

Anitfa idiots are idiots, and idiots exist across the political spectrum. But I can understand some of the left's hatred of the guy when he spouts crap like "I am neither a Trump hater or supporter. As an American citizen, I believe it is my duty to respect the office of the presidency and the electoral process."

There's no relationship between respecting the presidency/electoral process as a whole, and being a Trump hater. None. By his logic, anyone who expresses negative feelings about the president is shirking their "duty." The president isn't the presidency. I can understand why people get pissed off at a guy who goes around saying shit like that as if he's the even-keeled, unbiased "adult in the room."


Andy's a provocateur, and in some sense, he's earned his target from the far left. He's not a complete innocent.

He has, however, gotten these groups to show their ass and violate every principle they purport to uphold. They're anti-fascist, yet they believe in using violence to impose a strict morality and code of conduct. They're spidermen pointing at other spidermen.

That the Social Justice left hasn't reflexively jumped in to support Ngo is also telling - it shows that they are capable of understanding context - while they pretend to ignore context in other topics such as Title IX debates and such.

Andy has never especially covered himself in glory (his tracking of crimes by Muslims in American is near-Trumpian); the groups he's exposing look worse.


I like this guy.

Are you a Nazi? Are you a racist? C’mon, you could have come up with better questions than that. The world is not so binary. And POCs get to have nuanced political opinions, just like white people.


"C’mon, you could have come up with better questions than that."

Only if she had any goal other than to promote his perspective.


Kind of surprised to see this actually. I figured Herzog's next posting would have been a defense of Kevin Hart.


I guess you needed something to distract everyone after your ridiculous piece on Lena Dunham that speculated that everybody hates her "because she's ugly" only an hr before she admitted to lying to smear and discredit a rape victim, eh Katie?


I love the shit-show. I remember the days when it was just the right that was fucking nuts. Now the left has gone full blown insane.

Best fucking nightmare on the internet!


@12 it's not like you had a crystal ball over there. Dunham's later admission doesn't change anything about Katie's piece.


Wait; Ms H hasn't defended Mr Hart? After all, he only doesn't want a gay son; I haven't seen that he's said anything against lesbians.


@15....Maybe you shouldn't be either.


That's the whole of your interview, Katie? Why so few questions? Especially when the answers don't actually say anything, shouldn't you have asked follow up questions? Unless you don't really want to find out what AN is doing. He stating that he wants to expose the 'leftists' bad behavior because the rest of the media never does this! You could have shown him some of the Stranger's May Day coverage and prove him wrong, unless you only wanted to push his view?

If AN is a real objective journalist interested in reporting facts and truth, should he have formed this agenda of only reporting on the bad behavior of the far left to show that they're as bad as the far right? Is what-aboutism a valid goal for a reputable journalist?



That sounds great - in theory. But you just know at some point somebody's going to bring a folding steel chair into the ring.


"The irony of a mob of mostly white "anti-racists" harassing a gay Asian-American journalist was lost on them. "Racist, sexist, anti-gay; far-right bigot go away!" they repeated like a mantra."

Perhaps they were mistaken about his motives. But there was no "irony" here. The notion that a person's membership in a marginalized group is some kind of shield against criticism is swallowing Breitbart cosmology hook, line and sinker.



Ha, I see what you did there!


"If you aren't with us, then you're against us"

I remember when the left decried rhetoric like that coming from George W Bush. Good times, good times.


@11 - that "discovery" wouldn't be a big deal if that "niche" wasn't trying to intimidate people on the streets while the cops stand around and do nothing. Katie and Andy were correct - confirmation bias in Portland and Seattle has certainly played a role in allowing these left wing LARPers to get away with this shit for so long, and it needs more than a call out, it needs an examination within the left of how THEY got there (and if your answer is "our political enemies make us do it" - try harder).


“Left” and “Right” have failed as cultural descriptors. As have markers of race, religion and gender... “Troll” culture seems to be rotting the foundations of civic discourse arguably worse than any ideology or identity... And this dude certainly appears to be just that.


@30 - Trump isn't Hitler - he's an asshole on Twitter who took positions on issues like foreign policy and trade the left pretended to like during the Bush years (and forgot to object to when Obama did the same). If you're lumping in Trump voters with actual Nazis, you deserve to be thought of as a lunatic. Yet at any rate, Andy Ngo is not a Nazi or a racist. And even if he were, he's entitled to walk down a public street without being harassed, just as surely as someone wearing a hammer and sickle t-shirt would be. And if you think physically intimidating and threatening journalists in real life is less of a threat than the president saying CNN sucks on Twitter, I'd say your moral compass sounds pretty screwed up.

