

So. . . she "deserves" to be assaulted every time she leaves the house but it was a bad idea to assault her.

Still, in all fairness, this looks like the solid A- effort for a high school debate class that we have come to expect from this talented writer.


Oh please. She got splashed with some water. When MAGA assholes get pissy they shoot up schools. This high ground nonsense is ridiculous when you're talking about a Barbie doll who'd make herself the victim no matter WHAT happened. Toni Lowrent can go eat a dick.


Sorry. Tammy Lozenge can't go into inherently black social spaces and not expect to get hounded out of the place after all the racist shit she's said. No. Those who think her a "martyr" were already her fans. Nothing was lost. Unqualified acceptance in no longer on the menu. Black people cannot be expected to be the source of all forgiveness and grace for unrepentant racists.


I like how Herzog can not even disagree with the echo chamber but it still sends the usual clowns into fits because she did not agree quite hard enough, or use their exact choice of words.

It makes the comment threads so entertaining.


Oh no we won't be able to unify with the racist chuds who have no intention of ever unifying with anyone to the left of david duke anyways now. And I'm sure you had a spiffy NPR article all lined up that was going to change their minds too.

Eagerly awaiting your next article excoriating the Iraqi reporter that whipped his shoe at Dubya


resistence seems too much like #resistance to be an effective hashtag.


So now in addition to no HTML, SLOG comments can't start with a #?


While we're at it, what's with the lightface body text in the new page designs for (non-SLOG) features such as Rich's Dino Rossi piece? It's unreadable. Please don't subject our eyeballs to that.


What did Lahren expect? Culture expects rotten crotches to get douched; she's lucky it didn't happen sooner, and doesn't happen lots more often.


No Katie, you're wrong again you useless biznatch. Immediate gratification is the only thing that matters, you monster!


What should be the repercussions for a person who deliberately seeks to divorce truth and decency from public discourse for the purpose of enriching herself? Who enflames and helps enable people who seek to harm others based on delusions she perpetuates and encourages, all for the sake of her own self-aggrandizement?


“If those of us on the left are better than the right, it's high time we actually start acting like it”. But the left really isn’t any better than anyone else (right, left or middle,) and therein is the undeniable truth. Everyone’s poop smells the same and there are none that smell like roses. You can’t say now that “you're better so act like it” then admonish the act. The left think they ARE better and they feel entitled to act that way. Antifa marches, Feminist marches, Entitled College Coffee-sipping Hipsters marches, Slut marches, Queer Dancing at the VP’s house and the rest have created a world where they are better because of their “identifiable cliques”. The left should brace themselves for the more “representative” wing-nuts it has created over the years as the narrative falls apart with every accomplishment of the current administration.


@10) They have been upgrading the site to make it a more miserable experience. Success!


This set off my google alert for "yet another shitty Katie Herzog take" so here I am


Uhmmm.... For the most part, people who oppose the President ARE irrational pieces of shit who can't even be polite during Sunday brunch. I guess I always assumed that was part of their "thing"...

Are they trying to be seen as otherwise???

Do they actually VALUE polite behavior during Sunday brunch? And if so, why would we ever believe that?


What @19 & @20 said

And lol at teddy; wow dude.


Fuck winning hearts and minds. If you want to win hearts and minds of the Tammy crowd you are going to get a lot more racist/sexist/homophobic. That's it. Use the n-work as much as possible and call stuff "gay" that's what will win you hearts and minds.


@14 you've said the uncomfortable truth. The problem is, the left has been trading on "we're literally better human beings than those money-grubbing pro-church republicans" for 30+ years. You gotta walk it like you talk it or people get antsy. We haven't had a real policy discussion in America for decades now - everything is a cultural decision nowadays.


but its okay to assault bad people i saw a stick figure cartoon that said so


Plugging this into my Katie Herzog translator, let's see what comes out.....

"Tomi Lahren—a virulent, unrepentant racist—getting a little bit of water on her makes me sympathize with her and her violent, reactionary agenda."


Now the poor little conservative young blond woman is a sympathetic figure. Good job, out of control self-righteous prick-woman.


At least for once she has something to be legitimate aggrieved over. That must be an exciting new experience for her to blow completely out of proportion.


Legitimately*. Damn mobile autocorrect. This is why I usually only comment from home.


@19 Your premise is faulty, there was no indication that the shooter was a republican or even political at all, but lets take a look at some examples of the contrary (where sadly a great many have died):

Republican Baseball Shooter: “He....spent a significant amount of time on social media," espousing strong support for Vermont independent Sen. Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign”.

But the list continues:

Ft.Hood shooter Nidal Hasan - Muslim Democrat
Adam Lanza - Liberal, hated Christians
Columbine High School freaks - Liberal Family Backgrounds
Virginia Tech shooter, Seung-Hui Cho - Liberal
Virginia Tech decapitater - Liberal
Colorado Theater shooter James Holmes - Liberal
Live on air Roanoke VA TV station shooter Vester Lee Flanagan - Liberal
Navy shipyard shooter Aaron Alexis - Liberal
Arizona Gabby Giffords shooter Jared Loughner - Liberal
The DC snipers back in 2003 - Liberal
Chattanooga TN Marine Recruiting center shooter - Muslim Democrat
Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber) - Leftist

How about some other historical background:

Lee Harvy Oswald (JFK) - Marxist
John Hinkley (Reagan) - Democrat
John Wilkes Booth (Lincoln) - Democrat
Lynette 'squeaky' Fromme (Gerd Ford attempt) - Liberal
Sir Han Sir Han (RFK) - Liberal
Bill Ayers - US domestic terrorist - Liberal
Bernadine Dohrn - US domestic terrorist - Liberal
Adolph Hitler - Leader of the National Socialist Workers Party - Leftist.
Slavery - Democrats were the proponents. Lincoln was a Republican.
And a favorite you pointed out
Margaret Sanger - Planned Parenthood Founder, member of the Society of Eugenics.
A centerpiece program as laid out in her 1932 speech “My Way To Peace”, that includes a vigorous state use of compulsory sterilization and segregation. The first class of persons targeted for sterilization is made up of people with mental or physical disability. “The first step would be to control the intake and output on morons, mental defectives, epileptics.” (See the whole speech here).


@30 - You called Hitler a "leftist" I'm guessing because of the "socialist" in the party name?

My god you're a stupid fuck.


Those who know Tomi either love her (racists and mutants), or hate her (normal people).
Those unfamiliar with her, will turn to Google which will reveal her vile, rabid, trumpism. In the long run this will hurt her reputation, not help it. No martyr she,


@33 Dang, I wish I was a person who thought Pizzaman was a fitting screen name and then had the guts to claim it. Hail to you Pizzaman for your awesome screen name! (of course, I probably wouldn't be as positive if I didn't agree with the sentiment you just posted as well)

The avatar pic intrigues me as well, but I can't say why really.

Carry on everyone....


We can't throw water at propagandists. They won't respect us!


@30 uh... if you think Hitler is a liberal, then, uh, let's just say there are enough red flags on your list that I assume you're outright lying. You'd make a much better point if you limited your list to people who could reasonably be called liberals (and cmon, John Wilkes Booth? GTFO)

@35 be careful here. #NotAll is a fundamental principle, you can't be in the leftist club if you don't think the actions of an individual can be freely substituted for actions of a group.


I'm just surprised she didn't melt.


@38 FTW !!

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