Title:Have You Seen Tina Podlodowski?Sponsor:Lesbians for a Better TomorrowReason for Rejection:Tina who?
Title:Have You Seen Tina Podlodowski?Sponsor:Lesbians for a Better TomorrowReason for Rejection:Tina who?
Title:Where Does Leather Come From, Daddy?Sponsor:Seattle Leatherfolk AssociationReason for Rejection:Death threats from PETA
Title:Gimme Skin!Sponsor:Foreskin Restoration SocietyReason for Rejection:Too cheesy
Title:It's Always Snowing in Seattle!Sponsor:Seattle Coalition of Crystal Methamphetamine DealersReason for Rejection:ReFLected negatively on gay community; wouldn't offer discounts to parade organizers
Title:Straight Married Guys from Kent Who Love to Suck Cock in Volunteer ParkSponsor:Overlake Christian ChurchReason for Rejection:Filled out parade application while drunk, claimed to have "forgotten" about it next morning
Title: Pigs on Parade
Sponsor: Pike Market Association
Reason for Rejection: Not gay enough; Dykes on Bikes resented overlap
Title: The Glass Table
Sponsor: Seattle Scatological Society
Reason for Rejection: eww
Title: Yoonitee Threw Divursitee
Sponsor: Seattle Gay and Lesbian Journalist Association