@31 - I don't think it's even troll culture, it's the end result for ever escalating hysterical hyperbole to justify the need to shut other people up at all costs, while running out of actually dangerous enemies to fight. Don Quixote didn't tilt at windmills because he was crazy, but because they'd run out of actual dragons to slay. Such as it with Antifa, and why they've had to expand their definition of what constitutes fascists and Nazis in such an absurd way.


@28 - and it sounds an awful lot like you can justify social justice warriors saying racist things and threatening people just because you don't like their politics, because it's not like respecting civil liberties means respecting them even for people you don't like, or anything.

Wait. That is actually what you're saying. That's just great.


He sounds like a dreadful person that I wouldn't want to spend any time with, but he should be allowed to do his job without harassment from either side of the political spectrum.


@17 It reminds me of civil war reenactments.

On the right you've got a bunch of yahoos dressed as rednecks pretending to be George Wallace, Sheriff Clark, and Bull Conners.

On the left you have a bunch of cosplayers dressed in all black who seem to think the WTO Riots were some kind of seminal moment and not just random meaningless vandalism.

They're both pathetic and it would be funny if they weren't so potentially dangerous.


Being asian or gay is not an insta shield or a free pass to say or do racist or islamophobic shit.

Remember when a number of right wing Asian Americans in Seattle held a rally cheering the Asian American cop who shot an unarmed black kid in New York? Or the flack the white gay community received for adding the racist blue lives matter and israeli flags to the gay pride march 2 years ago in NY, Philadelphia and Toronto? Or the filipino owner of Menchies in Kirkland who called the cops on a black guy merely existing in their yogurt shop who said "It had nothing to do with race, Im asian...I get profiled all the time lolwut?)

Just because you are part of one marginalized group does not mean you get a free pass to attack another.



Sheriff clark, bull conner and George Wallace were not alive during or immediately after the civil war.

Your weak attempt at right wing false equivalence fails the history test.


THe next time someone says being asian or gay means they cant be racist or islamophobic, just offer two names:

Milo Yiannopolis and Michelle Malkin


I was focusing on the reenactors, not what they are reenacting. So granted I should have chosen "historical reenactors" as opposed to "civil war reenactors"

In either case they are romanticizing past events. The Alt-Right Jerks think George Wallace was a noble defender of a lost cause. Meanwhile the Antifa Jerks think breaking windows or spiking trees is some noble action worthy of praise.

They're both jerks with delusions of grandeur. Unfortunately they can cause real damage.


As it turns out, the thuggish zealots of the Left are not particularly more appealing than the thuggish zealots of the Right. tsk tsk


Isn't the far more common claim that non-white/Islamic people aren't/can't be anti-gay?

As for the rest, of course anyone in group X can be anti-Y. The question is who gets to be Humpty Dumpty and set the definition of what's Y-phobic.


Illebralism is a disease. We are seeing how left - right is an economic spectrum, but there is also a liberal - illiberal (or authoritarian) spectrum which intersects with the left - right economic analysis.

I have no time for illiberal authoritarianism on the left then I do on the right. And, the antifa and black block types have never actually read a history book about the rise of European facism, because then they would know that what they do helps the fascists. But, I don't actually believe the black blocks care about socio-political outcomes as much as they are just looking to have a bit of fun with their mates.


He already knows some of these protesters are committed to violent means so why should he expect to put a camera in their midst without interference? He appears to be part of the story rather than just reporting on it.


So this guy likes to bug America's version of football hooligans and then acts surprised and hurt when his quest to find Portland's left flavor of mouthbreather is successful and garners him attention among them? This guy just sounds annoying.

Here is the exact number of people who need to be informed that anarchist street groups are not the most peaceful people, according to the latest census: 0. The mainstream media targets the alt-right or groups labeled the alt-right because their kill count is higher and that sells stories, but it can and does just as easily flip its lid over antifa types. Liberals getting upset over this and wringing their hands is a total waste of time because it's going to happen, like it or not.

Ngo wanted to make an enemy of them and he got his wish.


