R-51, R-51, R-51!!! Why is the public stuck doing Olympia's job? Speaker of the House Frank Chopp's failure to pass a transportation package in Olympia is maddening and almost cost him the Glee Club's endorsement. But Chopp charmed the Glee Club with his working-class rap and his record of pragmatism... so... we're going to give the guy one more chance. What choice do we have? Chopp's Democratic opponent, the saintly old-time progressive 81-year-old Eleanor Owen, isn't waging a real campaign.


Frank Chopp
East Bremerton High (Bremerton, Washington), 1971· Least-favorite subject: P.E.

· Drove a Ford Falcon


Eleanor Owen
Beverly Hills High (Hollywood, California), 1928· 1928!!

· Favorite subject: P.E.