Pullout Nov 26, 2014 at 4:00 am

Eating with Pride When the Food Court Is Your Entire Culinary Universe

Tom yum soup at Thai Go. Photos by Aaron Huffman, Angela Garbes, and Kelly O


I ate some Thai food recently at a strip mall in Lynnwood (Tally Thai?) that was so awesome it left me wondering: "If this is strip mall Thai food, I wonder what the good stuff tastes like?" :)
Claim Jumpers isn't a total culinary disaster from my experience either. I mean 90% of the menu shouldn't be consumed by humans but the other 10% isn't that bad.

But I'd advise eating there no more than once every 4 years: just to allow your body to recover from the infestation of corporate induced carcinogens being shoved down your gullet.
I just ate at the Masala place earlier this month and found it delightful. My plate looked nothing at all like yours, for mine was full of delicious meatiness, with onions and peppers as well. I got butter chicken which was just a little on the bland side, but only a little and well within the rights of a food court vendor; the other item, which was recommended to me by the man at the counter, was so wonderfully spicy I had to keep shoving rice in to recover. I found it to be an unexpected surprise and still plan on eating there again the next time I go.

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