Pullout Aug 8, 2012 at 4:00 am

A Cookie Dough Addict Visits the Cougar Mountain Baking Company

Hawk Krall


Cougar Mountain Chocolate Chunk cookies also happen to be the absolute best for making instant pot cookies.

Just grind up some herb, sprinkle it on a pan, and pick up as much herb as you can with the bottom of the cookie. Then set each cookie down on the pan so the herb is between the pan and the cookie. That way the pot gets maximum heat, but the pot vapors have nowhere to go but inside the cookie.

You're welcome, slog stoners :)
@1: You know you're just wasting a bunch of pot by doing that, right? Lay off the bong for a night or two and go learn some science about your ganja.
Hey, you can eat raw vegan cookie dough too, silly. I oughta know.
Their Ballpark Cookies are my favorite. A few years back I made some for my neighbors and one of them told me it was so great I needed to patent that recipe. Haha!
It's nice when purchased dough passes for homemade, let alone patent worthy!
I just had someone tell me I should get a street cart for my pies...I now wonder...
Cougar Mountain cookies are the best. I love them. They're a great local-foods success story.

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