
Hopefully, the racist little shit will be suspended, or better yet, expelled, not graduate, not go to college, and spend the rest of his miserable, useless life working in menial labor for minimum wage, with no chance for advancement. Of course, like a typical alt-Right snowflake he'll blame is sorry lot in life on everyone else but himself.
Comte dear, he'll probably do just that, and have a couple of wives/girlfriends by which he'll have some kids that turn out just like Dear Old Dad. My high school had a lot of them, and they're even worse in their old age than they were in their youth.
This youth certainly has ruined his earning power as this video will haunt him forever.
I sure hope his name is leaked as well so that from now until eternity anytime someone Googles him (e.g. hiring managers) the video comes up.
@1: Sadly he'll likely join the military, grab a couple of years of college then wind up working for some suburban police department...

or he will wind up as a techbro.

Hell the way things are going in this declining nation he may even end up in congress.

Don't forget, since he's white it'll turn out he is really the real victim, and needs just a bit of counseling.
Just wanted to add that the town this dipshit lives in is home to Edwards Air Force Base

The Daily Mail link shows his photo and posts his name.

This is either because this is all already public information or because things are different in Englandโ€‹.
Hello.... are we not feeling any sympathy for this kid? Do we know whether anyone treats him that way at home?
Charles, I must disagree. This sort of thing seems more prominent because Trump occupies the White House. In reality, its been this way all along.

The change, if there is one, is this. Three men of various ages who happen to be white fought to save the lives of two young women of color, neither of whom was personally known to any of their three rescuers. Two of those men (who happen to be white) gave their lives to protect these children.

That is new. A few sporadic occurrences like this have happened in the past - the most notable being John Brown - but the heroes haven't been lauded as such by the greater community that happens to be white until now. Lynch mobs used to take photos of themselves next to the hanged men, staring directly into the camera- completely unafraid of criminal prosecution. This young man, however, will never escape this moment of his life. Should he ever enter public life in even the most minor fashion, this video will resurface again and again. It will be his stalking horse. 20 years from today, even if he is a completely changed man, there will be no forgiveness. The internet never forgets. He will be relegated to teh very bottom rung of society, the most anonymous roles, forever. The only way he can ever escape this moment is to remain so insignificant that nobody will think enough of him to Google his name. If he elects to remain in the company of those who support these views, the only people who upon seeing his big moment who would not immediately reject him for it- well, this isnt the 1920's anymore. The men in those lynch mob photographs would go on to elected positions, governorships in Indiana, or the Presidency (Woodrow Wilson). The post-Trump world will have no place for such creatures. This is the crest of their wave, to be immediately followed by the crash.

@3 & 10,
Excellent points. This unfortunate young white man is tainted forever. And, it's largely because of the technology. I'm extremely dubious that Trump's Presidency enabled this ghastly racist rant. Anymore than Obama's Presidency spurred this racist rant by the NFL's Philadelphia Eagles Riley Cooper in 2013:…

@10 is correct, it's been around for quite awhile. I find it brazen, idiotic and just plain mean to rant on ANYTHING knowing the technology will capture their (mostly) vile attitude. Quite frankly, the video will be punishment enough. Kudos to the science teacher for keeping his cool.
It would be nice if these incidents followed these people around their entire lives. They certainly deserve it. Behave like an animal, get kicked like an abused dog for the rest of your life. Does it really happen though? I mean there are so many incidents like that how will all of them be remembered? I was just thinking of the girl who got kicked out of UCLA for her racial slur rant "ching chong" about Asians in the library. Has her life been ruined? Rapists seem to move forward and live their lives and even become president. In a country ruled by white supremacist racism will every single racist scumbag be remembered and vilified for life? Somehow I doubt it. Our current government is chock stock full of white supremacist racists, xenophobes, and misogynists and they've all got high paying jobs and careers that don't seem like they'll be ending any time soon. AmeriKKKa has failed in its diversity experiment. The best thing that can happen to the world is for humanity to simply cease to exist. Harsh? Maybe. The truth? Unfortunately. We have had literally thousands of years for humanity to evolve and change. It's just as nasty, violent, sick, disturbed, and hateful as it ever was. Why would video footage change any of that? Video footage of cops murdering black people hasn't stopped cops from openly and purposefully murdering black people, never being held accountable, keeping their jobs, and even if indicted, getting off with no punishment because the jury can't be bothered to consider a black person's life (a child no less) when they're hungry and want a sandwich. Humanity simply needs to have its extinction event already.
Is there anything you can write about other than race relations?
@9: That's a very good point as well. It seems also, that despite the racial venting, was set off by something else, we don't know what. He was spewing he most vile insults he could think of, but strangely did not use specific asian racial expletives.

Moroever, he does have an opportunity to publicly apologize, change his behavior and perhaps later on be a role model to other troubled children.
Ruin his life? With this exposure he could win a race for national political office tomorrow.
This kid seems like he's having a bi-polar episode or other mental health issue. Entitlement doesn't cause rage like that. He's either mentally ill, on something, or abused at home (or some combo.) He clearly needs help, not hatred and public ridicule. There are plenty of racist bastards out there (I grew up in the south, I witnessed it daily). But this is obviously primarily a mental health problem. Have some empathy for christsake.
@13, Mudede several days ago wrote about how awful it is that people mow their grass. So it's not just race relations.
Man, shit like this is so depressing. I really thought that this country was beginning to move on about race, Guess it must be like cancer. Always potentially there, but you have to stomp it out wherever it pops up. I turned sixty-five this year, and my hair is mostly white. I now dress deservedly casual. I can'r step out my door anymore without getting looks from some people that say, "Where's your fucking red hat?" I hate it, but I hate racism more. This surely isn't what I pictured for my country in wanting to leave it a better place than I found it,

Yes. In fact, it already does.

