Mueller is just another coward, fraud, and ultimately, enabler of Prezirapist AntiChrist.
Screw him and all of the other pathetic, dithering cowards who are in a position to fight back against Tr666p, yet rollover allow him and his POS cult to continue their ongoing white trash supremacist terrorist attack against everyone else.
Our system of government ensures that our worst citizens are always in charge, even when they lose elections.
Our institutions are weak and feeble, with checks and balances that are a sick joke.
The people that staff those institutions are largely self-interested frauds and cowards that are easily corrupted.
The insatiable greed of the 1% and the sociopathic racist hatred that they exploit to rule are the most powerful forces in our rightwing political system.
No one is coming to save us. Weâve had a catastrophic failure of leadership, and we have to save ourselves.
Mueller is a Republican; itâs his nature to betray everyone else.
The FBI and DOJ are even worse than the criminals theyâre charged with prosecuting, due to their non-stop enabling of rich, white con artists and swindlers that victimize our entire nation, which became clear during their refusal nearly a decade ago to investigate perpetrators from the CaliguBush regime or Wall $treet and continues today with Tr666p and his Russiapublican accomplices.
I never thought the Mueller report would 'get rid of' Trump. That was wishful thinking.
@4 is correct. We have to save ourselves-
Or in the words of Pogo, "We have met the enemy, and he is us!"
@11: impeachment doesn't require evidence, just "high crimes". you can impeach over a blow job, IIRC.
regardless, the Stormy Daniels payoff, an illegal campaign contribution, made at the direction of Individual 1, is already established as a crime. Cohen's in jail for it.
@14: The "central issue at hand" was the Trump administration's involvement with Russian interference in the 2016 election. Several indictments and convictions (especially Flynn and Papadopoulos) speak directly to that.
Mueller does not appear to know what is in is report, how it was written, or anything about the people who were working under him.
The hearing is kind of funny, he is reminding me of Grampa Simpson.
@17: You are talking to people who literally claimed that Trump would not last until October 2017 before he was impeached for being mean on Twitter. They are going to be holding onto these massive butt pains until the day they die, and you are not going to convince them otherwise. The election of Trump cracked their media-curated worldview and broke them. Just enjoy the show.
$hitlerâs white trash cult worship him because theyâre assholes just like him minus the money.
And what she said x a million:
âI just don't think the motherfuckers who continue to back this president care.
They didn't care that he was a racist slumlord in the 80s;
they didn't care that he bankrupted a fucking casino;
they didn't care that he was a fucking dumbass on his dumbass "reality" show;
they didn't care that he cheated on all of his wives and fucked porn stars;
they didn't care that scores of women have credibly accused him of sexual misconduct up to and including rape;
they didn't care that he as much as admitted on tape to same.
They don't care that he obviously at least turned a blind eye to Russian interference in the election, if not out-and-out conspired with the Russians to do it;
they don't care that he gave himself and all his buddies a huge tax cut at their expense;
they don't care that he's painted targets on the backs of members of our government with his racist and misogynist ideology;
they don't care that his administration is holding children in concentration camps without adequate food, water, clothing, bedding or medical care;
they don't care that he's fucking over farmers, the environment, the economy and THEM PERSONALLY.
They don't care about ANY of that; they aren't going to care about what comes out in the hearing tomorrow, either.
It's not that they didn't understand the implications of the report, or that they truly believed Trump or Barr's interpretation of same; that was just convenient for them. Because THEY DON'T CARE what it really says or means. And that's the real problem.
The real problem is that we have what we always thought of as a vocal minority who will do anything they can to fuck over the people they hate; and they're not only getting louder, more of them are coming out. We are being overwhelmed by hate, and it's getting harder and harder to believe that they're the minority. Human nature is finally winning out, openly and publicly, against the ideals we've all been taught that America stands for.
And not enough of us care.â
@24: You should have watched/listened to the hearing, it really seemed like he has no idea what is in the report. He looked confused and lost, it was very weird. He had to ask people speaking normally to slow down because he could not keep up with the conversation, and was at times stumped by very simple questions like "does your report say X?" He claimed he had no knowledge about the research firm that financed the dossier that his investigation was ostensibly based on.
