Future Maine Senator Katie Herzog Sarah Hoffman



I would like to see some more in depth policy positions. These seem cursory at best. And you're not serious until you visit every last county in Maine. Once you post a travelog, you might get my $10 donation. I just don't give it to anyone.


omg too funny ,
yes it was my plan to move to maine .....live in a shed. talk to the amish about draft goats and make fantastic weed infused smoked meats to sell to rich people with 20 thousand dollar snowmobiles and Mercedes van campers and maybe run for mayor of something.
a maine realtor asked me why i wanted to move to maine? my respnse ....uuugh have you been to maine ?
please stop stealing my ideas.


Too late. She is running for governor.


Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire could be three separate countries.


Really? A neoprene hood?
Any real diver in the Northwest uses a dry hood.



"Susan Collins Is the Worst Kind of Maverick"

"She votes with the most right-wing members of her party, even while attempting to occupy some imaginary moral high ground." -- By Jennifer Finney Boylan in today's New York Times

"Four sentences in, she [Senator Susan Collins (R-ME)] began denouncing 'special interest groups' who’d opposed him for the court, as if the only entities to weigh in on the nomination had been forces on the left.

Six sentences in, she was decrying the groups who’d 'whipped their followers into a frenzy by spreading misrepresentations and outright falsehoods.' We were in the first minute of a speech that would go on for 44 more."

Gosh, now I'm Sorry I missed it...


(Were you out crabbing, practicing for lobstering, or .... why the drysuit, snorkel and mask? Expecting Rain?)

[I'd definitely turn that snorkel so the business end's down, should the Deluge show up]


Federal law says you don't have to live in your district to run for congress, so she's okay there, but I think anybody who might vote for her in the primary is probably a vegan, so the lobsters are a deal breaker.


"I have two pairs of rubber boots and love fishing."

As long as you have that drysuit on, why not pop on into Puget Sound* for a little spearfishing? Or, grab some crab(s). While not as prolific as sandollars (they're everywhere) (when you're in the right spots), crabs are easy to pick up, once you know how (you really wanna make sure to get it Right Each Time) (trust me). They also make great pets, unless you eat them.

Jacques Cousteau claimed our Sound was one of the five Best Dives on the Planet. I'm no diver (no tanks!), but snorkeling / spearfishing around here can be pretty damn awesome, depending on how much stuff's in the water.

That's where divers have a big advantage -- they can usually go beneath the cloudy water. Plus lights. (At night!)

*he invented the Underwater Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCUBA), so, he should know. Plus, he produced tonnes of pretty incredible underwater video.

Let me know if you need any Help spending that $2Mil? I'm pretty sure we can make it all disappear, if we work at it.

Best of Luck in Maine!
You have ALL My Votes!


Oops. It's obviously not USCBA.
Apologies for my crappy 'proofreader.'


@12 it may be true that you don't need to reside in the district you're running in — but, remember, it's Maine. Katie can't get they-ah from hee-ah.



Our fund to re-Elect* Katie's up to FOUR MILLION DOLLARS. (Do you not have any idea how many Greyhound tickets that'll buy?) C'mon, Katie -- if we don't start Spending now, and spend BIG, we'll never burn thru it all by the 7th of November -- which is when Republicans Vote. (It was gonna be the 9th, but the Prez's tee time was already scheduled)

Maybe we can take the train!
I'll make sammys.

and de-Elect Susan Collins (R), forever faithful/beholden to the Patriarchy plus traitor to HALF of Humanity.

*the Stockholm Syndrome is Strong in this one.


TWO of my asteriks disappear,
and completely change the Meaning of @16.

The first * referred to the de-electing of Collins;
who's also missing an *, referring to HER Stockholm Syndrome, which still has the asterik below it.

It was not meant to suggest Herzy has the Disease -- quite the Contrary.

Please pull it for me?
Or, let me Edit it.

Thank you, Stranger!



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