
Day 2 of Chuckles Mudede being a reprehensible, racist twat who is not only incompetent but doesn't even understand the basics of the world of journalism where newsrooms, over a holiday weekend, generally take the weekend off.

On top of that he is a reprehensible liar and a purveyor of the now well known #FAKENEWS hashtag.

Because Oh Look, I go onto the CNN webpage and the story is still on the top, "above the fold", and just to the right of the main story. And I can go around and list - again - all the publications that still have this story.

I guess Mudede is just angry that the two white individuals tragically killed by some whackjob in Portland aren't more important than the 8 minorities killed by some whackjob in Portland.

How does that fit into your narrowly racist worldview now Chuckles, you bigoted two-bit hack

But do go on trying to blame Trump and Conservatives for the fact that the Portland mayor and city council has allowed mentally ill Nihilists to run the streets, spouting nonsense about banning male circumcision, banning pipelines, getting rid of the "prison industrial complex" all while praising Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein.

That's right Mudede. The Nihilist in Portland is one of YOUR allies. He opposes the North Dakota Pipeline. He opposes the "Prison Industrial Complex". He is fixated on male circumcision. And he totally digs Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein.

Holy hell. You hacks should give the guy a byline and let him write for your rag.
Edit: 8 killed in Mississippi. Fix your God awful comment section Slog so we can edit our posts.
Good Afternoon Charles,
Well, it's turning out to be a nasty Memorial Day weekend. Sigh. What with the Portland killings and today's massacre in Mississippi it is most terrible.

Having read the news fairly astutely the past few days regarding this horror and others, it seems to me that it is being covered sufficiently. Today's ST (which I subscribe to) had a feature story in the NW Sunday section (Sec. B or the Local news) on Portlanders' shock at the event Friday in their city. It had comprehensive profiles on the two men who lost their lives in the confrontation. Quite poignant. Another point I gleaned from the story was that they, Portlanders were largely surprised that such an atrocity could take place there, in their tolerant and relatively violent crime-free city.

Granted, I'm not looking at the story through your lens Charles. I don't think most Americans have. But still, it is being covered and a work in progress. The hate-crime element has not been dismissed. The story on the other hand in Mississippi, is developing as the terrible event occurred last night, Sat. It does concern domestic violence.

Not all news stories are equal. That's not a bad or good statement. It's just that I believe it to be true. News cycles are notoriously fickle. What happened in Portland was terrible. Does it warrant a "discussion" on violent white supremacists? Perhaps. But, at what level and what terms? Should editors prioritize based on number of dead victims alone? Race of perp? The victims? For what it is worth the perp, Christian is white and his victims, white men. They heroically stepped in on behalf of two women of color who were evidently Muslim. That does say something.

I appreciate your lens Charles. But America a "racist society" largely based on news coverage (not under the law)? No, not so much. Christian should be charged with a hate crime. But I see him largely as a rarity. Thankfully.

My condolences to ALL the victims.

I find this rush to compare and equivocate killings quite perplexing.
We live in a racist society, that fact is clearly evident.

What mainstream media covers and does not cover and why is more opaque. Amazon having $600 million contract with the CIA to provide private cloud service and Bezos owning WAPO is but one potential undeclared conflict of interest that could very well affect the narrative we’re fed.

The suicide bombing in Manchester garnered a lot of mainstream coverage. Anyone with a nomogram of empathy would find the murder of innocent people and children appalling. Yet how much coverage do we see about murderous cluster bombs (made in the US and the UK) killing innocent people and children?

For the 1%, endless war and suffering is more profitable than peaceful cooperation. When was the last time you have seen mainstream media run a piece against war? Mainstream media and the concerns that own mainstream media are pro-war. Racism is only a small part in propagating a pro war narrative.

I’m going to go watch MSNBC now as I hear they have an interview with Noam Chomsky coming up, (kidding).
Mudede is right.

And these kinds of attacks are never counted as examples of our Republican President failing to protect us from terrorism.

Also, when ISIS or Al Qaeda uses mentally ill people as suicide bombers or disposable troops, nobody uses mental illness as an excuse. They blame ISIS or Al Qaeda, if not all Moslems. Nobody really gives a shit about the attacker's personal defects. Terrorist. End of discussion.

But these white men. Always with the excuses. Always mitigating factors. Always not anybody's fault.
@1, 2:

Or maybe you could just reread and edit your own fucking racist, water-carrying comments BEFORE you reflexively stab the "Post Comment" button. Although, maybe that's the point: if you're going to post racist - not to mention stupid racist - shit somewhere, you don't deserve the privilege of takebacks.
@6: Yep.
Imagine if a white man, just commissioned a second lieutenant in the US Army after having completed ROTC training at the University of Maryland, had been visiting nearby historically-black Bowie State University and had been stabbed to death because of his race, two days before his college graduation.

Now stop imagining and realize that this happened, except the races were reversed in fact. A Bowie State near-grad, just commissioned in the Army, was stabbed to death on the University of Maryland campus, allegedly by a member of the "Alt-Reich." Heard about it? I didn't think so.…
Oh look. It's 1:34 am on Sunday morning and BBC has the story of the Nihilist/Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein supporting anti-circumcision nut above the fold, on the top of its website, just to the right of the main story about the Manchester bombings.

The New York Times still has the story on the front of its website.

It's the fourth story on the LA Times website.

MSNBC however is still chasing the Russian #FAKENEWS which is humorous. And NPR has passed on it. Poor Chuckles Mudede. He must just hate the racists at MSNBC and NPR for ignoring this story.

Going on...

It is the top story on CBS News dot com.

It's the top story on NBC news.

I can go on.

So yet again, Chuckles Mudede is a proven hack, a liar, and a racist.
The Stranger really needs to hire someone just to moderate the threads. Reading SLOG's comments section is like getting into an argument with a meth addict.
Agree with 13. Don Ward - how you could possibly attempt to pawn off this Neo-Nazi killer as anything but an Alt-right dog-whistle listening Trump fan is beyond me. Alternative facts I suppose. And Charles - I strongly share your view that "terror" seems to be defined in America by the religion of the perpetrator, not the act of terrorizing. The KKK and this new alt-right scum are the biggest terrorists in American history, bar none.

That said - this was posted yesterday in front section of NYT and is still there. Waiting for our president to offer his praise and condolences for the hero/victims of this domestic terrorist.…
@13: Nah, this place is pretty decent and normal for the most part. Youtube comments, now there's a bunch of meth addicts.
@11 Yes. That story was also well reported.
@14 The guy was a random, mentally ill whack job. Have your read his social media comments? I have, those that have been screen capped and reposted.

He rants about the "prison industrial complex" and talks about how great Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein are. He opposed the North Dakota Pipeline. And he has a huge hangup about male circumcision. Furthermore, he didn't even vote for Donald Trump.

It was reported even in The Stranger's rag of a sister paper the Portland Mercury that the guy described himself as Nihilist.

I can just as easily describe this loon as a leftist. And sure, the guy is a gun nut. But I've written stories for Seattle's other alternative newspaper where I've met leftwing gun guys.

To make it simple, the guy was nucking futs.

What is despicable, however, is a racist like Chuckles Mudede waving the bloody shirt and trying to tie capitalize on this murder to score cheap points against Trump and his supporters when this is a local issue and it is the City of Portland and its political leadership which has allowed its streets to be overrun by these sort of mentally ill whackjobs.
Reminds me of that time those blacks kidnapped a white kid and tortured him for being white. Did you ever cover that story Charles?

The MSM memory-holed that one. Just like they refuse to report on the hugely out of proportion rate of black on white crime.

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