Maybe he was on some kind of new medication or something, I have no idea.
@27: Mueller probably seems confused because Republican line of questioning often incorporates obscure conspiracy theories that are nearly impossible to follow.
Of course he didn't exonerate President Trump because it's not his job to.
Since I'm a Democrat, and have voted Democratic my entire voting life, I must ask other Democrats: Where's your fucking proof President Trump is guilty?
The amount of neck deep shit coming from the left is alarming. The best part of it for me is it's caused me to do a lot of soul searching, and reassessing my commitment to a party that is clearly manipulating supporters with the same gusto as a Russian.
Impeachment is just a scary word to throw at any sitting president. It doesn't matter if it's feasible or realistic. The actual POINT of the report is to get people to stop acting like election meddling is something to blow off and not take serious. Stop acting like all your beloved social media outlets are not sinking your dream boats, namely any 3rd party wishful thinkers who are promising things they shouldn't be promising if it's something that's going to raise everyone's taxes in order to pay for it. GOP assholes just want the headlines to say "It Wasn't Us." If Trump can't be taken away in handcuffs, they will continue to be the morons who want to keep cartoonifying everyone and everything and insist this whole thing was a waste of time. The Great Unwashed and Unread supposedly don't really care anyway. If it concerned their paycheck or their jobs, they would care. It is the people we give our taxes to who are the ones who need to find out if one of their own(Trump) is poisoning the well with election meddling or even encouraging any kind of meddling. We will be the ones who have to drink the well water, but they should at least make an effort to keep it clean. So people know the govt is corrupt. This report is just another example of that corruption to throw on the big pile of other books about govt corruption. The reason why people would even be only half interested in it is if their side is winning or losing, just like they do with any other sports game...while they're on their phones looking at their social media outlets and sharing more Bot Election Meddling Articles.
Uh-huh. So in other words, everything I wrote is one hundred percent accurate, and you ainât got shit.
And BTW, what you call the âsocialist agendaâ is what we call âcivilization;â itâs supported by an overwhelming majority of Americans, and the anti-American Russiapublican party lost the last election badlyâwiped out on the West Coast, New England, and suburbia nationwide.
Prezirapist AntiChrist lost the 2016 election by nearly 3 million ballots and was installed in office against our will be the Electoral College, so stop lecturing anyone about what the people want.
I kinda wonder why it's on the Dems to find a get-along cross-party candidate. Where's your see-both-sides reach-across-the-aisle guy? I don't see any Republicans out there lining up a nice, polite, centrist-appeasing primary challenge to the short-fingered vulgarian.
You're right that impeachment is a dead letter so long as Pelosi thinks the Senate under McConnell won't convict, but that's deadly pure politics, entirely independent of unimportant details like "charges" or "evidence."
If Democraps are so pissed about Russian "meddling" why haven't they called for Obama's head?
After all, he was the guy in charge who did nothing to protect us (despite knowing about the assault on our Democracy) for the entire time the interference took place.
It couldn't be that they are just posturing for political effect, could it?
Maybe Obama just couldn't quite believe that using sad frog cartoons to radicalize disaffected white nationalists on Reddit would swing an election?
I mean, I sure as hell didn't. But here we are years later, and to all appearances someone out there thinks Glavset is at least effective enough to keep funding it.
@1 But let's make sure we do a fifth investigation âfor a fifth year â into Clintons emails, right? Since all the others, had by republicans, resulted in not one indictment. Let's do that. Because that's good for democracy to allow a sitting president to prosecute his political opponents. Right?
But the investigation an unbalanced SITTING PRESIDENT who invoked on live video the intelligence apparatus of foreign power to commit an illegal act on his behalf against a political opponent? Nah.
An investigation that, BTW, ended in 34 indictments and seven convictions including Trump's campaign manager, deputy campaign manager, personal lawyer and national security advisor AND turned a profit for the American tax payer?
Nah. Nothing there. Let's go back to investigate a has-been powerless former candidate.
Oh sure. Next youâll claim that black and Hispanic people are the hateful Real Racists when they protest open Tr666p/RepubliKKKan racism.
