Pullout Oct 2, 2013 at 4:00 am

2013 Genius Award Winner for Literature

Photos by Kelly O


Hey, I was playing the cello, not the violin, when I got my onstage bear hug, but no biggie. :)

Thank you, Paul Constant and the Stranger, for recognizing the genius of Maged. He is unique in all the world and I hope this gives him a springboard to find more eyes and ears for his work, and for the work of poets in general.

Congratulations on a wonderful season of Genius! Can't wait until next year!
Hey, I was playing the cello, not the violin, when I got my onstage bear hug, but no biggie. :)

Thank you, Paul Constant and the Stranger, for recognizing the genius of Maged. He is unique in all the world and I hope this gives him a springboard to find more eyes and ears for his work, and for the work of poets in general.

Congratulations on a wonderful season of Genius! Can't wait until next year!
@AnnaK: I'm so, so sorry about that violin/cello mixup! I didn't have my notepad up there onstage to write it down, and I remembered it wrong. It should be fixed online very soon.
@Paul, not to worry, you had more important things to do than notice what size fiddle anyone was playing! Thanks again for showcasing all the great lit stuff that goes on here. You are a great and seemingly tireless advocate for the best in the world of words. Cheers!

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and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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