Queer Nov 29, 2024 at 8:00 am

Don’t Freak Out, Get Calm, And Hop To It

Reptile4844/Getty Images



Another useful passport resource - if you go to “customer service center” - marked as CSC when using the passport acceptance search tool - they will verify that all your paperwork is correct, sign it stating that everything is in order, and mail it for you.

Yes, it may take a little more time than doing it all yourself, but it better to find mistakes or issues in advance than have to repeat the process! You also have a signed statement that everything is there so it will be harder to reject for some trivial reason. Note: bring a check, they don’t take cards.


A public Google Doc is great for content like this.


Many thanks for this information, and for all the reporting you've been doing on the trans community.

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