And the Democrats need a nice, Wall $treet-friendly âcentristâ candidate to win, like Al Gore, John Kerry, or (gulp) Hillary Clinton, since that went so well.
Of course, Gore and Clinton actually did win, but the presidency was stolen by the Republican Supreme court and then the Electoral College respectively, so tell us the part about how they need a status-quo enforcing âcentristâ again.
They only investigate sitting presidents. They only hack, slash and lie about anyone who actually has a chance of being the next president. You should only feel paranoid about real life election meddling if your candidate gets too high up in the polls. Emails are so 2016. If she had won, she could have been investigated, then she could have been the one who acts like a teflon potus just like der troompster is doing now and all the GOP inquisitors at today's testimony have a smirk like the lady killer in the Madonna Like a Prayer music video.
Look, All I know is that all democrats are part of a secret society that eats babies and is bringing in Mexicans to take my job. The only guy that will stand up for hardworking everyday Americans inherited a fortune, pretended to be disable so he wouldn't have to be a troop, lives in a golden penthouse and is married to an immigrant that worked here illegally but its cool because he cheated on her when she was pregnant.
WOW!! Remember when the left was singing songs in praise of Mueller? This hearing does nothing to help the Democrats and helps to win Trump a second term.
And notice how The Stranger is starting to make sure this thread gets buried on Slog with the typical restaurant and gig reviews and Dan pushing his middle aged gay voice onto everyone
Oh, I do like a moderately leftist, moderately centrist candidate myself (as do the majority of Democrats--
But you didn't answer my question: why is it only the Democrats who have to supply a centrist candidate, while the Republicans remain free to abandon the center and run unabashed far-right candidates?
Where's the moderate, compromising, even-handed Republican to match the centrist you're demanding from the Democrats?
Where's the centrist Republican primary challenge to far-right Trump?
@31 writes, "The best part of it for me is it's caused me to do a lot of soul searching, and reassessing my commitment to a party that is clearly manipulating supporters with the same gusto as a Russian."
In digging through your brief comment history you appear to hate immigrants, the homeless and poor people (the latter two on separate occasions) and like that Dave Meinert fellow. Not sure why you haven't switched party allegiances long ago. Anything we can do to hasten your departure?
Mueller is the new Greg Palast. But like Palast is about how our votes are The Disappeared, Mueller knows there was election meddling going on and will probably always be going on for any future election because that is the new normal. How can anyone be mad at that? We have a National Enquirer styled president. That means you can't believe anything you read anymore. That means anything seen on the internet could have been put there by some foreign troll. Trump is only in office because of some funhouse mirror version of nationalist pride and bigotry that the trolls love to keep throwing back in our faces every chance they get and they can't wait to do it again.
Mueller looked and acted frail because he IS frail. He just doesn't have his fastball anymore, age does that to people.
Check out this article by Seymour Hersh, who knows Mueller personally:
But then Republicans will need a centrist candidate, too, to make sure they hold those very same districts.
Perception has shifted-- in 2016 many neutral voters thought Trump was a centrist, based on his historic positions on social issues like abortion and gay rights, and economic issues like trade and banking, but now they are more likely to regard him as far-right and pro-wall-street.
So where is the Republican centrist? Don't they want to appeal to more people with a more agreeable candidate who better reflects the values of most Americans? Don't they want to win this election?
Large majorities of Americans want banking reform, a public option in health care in addition to private insurance, an end to the policy of separating families detained at the border, and reasonable gun control measures.
So why aren't Republicans obliged to snub their noisy far-out fringe and find a sensible centrist candidate, just like the Democrats?
Nobody has answered my question. You in particular seem to have a difficult time understanding the very simple question I am asking, so here it is again:
Why don't you believe the Republican Party needs to wake up to the reality of real normal-people America, reject far-right fringe candidates, and embrace a centrist candidate instead?
So how did those âcentristâ Al Gore, John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton presidencies work out for you?
Tr666p ran on a platform of racial and ethnic cleansing in 2016, and heâs running for 2020 as an all-out fascist, no one actually believed that phony, right-wing populist crap. And if they did, heâs fucked them over harder than theyâve ever been fucked before with the tax cut for the rich, the tariff wars, and the destabilization of the health insurance market. They donât care. The Despicables voted for him because of the grab âem by the pussy tape, not in spite of it.