So much so, the European High Court ruled in a lawsuit that EU citizens have 'a right to be forgotten', which means, they can submit take down requests to Google to erase their embarassing misdeeds. This is a right Americans do not have. Our misdeeds cannot be scrubbed from internet search engines.

I have, on my phone, an app. It's called Been Verified. I can enter anyone's name and a state they have ever lived in, and then narrow search results by age or other bots of information. It summons records ranging from bankruptcies to criminal convictions, the deeds to any properties they have ever owned. It also includes a "Social Media" section, with links to pages who mention the target person's name- including Facebook, Linked in, Twitter. If you apply to work for me, I will use this app to have a look at your past. I can see everything. Even after the Courts have sealed your records, I can still see anything they posted before the records were sealed. That's an app. On a phone. It doesnt require some Herculean effort to wade through a tranche of papers at City Hall, or a lawyer's subpoena. It requires only your name and state of residence, and a few taps of my fingers on the screen. Now, if I can do that, so can anyone else.

A young man whose reputation at home once wrote Horace Greely seeking advice. "Go west, young man" meant, leave town, go so far away that nobody has ever heard of you, where your past cant follow you. This is no longer possible. The internet reaches everywhere. Soem years ago, I did volunteer work in East Africa, and was advised by the NGO I worked for "Do not blog, do not post". Its easy for us Americans to think that in a small African village that does not even enjoy running water would be inaccessible as far as the internet goes. Nothing could be more wrong. Even out there, people still get online and look each other up. Organizations like WorldVision have internet access and broadcast wifi on their compounds. Anyone with a smart phone can get online just by hovering close enough to the fence. And yes, even as poor as they were, many had smart phones. And if you go there as an aid worker, they will definitely search the web for this interesting foreigner who has wandered into their midst.

There's a book by Jon Ronson called So You've Been Publicly Shamed. He interviews people such as the NGO employee who tweeted a joke she later claimed was intended as irony about hoping she "didn't get AIDS" on a trip to South Africa, rejoining with "Never mind- I'm white". She hasn't been able to find employment since. She didnt even post that in a mean spirit, just youthful naivete. The internet does not forgive.
Also, remember the story of violentacrez, aka, Michael Brutsch.…

The newspaper that outed him is defunct, and yet the article is still online. Even if he got a court order to have it taken down, I could use the internet archive to look it up again. He still can't get work.

The Courts did order Gawker to pull Hulk Hogan's porn video. and they complied. I can still find it, though. Not that I particularly enjoy seeing an aging wrestler's shriveled up old cock- I merely point this out to illustrate how nobody, absolutely nobody, escapes their past once it appears online. You cannot erase this, ever.
@23: I think the point is that for all we know, the kid has mental issues, is being horribly abused at home, etc, and so perhaps a bit of tact and hesitation is in order before we throw a minor into the internet grist mill so we can all feel better about ourselves as we virtue signal our superiority over him.

Adults are one thing, but leave kids out of it. Their brains aren't even fully formed yet, and you don't need a cannon to kill a mosquito.

The "student" should absolutely be expelled. To allow a child to treat a teacher in this manner without repercussions is inexcusable. Any punishment short of expulsion is unacceptable.
Equally disturbing: the passivity of all the other students in the room. They just sit there like it isn't happening.
Only at the end does one girl tell him to get out already.
This is fun. I'm really waiting for two white politicians to call each other n-words during a televised debate.
I was an angry mean spirited boy once. Glad I didn't have the internet to condemn me before I had a chance to see the world and realize I wasn't the center of it.

@12, Ching-chong bimbo wasn't expelled, she dropped out.
I can't predict what will become of this young man, but I guarantee you at some point he will have a boat repossessed.
@30 Yeah. It's the new ethos - in a time when everyone and anyone who is guilty of wrong think is literally hitler, it isn't surprising that there is complete disdain for anyone who's made a mistake. There is no possibility of redemption.
@30, I guess the lesson these days is to not act out on it or it will haunt you forever. This kid hasn't learned that lesson or the one about being a decent person yet.
I'm thankfully not the kid that I once was either and I'd guess that most of us aren't. We've had the time and the positive influences to grow beyond whatever bad influences or lack of perspective we had at that age.
I haven't watched the video so I don't know (or really care) just how bad this kid is behaving but hopefully he is getting some punishment appropriate to the act and then the opportunity to learn from it and become a better member of our society. Otherwise we'd have to lock everyone up and throw away the key at the first sign of bad behavior. If we did that, we'd have nobody left to run the prison.
This kid is seriously disturbed, or high (i.e. meth or something), or both. This is not 'usual' angry young white man behavior. The other kids may be passive because they're afraid. This kid seems totally unpredictable and off his rocker. Of course he'll be expelled. The question is will he get help or will his obvious mental health issues be blown off so that he later does even worse.

The genie doesnt go back into the bottle. Whether we like the technology or not, it's here, and it isnt going away. Adapt to it, or be destroyed by it.

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