Paul SchellMayor"The gay and lesbian community adds vibrancy to the city and our neighborhoods. Seattle is a better city when people have choices available to them, allowing for freedom and equality."
Paul of TarsusSaint"They are backbiters, haters of God--violent, proud, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, and deserving of death."
Paul "Ferret" CavarrettaStreet Kid"No one throws a party like a fag. I used to work in a club in New York City, and those motherfuckers can party! They would throw parties that raised the fucking roof. All old rock and shit, Sabbath, shit like that. I have no problem with gays."
Mike GudderAssistant Manager, Steve's Broadway News"I sell a lot of pornography to gays, and they're more open about it. They talk about it; they're not ashamed. I like gay people. But the stinkiest person I ever threw out of here was a gay guy."
Dina MartinaEntertainer"They can't help the way they are. If they tried to reject their gay needs, it would be just like when Lindsay Wagner's body was rejecting her Ebonics. I have noticed that the men ones clean real good and make yummy cobbler. And they seem to love Dorothy Garland. I am very excited for the Running of the Gays this Sunday, but I hope no one is too badly gored."
Andrew FodgePersonal Trainer, the Vault"Personally, I think homosexuality is wrong. I don't agree with it. This is a primarily gay club. After 5:00 it turns into a hangout, a pickup place. Everyone's prowling--no, that's a bad word for it. Looking for other people. They know I'm Christian, but that doesn't affect our [business] relationship. Homosexuality shouldn't define anyone. Homosexuals shouldn't have minority status. It doesn't meet the category of race or ethnicity. I don't believe they should have special rights. I disagree with the standpoint that people are born that way. I think it's wrong."
Judy NicastroCity Council Member"It appears as if the gay community is not very politicized or organized right now. They seem to be working on issues within the community as opposed to the external power structures. I would like to see lesbians lead the next political wave for gays. Not only civil rights issues but health issues. It would be great to see gay men be as supportive to lesbian health issues as lesbians have been for gay men."Mark Arm
Musician"I heartily encourage and embrace anyone who is willing to battle the squares and the shit they call culture, no matter whom they sleep with. Who you screw doesn't matter to me. Chances are, I'm not involved."
Kathi GoertzenKOMO 4 News Anchor"When can we stop asking that question? It's sort of like, 'What do you think of blondes/people with braces/disabilities/ green eyes/little feet?' The world is made up of all kinds of wonderful people who think and feel and believe and act differently. I like most of them."