As Werner Herzog stated, one third of the country wants to murder another third of the country while the rest watch. People used to wonder how Nazi Germany happened, and now we know.
The DNC and mainstream Dems are playing last seasons ball. By nominating a centrist or right of center candidate (which is what Biden is) the Dems will stifle turnout in places where they are going to need it including Florida, Ohio and Michigan. It's bare knuckles, anything goes now and has been since 2016. The current strategy on the right is have a white male, christian faith based government dictating policy. It's about faux patriotism and race baiting. The left can't fight that by pretending to want to meet the right halfway. There is no one to meet. It's torches and pitchforks and that's how it's going to be for the foreseeable future.
It's likely Trump will win again because he'll be able to hold the areas he won in 2016. Running another milquetoast center of the road candidate isn't going to change any minds. Nor is nominating someone more to the left. It's not like people are saying "I hate Trump but since Kamala Harris got the nomination and not Biden I'll vote for Trump". There are only four Dems with a realistic shot, Biden, Sanders, Warren and Harris. The rest are running for VP, a possible cabinet position or a book deal.
The voters know enough about Trump now that they either like him or not. And a good deal of the time they are embarrassed to say they like him but vote for him anyway. This isn't an election so much as it is a clash of cultures. Unfortunately it's going to take another generation of us old fucks to die off before this gets much better.
Mueller is just another coward, fraud, and ultimately, enabler of Prezirapist AntiChrist.
Screw him and all of the other pathetic, dithering cowards who are in a position to fight back against Tr666p, yet rollover allow him and his POS cult to continue their ongoing white trash supremacist terrorist attack against everyone else.
Mueller is another FUCKING TRAITOR!!!!!
Lessons learned over the last three years:
Our system of government ensures that our worst citizens are always in charge, even when they lose elections.
Our institutions are weak and feeble, with checks and balances that are a sick joke.
The people that staff those institutions are largely self-interested frauds and cowards that are easily corrupted.
The insatiable greed of the 1% and the sociopathic racist hatred that they exploit to rule are the most powerful forces in our rightwing political system.
No one is coming to save us. Weâve had a catastrophic failure of leadership, and we have to save ourselves.
@ 3,
Mueller is a Republican; itâs his nature to betray everyone else.
The FBI and DOJ are even worse than the criminals theyâre charged with prosecuting, due to their non-stop enabling of rich, white con artists and swindlers that victimize our entire nation, which became clear during their refusal nearly a decade ago to investigate perpetrators from the CaliguBush regime or Wall $treet and continues today with Tr666p and his Russiapublican accomplices.
I never thought the Mueller report would 'get rid of' Trump. That was wishful thinking.
@4 is correct. We have to save ourselves-
Or in the words of Pogo, "We have met the enemy, and he is us!"
@1: So far, 34 people have been indicted and 7 found guilty as a result of Mueller's investigation.
@11: impeachment doesn't require evidence, just "high crimes". you can impeach over a blow job, IIRC.
regardless, the Stormy Daniels payoff, an illegal campaign contribution, made at the direction of Individual 1, is already established as a crime. Cohen's in jail for it.
@14: The "central issue at hand" was the Trump administration's involvement with Russian interference in the 2016 election. Several indictments and convictions (especially Flynn and Papadopoulos) speak directly to that.
Also, a sitting President cannot be indicted.
Mueller does not appear to know what is in is report, how it was written, or anything about the people who were working under him.
The hearing is kind of funny, he is reminding me of Grampa Simpson.
@17: You are talking to people who literally claimed that Trump would not last until October 2017 before he was impeached for being mean on Twitter. They are going to be holding onto these massive butt pains until the day they die, and you are not going to convince them otherwise. The election of Trump cracked their media-curated worldview and broke them. Just enjoy the show.
David in Shoreline,
So I guess you believe O.J. Simpson didn't actually kill Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson right?
@20: sure, why not. impeachment for everyone.
$hitlerâs white trash cult worship him because theyâre assholes just like him minus the money.
