Pullout Dec 24, 2003 at 4:00 am

The Editor of The Stranger Was One of the Staunchest Supporters of Invading Iraq


Uh, it cost many more Iraqi lives than American but that seems quite glossed over by Mr. Savage. So we prop up Hussein because it is in our best interest, then destroy a country to depose him because it is in our best interest? You regret the shit storm because of it personally inconvenienced you but not the lives lost?
In retrospect, the case against the war in Iraq was based on an ugly kluge of popular opinion polls and abandoning our responsibility (to our own defense, if not to Iraq's 24 million people who were treated as the personal property of a psychopathic, fascistic crime family.)

Ten years after the invasion, we have transformed Iraq from a brutal dictatorship into a self-sustaining, liberal parliamentary democracy. Now that's something we can all be proud of, except for that most ignorant, bitter, adolescent utopianist, morally cowardly, clownish, probably only semi-literate contingent of the anti-war left which still attempts to find bitter grapes.

I use to think Christopher Hitchens was alone as the sole voice of reason on the modern left. Apparently Dan Savage is a voice for reason as well.

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