect anyone to give a flying fuck about Moore until you deliver Bill and Hillary's heads on a pike.
@7: Clinton Derangement Syndrome can strike anywhere, regardless of political affiliation. All it needs is a certain level of gullibility and/or stupidity to infect its host.
All this talk about child molestation seems to have made people forget that Roy Moore is shockingly racist, sexist, and homophobic, and has contempt for the law. He believes the country would be better off without the 14th Amendment. He believes homosexuality should be recriminalized. He believes women belong in the home, subservient to their husbands. He believes his particular flavor of religion is the only one that matters. He defied the court so that he could display his tacky-ass Ten Commandments tchochkes in public buildings.
In short, he's a bigot. If you vote for Roy Moore, you're a bigot too.
Something to keep in mind about the race being "close" is that the "Bradley effect" is almost certainly a factor, though in this case it's tribalism and not racism. I suspect that AL is probably going to vote for Moore, but polling isn't indicating that because some in AL don't want to admit such an unpopular view, even to an anonymous pollster.
And in doing so, they'll give the rest of us ample justification to dismiss the south (or, at the very least, Alabama) as a collection of gullible, ignorant hicks for another decade or more, for all the good it will do us.
Murray had been sued and accused long before he ran for mayor.
The "Progressive" power structure covered for him, he spent years before and while in office attacking those he had abused.
Murray's crimes and the evidence trail before and during his term as mayor far surpass what Moore has been accused of.
The rest of the country is unable to hear what The Left claims about Moore because the actions of The Left protecting politically favored abusers is deafeningly loud....
@8: what's funny is you agree with sydney, and i don't.
chasing teen tail aside, who would you vote for anyway, jones or moore? a milquetoast bureaucrat or a twice-impeached theocrat? just another giant douce or shit sandwich choice, amirite?
@24 holy shit balls you stupid troll. How many more logical fallacies are you going to go for? Do you have a quota?
Let's see. So far there's the old Alt Right favorite the "Whatboutism." Then the plain 'ol Tu Quoque. Then the perennial "Strawman."
Go for "Reductio ad absurdum" and we have a bingo!
As long as your being reductive you might want to consider an aphorism that is at least morally consistent like maybe: "Two wrongs don't make a right."
Because your derails into Murray are failures for the simple fact he resigned under pressure from liberals.
Nobody is arguing we should've kept Murray. But you're continually arguing in defense of Trump (rapist) and Moore (pedophile). Pretty shitty trolling, really.
The Democrats nominated Clinton for PRESIDENT so try not to be too surprised if folks don't set their hair on fire about Moore.
fuck off with that weak shit.
Hillary is several orders of magnitude worse than Moore.
Did you not read Sydney's moving post?
"If you know there's a sexual harasser in your party-Bill Clinton- and you don't do something about him, more sexual harassment will continue. If you're cool with that because of political calculus or whatever else-Hillary Clinton-, you're not just as bad as the Republicans. You're worse."
Don't expect anyone to give a flying fuck about Moore until you deliver Bill and Hillary's heads on a pike.
And Murray is several orders of magnitude worse than Moore.
The Democrats have ZERO credibility playing the moral outrage card.
Aaaaand there it is the inevitable "Whataboutism" logical fallacy from the shit piles of the Alt-Right Troll Brigade.
You voted for Trump - a money laundering, draft dodging, trust fund baby, traitor, rapist, pile of shit. How about THAT for a whataboutism.
In short, he's a bigot. If you vote for Roy Moore, you're a bigot too.
And in doing so, they'll give the rest of us ample justification to dismiss the south (or, at the very least, Alabama) as a collection of gullible, ignorant hicks for another decade or more, for all the good it will do us.
Child rape is a real thing and when The Left trivializes it to cover their own disgusting record it is evil.
Murray had been sued and accused long before he ran for mayor.
The "Progressive" power structure covered for him, he spent years before and while in office attacking those he had abused.
Murray's crimes and the evidence trail before and during his term as mayor far surpass what Moore has been accused of.
The rest of the country is unable to hear what The Left claims about Moore because the actions of The Left protecting politically favored abusers is deafeningly loud....
chasing teen tail aside, who would you vote for anyway, jones or moore? a milquetoast bureaucrat or a twice-impeached theocrat? just another giant douce or shit sandwich choice, amirite?
Let's see. So far there's the old Alt Right favorite the "Whatboutism." Then the plain 'ol Tu Quoque. Then the perennial "Strawman."
Go for "Reductio ad absurdum" and we have a bingo!
As long as your being reductive you might want to consider an aphorism that is at least morally consistent like maybe: "Two wrongs don't make a right."
Because your derails into Murray are failures for the simple fact he resigned under pressure from liberals.
Nobody is arguing we should've kept Murray. But you're continually arguing in defense of Trump (rapist) and Moore (pedophile). Pretty shitty trolling, really.