And what she said x a million:
âI just don't think the motherfuckers who continue to back this president care.
They didn't care that he was a racist slumlord in the 80s;
they didn't care that he bankrupted a fucking casino;
they didn't care that he was a fucking dumbass on his dumbass "reality" show;
they didn't care that he cheated on all of his wives and fucked porn stars;
they didn't care that scores of women have credibly accused him of sexual misconduct up to and including rape;
they didn't care that he as much as admitted on tape to same.
They don't care that he obviously at least turned a blind eye to Russian interference in the election, if not out-and-out conspired with the Russians to do it;
they don't care that he gave himself and all his buddies a huge tax cut at their expense;
they don't care that he's painted targets on the backs of members of our government with his racist and misogynist ideology;
they don't care that his administration is holding children in concentration camps without adequate food, water, clothing, bedding or medical care;
they don't care that he's fucking over farmers, the environment, the economy and THEM PERSONALLY.
They don't care about ANY of that; they aren't going to care about what comes out in the hearing tomorrow, either.
It's not that they didn't understand the implications of the report, or that they truly believed Trump or Barr's interpretation of same; that was just convenient for them. Because THEY DON'T CARE what it really says or means. And that's the real problem.
The real problem is that we have what we always thought of as a vocal minority who will do anything they can to fuck over the people they hate; and they're not only getting louder, more of them are coming out. We are being overwhelmed by hate, and it's getting harder and harder to believe that they're the minority. Human nature is finally winning out, openly and publicly, against the ideals we've all been taught that America stands for.
And not enough of us care.â
@24: You should have watched/listened to the hearing, it really seemed like he has no idea what is in the report. He looked confused and lost, it was very weird. He had to ask people speaking normally to slow down because he could not keep up with the conversation, and was at times stumped by very simple questions like "does your report say X?" He claimed he had no knowledge about the research firm that financed the dossier that his investigation was ostensibly based on.
Maybe he was on some kind of new medication or something, I have no idea.
@27: Mueller probably seems confused because Republican line of questioning often incorporates obscure conspiracy theories that are nearly impossible to follow.
@ 29,
Nice ad hominem attack, and I was actually using a quote, but Slog wonât allow blockquotes anymore.
Would you care to actually address the substance of anything?
Of course he didn't exonerate President Trump because it's not his job to.
Since I'm a Democrat, and have voted Democratic my entire voting life, I must ask other Democrats: Where's your fucking proof President Trump is guilty?
The amount of neck deep shit coming from the left is alarming. The best part of it for me is it's caused me to do a lot of soul searching, and reassessing my commitment to a party that is clearly manipulating supporters with the same gusto as a Russian.
Impeachment is just a scary word to throw at any sitting president. It doesn't matter if it's feasible or realistic. The actual POINT of the report is to get people to stop acting like election meddling is something to blow off and not take serious. Stop acting like all your beloved social media outlets are not sinking your dream boats, namely any 3rd party wishful thinkers who are promising things they shouldn't be promising if it's something that's going to raise everyone's taxes in order to pay for it. GOP assholes just want the headlines to say "It Wasn't Us." If Trump can't be taken away in handcuffs, they will continue to be the morons who want to keep cartoonifying everyone and everything and insist this whole thing was a waste of time. The Great Unwashed and Unread supposedly don't really care anyway. If it concerned their paycheck or their jobs, they would care. It is the people we give our taxes to who are the ones who need to find out if one of their own(Trump) is poisoning the well with election meddling or even encouraging any kind of meddling. We will be the ones who have to drink the well water, but they should at least make an effort to keep it clean. So people know the govt is corrupt. This report is just another example of that corruption to throw on the big pile of other books about govt corruption. The reason why people would even be only half interested in it is if their side is winning or losing, just like they do with any other sports game...while they're on their phones looking at their social media outlets and sharing more Bot Election Meddling Articles.
This place totally reeks of Leftist desperation, paranoia and panic.
Somebody please open a window...
@ 32,
Uh-huh. So in other words, everything I wrote is one hundred percent accurate, and you ainât got shit.
