I'm sure Ralph is ralphing over sharing the same surname.
Like attracts like, Trump's an pervert so he attracts others like himself.
Katie, why did you write 'a Lebanese-American businessman' to desribe Nader, and not 'a German American...' to describe Trump or 'an (ethnicity)-American' to describe Epstein?
So after Nader is convicted, will Trump and minions push to deport him? Or do they only do that to poor criminals?
@5 - So, he’s quite literally Lebanese-American!
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I'm sure Ralph is ralphing over sharing the same surname.
Like attracts like, Trump's an pervert so he attracts others like himself.
Katie, why did you write 'a Lebanese-American businessman' to desribe Nader, and not 'a German American...' to describe Trump or 'an (ethnicity)-American' to describe Epstein?
So after Nader is convicted, will Trump and minions push to deport him? Or do they only do that to poor criminals?
@5 - So, he’s quite literally Lebanese-American!