@34 I've come to believe that, of that set, the ends are the means, and that's the fundamental disconnect and why 'we' (whomever that is) are so at odds despite nominally having the same set of policy beliefs.


@40 and @41.

No. The antifa are not equally abhorent to the altright.

One side says "Kill all gays, muslims, mexicans, blacks, indians and feminists" (the altright).

The other says "No! Resist people who want to kill x-groups" (Antifa).

That both sides use violence doesn't make them any more equal than you would call the French Resistance equal to the German Nazi's (both sides in that conflict used violence, only one side was evil and the other was fighting evil).


White kids who support the political party that funds its candidates by rounding up poor black kids every day and selling them to the NEA for its second largest source of donations are anti-racist?

Someone is in denial.

It's one of the stages of grief. Maybe Katie et al will run through them all by the end of Trump's 8th year in office.


""Kill all gays, muslims, mexicans, blacks, indians and feminists" (the altright)."

When did Andy Ngo say that? Oh that's right, he never has.


"Here is the exact number of people who need to be informed that anarchist street groups are not the most peaceful people, according to the latest census: 0."

Lionface, Post 47

"That both sides use violence doesn't make them any more equal than you would call the French Resistance equal to the German Nazi's (both sides in that conflict used violence, only one side was evil and the other was fighting evil)."

araucania defends left wing violence, Post 49.

How about this, put the antifa and neo-nazis on an island, say Vashon, install cameras, and let them kill each other off out there while the sensible center gets to work and pays the taxes.



Can't be Vashon, the anti-vaxers have already conquered it.


Ignoring evil (the far right) is very stupid and dangerous. They have a murderous recent history such as in Philadelphia, Portland and Charlottesville. And they will kill more if they can get away with it. The police frequently protect them from the left. Fascism is a creeping thing and is not a joking matter.
Antifa has saved lives in Charlottesville and elsewhere. The far left is not the same as the far right. If you think they are then you are a damn fool and a coward.


@56 your perpetual ignorance (disinformation seems more probable) is once again duly noted:


@58 Anyone with basic reading comprehension will note you are making the assumption that keeping them away from each other at times is equivalent to "not protecting them" which is clearly false as shown by the link I provided so spare me the simpleton drivel about logic


@60 "Your bloodthirsty rage for vengeance, while understandable, does not give grace to the violence you wish to inflict."

quit making shit up, troll.


@55 AntiFa has saved lives? Really? How about all the lives they've destroyed? How about the minority owned businesses they trashed on May Day 2017?



Did I just get my own altright handle troll? I DID!

OMG, I'm so blessed! I dont know who to thank first. Let me start with the "war in christmas", you guys put the reason in the season. Also I would like to thank WMD's and Yellowcake! Always festive! Can I also thank the immigrant caravan, venezuela, "Shithole countries", the kneelers, the commies who don't respect slaver confederates, man hating feminists, gay agendists...omg, who else?! Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Keith Ellison, Huey Newton, James Baldwin, Stockley Carmichael, Harry Haywood, Rosa Luxembourg, Josep Trotsky, John Brown, General Sherman, General Grant, the Mau Mau rebellion, Nate Turner, Geronimo, Chief Joseph, the Soviet women's Sniper Corp, Fidel, Che...OMG(goddess) I dont know who else to thank. Oh yea, Obama and Beyonce!

Above all, I want to say "Stay mad you racist motherfuckers!" :mic drop:



Did I just get my own altright handle troll? I DID!

OMG, I'm so blessed! I dont know who to thank first. Let me start with the "war in christmas", you guys put the reason in the season. Also I would like to thank WMD's and Yellowcake! Always festive! Can I also thank the immigrant caravan, venezuela, "Shithole countries", the kneelers, the commies who don't respect slaver confederates, man hating feminists, gay agendists...omg, who else?! Bernie Sanders,Palestine, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Keith Ellison, Huey Newton, James Baldwin, Stockley Carmichael, Harry Haywood, Rosa Luxembourg, Josep Trotsky, John Brown, General Sherman, General Grant, the Mau Mau rebellion, Nate Turner, Geronimo, Chief Joseph, the Soviet women's Sniper Corp, the Satanic Church, Fidel, Che...OMG(goddess) I dont know who else to thank. Oh yea, Obama and Beyonce!

Above all, I want to say "Stay mad you racist motherfuckers!" :mic drop:

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