And BTW, what you call the âsocialist agendaâ is what we call âcivilization;â itâs supported by an overwhelming majority of Americans, and the anti-American Russiapublican party lost the last election badlyâwiped out on the West Coast, New England, and suburbia nationwide.
Prezirapist AntiChrist lost the 2016 election by nearly 3 million ballots and was installed in office against our will be the Electoral College, so stop lecturing anyone about what the people want.
I kinda wonder why it's on the Dems to find a get-along cross-party candidate. Where's your see-both-sides reach-across-the-aisle guy? I don't see any Republicans out there lining up a nice, polite, centrist-appeasing primary challenge to the short-fingered vulgarian.
You're right that impeachment is a dead letter so long as Pelosi thinks the Senate under McConnell won't convict, but that's deadly pure politics, entirely independent of unimportant details like "charges" or "evidence."
If Democraps are so pissed about Russian "meddling" why haven't they called for Obama's head?
After all, he was the guy in charge who did nothing to protect us (despite knowing about the assault on our Democracy) for the entire time the interference took place.
It couldn't be that they are just posturing for political effect, could it?
Maybe Obama just couldn't quite believe that using sad frog cartoons to radicalize disaffected white nationalists on Reddit would swing an election?
I mean, I sure as hell didn't. But here we are years later, and to all appearances someone out there thinks Glavset is at least effective enough to keep funding it.
@1 But let's make sure we do a fifth investigation âfor a fifth year â into Clintons emails, right? Since all the others, had by republicans, resulted in not one indictment. Let's do that. Because that's good for democracy to allow a sitting president to prosecute his political opponents. Right?
But the investigation an unbalanced SITTING PRESIDENT who invoked on live video the intelligence apparatus of foreign power to commit an illegal act on his behalf against a political opponent? Nah.
An investigation that, BTW, ended in 34 indictments and seven convictions including Trump's campaign manager, deputy campaign manager, personal lawyer and national security advisor AND turned a profit for the American tax payer?
Nah. Nothing there. Let's go back to investigate a has-been powerless former candidate.
@ 40,
Oh sure. Next youâll claim that black and Hispanic people are the hateful Real Racists when they protest open Tr666p/RepubliKKKan racism.
And the Democrats need a nice, Wall $treet-friendly âcentristâ candidate to win, like Al Gore, John Kerry, or (gulp) Hillary Clinton, since that went so well.
Of course, Gore and Clinton actually did win, but the presidency was stolen by the Republican Supreme court and then the Electoral College respectively, so tell us the part about how they need a status-quo enforcing âcentristâ again.
They only investigate sitting presidents. They only hack, slash and lie about anyone who actually has a chance of being the next president. You should only feel paranoid about real life election meddling if your candidate gets too high up in the polls. Emails are so 2016. If she had won, she could have been investigated, then she could have been the one who acts like a teflon potus just like der troompster is doing now and all the GOP inquisitors at today's testimony have a smirk like the lady killer in the Madonna Like a Prayer music video.
Look, All I know is that all democrats are part of a secret society that eats babies and is bringing in Mexicans to take my job. The only guy that will stand up for hardworking everyday Americans inherited a fortune, pretended to be disable so he wouldn't have to be a troop, lives in a golden penthouse and is married to an immigrant that worked here illegally but its cool because he cheated on her when she was pregnant.
WOW!! Remember when the left was singing songs in praise of Mueller? This hearing does nothing to help the Democrats and helps to win Trump a second term.
And notice how The Stranger is starting to make sure this thread gets buried on Slog with the typical restaurant and gig reviews and Dan pushing his middle aged gay voice onto everyone
Oh, I do like a moderately leftist, moderately centrist candidate myself (as do the majority of Democrats--
But you didn't answer my question: why is it only the Democrats who have to supply a centrist candidate, while the Republicans remain free to abandon the center and run unabashed far-right candidates?
Where's the moderate, compromising, even-handed Republican to match the centrist you're demanding from the Democrats?
Where's the centrist Republican primary challenge to far-right Trump?
@31 writes, "The best part of it for me is it's caused me to do a lot of soul searching, and reassessing my commitment to a party that is clearly manipulating supporters with the same gusto as a Russian."
In digging through your brief comment history you appear to hate immigrants, the homeless and poor people (the latter two on separate occasions) and like that Dave Meinert fellow. Not sure why you haven't switched party allegiances long ago. Anything we can do to hasten your departure?
Mueller is the new Greg Palast. But like Palast is about how our votes are The Disappeared, Mueller knows there was election meddling going on and will probably always be going on for any future election because that is the new normal. How can anyone be mad at that? We have a National Enquirer styled president. That means you can't believe anything you read anymore. That means anything seen on the internet could have been put there by some foreign troll. Trump is only in office because of some funhouse mirror version of nationalist pride and bigotry that the trolls love to keep throwing back in our faces every chance they get and they can't wait to do it again.
Lock him up.
invariably, nothing happens
Being a liberal it must be hard to #Resist the urge to kill yourself just in order to get off the carousel of unmitigated disappointment. Sad!
Mueller looked and acted frail because he IS frail. He just doesn't have his fastball anymore, age does that to people.
Check out this article by Seymour Hersh, who knows Mueller personally:
@51 The tweesistance doesn't use the word "liberal," except as an insult to traitor-centrist-appeasers. Try to keep up?
But then Republicans will need a centrist candidate, too, to make sure they hold those very same districts.
Perception has shifted-- in 2016 many neutral voters thought Trump was a centrist, based on his historic positions on social issues like abortion and gay rights, and economic issues like trade and banking, but now they are more likely to regard him as far-right and pro-wall-street.
So where is the Republican centrist? Don't they want to appeal to more people with a more agreeable candidate who better reflects the values of most Americans? Don't they want to win this election?
Large majorities of Americans want banking reform, a public option in health care in addition to private insurance, an end to the policy of separating families detained at the border, and reasonable gun control measures.
So why aren't Republicans obliged to snub their noisy far-out fringe and find a sensible centrist candidate, just like the Democrats?
Nobody has answered my question. You in particular seem to have a difficult time understanding the very simple question I am asking, so here it is again:
Why don't you believe the Republican Party needs to wake up to the reality of real normal-people America, reject far-right fringe candidates, and embrace a centrist candidate instead?
One guy testifies under oath, earned a bronze star and purple heart in combat.
The other guy tweets in all caps and pretended to be disabled in order to never have to be a troop.
Now, nobody is forcing you to nutthug but if you had your choice who you gonna nutthug?
@ 55/60,
So how did those âcentristâ Al Gore, John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton presidencies work out for you?
Tr666p ran on a platform of racial and ethnic cleansing in 2016, and heâs running for 2020 as an all-out fascist, no one actually believed that phony, right-wing populist crap. And if they did, heâs fucked them over harder than theyâve ever been fucked before with the tax cut for the rich, the tariff wars, and the destabilization of the health insurance market. They donât care. The Despicables voted for him because of the grab âem by the pussy tape, not in spite of it.
As Werner Herzog stated, one third of the country wants to murder another third of the country while the rest watch. People used to wonder how Nazi Germany happened, and now we know.
The DNC and mainstream Dems are playing last seasons ball. By nominating a centrist or right of center candidate (which is what Biden is) the Dems will stifle turnout in places where they are going to need it including Florida, Ohio and Michigan. It's bare knuckles, anything goes now and has been since 2016. The current strategy on the right is have a white male, christian faith based government dictating policy. It's about faux patriotism and race baiting. The left can't fight that by pretending to want to meet the right halfway. There is no one to meet. It's torches and pitchforks and that's how it's going to be for the foreseeable future.
It's likely Trump will win again because he'll be able to hold the areas he won in 2016. Running another milquetoast center of the road candidate isn't going to change any minds. Nor is nominating someone more to the left. It's not like people are saying "I hate Trump but since Kamala Harris got the nomination and not Biden I'll vote for Trump". There are only four Dems with a realistic shot, Biden, Sanders, Warren and Harris. The rest are running for VP, a possible cabinet position or a book deal.
The voters know enough about Trump now that they either like him or not. And a good deal of the time they are embarrassed to say they like him but vote for him anyway. This isn't an election so much as it is a clash of cultures. Unfortunately it's going to take another generation of us old fucks to die off before this gets much better.