

Evergreen Kerfluffle Redux.


This whole event is like conservative fan fiction. It truly hits all the right beats.

-Person blaming posted closing times on racism
-Business making amends by firing people who were following company policy
-Never enough, so "victim" and people working as their proxies demand an indefinite amount of money and apologies which will also never be enough
-Non-white, immigrant journalist who covered it being called a Nazi by "victim" and their proxies.
-"Reparations" event where money is demanded of white people, but they are not allowed attendance
-One of the most liberal cities in America.


This is great and excellent and the way our society should operate and will absolutely never ever happen to you or anyone you know or care about.


And by the by, Back to Eden will be forced to close down due to a crippling employment law suit, not because people will stop patronizing it due to the controversy. FWIW, Whitten is a hustler and I completely agree with Ngo on his characterization of the primary problem with modern-day Identity Politics. We'll be back to white and black water fountains soon enough, it'll be a paradise free of microaggressions and cultural colonialism. Heck, why not portions of the city where only black people can live and gentrification is prohibited? That'll definitely resolve our racial animus! Frankly, we should stop speaking english and all learn Swahili. Equity Now!


Am I the only who expected actual "flames" at some point? This just seems like Thursday in Portland.


You know what, Portland is racist as fuck and when people experience racist bullshit every minute of every day, everything begins to feel like it. I'm white and I've been in the situation this woman was in and guess what, I got served. Fuck this racist bullshit and fuck everyone who defends it and pretends we don't have a serious problem in this country. I am so fucking sick of white people defending racist bullshit - white people calling the cops on black people for existing, cops murdering black people for existing (while white mass murderers get taken in alive and well and even fed hamburgers after their arrest), the POS in the WH inciting racial violence every time he opens his mouth, the murder and outright abandonment of thousands of AMERICANS in Puerto Rico after a natural disaster because of the white supremacist regime "in charge," the POS in the WH violating the rights of anyone and everyone who gets in his way - demanding everyone stand for the national anthem when he can't even remember the words pretending to sing at his own fake fan party when the Philadelphia Eagles told him to go fuck himself and his racist bullshit and on and on and on and on and on. I am so over white people defending the most indefensible bullshit. Black men arrested at Starbucks while waiting for a friend and not ordering anything immediately. White people outraged! Again, I'm white, I've sat in a Starbucks waiting for someone to come get me (never ordering anything and with no intention of ordering anything). No cops called, not once. I've used a bathroom at Starbucks (we're talking 15 years ago) without ordering. No cops called. IN FACT, the entire line of white people in line at that Starbucks in NYC was there to use the bathroom and leave and NOT A COP CALLED. Every day white people defend and deny and justify and rationalize this bullshit is another day this country gets shittier and shittier and shittier. Fucking enough already. Stop it. Stop all of it. Start standing up and demanding people, all people, every single fucking person who isn't a member of the white supremacist male heteropatriarchy get treated like a human being. White people are so fucked up and their heads stuck so far up their asses and it has to stop. ENOUGH.


Where all the people that want to argue that going on Fox News (as Whitten has done) is automatically disqualifying?



"White people are so fucked up and their heads stuck so far up their asses and it has to stop."

You managed to prove that statement with every post you make.

The only victims of racism here are the two women who lost their job for actually doing their job.

When you try to equate an incident like this with actual racism, your setting back the cause of Racial Justice.

"Start standing up and demanding people, all people, every single fucking person who isn't a member of the white supremacist male heteropatriarchy get treated like a human being."

I'd like to start by treating the gay couple that owns the bakery and Mr Ngo—a queer person of color, a Portland native, and the son of refugees-like human beings.


Portland seems to have some sort of political eating disorder.

First, there was Kooks Burritos (white women "culturally appropriating" burritos lol).

Then there was Saffron Colonial (white woman commits the crime of using the word "Colonial" in the name of her restaurant).

Now there's Back to Eden Bakery (2 white queer guys fire white women employees for enforcing business hours).

Seriously though, there's a clear pattern going on of hassling, threatening, intimidating, and shaming of people who don't seem to have done much wrong in the relative scheme of things.

I mean, people are losing jobs and getting put through nightmarish social media experiences. Do their "offenses" really justify what must be emotionally traumatizing and financially damaging retribution? Really? This ain't the left I signed up for, sorry.


OMG! Wonder how the Equity program is proceeding at the Oregon Dept of Ed.


God you whites are fucking pathetic. Stop. Talking. About. Racism.

Fellow whites, stop listening to people pontificating on a topic which is most assuredly not their area of expertise.


Change the door to one that allows egress and prevents ingress, after hours.


Odds this poor oppressed person has never held what those of us in the “real” world call a “real” job?

Was it a good look? No.

Were they closed? Yes.

Did this poor, zaftig vegan “a” vegan forget what real racism looks like after all of these years of lily white coddling?

It’s cool how someone who probably thinks black people are for singing and dancing comes out for immediate commiseration.

Odds are the person who came out has ever had what those of us in the “real” world call a “real” job?

Is it technically mathematically possible that this was an act of racism? Yes it is.

Is it technically mathematically possible those people were standing in line since before closing?

Is it technically mathematically possible the employee recognized those in line and didn’t want to shut out regulars?

As a regular at a few joints I can hang out afterward and you can get fucked.

Even if you are black.

Class warriors, the lot of you.


13 having a fucking job?


I swear the unfounded fears of racist whites fuel me


6) You are intentionally conflating actual race-based outrages -- e.g.: police violence, Trump's anthem fetish -- with a woman not being served after posted closing hours. (Even though you got served after-hours one time! What a valuable insight!)

You are doing no favors to the cause of racial equity and should collect your thoughts better before posting.


@18: The one thing radical SJW lefties and conservative wackos have in common is willful ignorance of situational nuance.



Yeah, sometimes Truth is Stranger Than Fiction.

This was in an episode of Portlandia once, wasn't it?


@11 don't forget the brunch place (owned by immigrant Jews, if I recall) that was nazi-coddling because some dude wrote a generic German air force tee that Katie previously covered.


@2 Theodore,
Spot on. Indeed, this incident is surreal. Almost after every paragraph I read, my jaw dropped lower and lower.

I feel sorry for the two employees but otherwise, this is a bloody farce.



@Sportlandia 4

These women have a case for wrongful termination, unless the owners of the bakery had them sign paperwork stating that they were "at will" employees when they were hired.
At-will employment isn't legal everywhere in the United States, and I have no idea what the law is in Oregon.


"Sometimes impact outweighs intent and when that happens people do need to be held accountable."

I find this article to be incredibly offensive. The emotional harm it inflicted upon me is incalculable. I demand that the Stranger fire Katie Herzog immediately and offer me reparations.

Joking, of course (but it needs to be said in today's environment). There are a lot of things driving Trumpism, including real outright racism and economic anxiety. But stupidity and grifting like this, tailor made to be plastered all over the conservative echo chamber, is also a reason why we have to deal with President Trump and the alt-right today.

"Whitten says he doesn't want to see Back to Eden close down because of this. 'A boycott is not about putting them out of business,' he said. 'It's about creating change. I'm giving them an opportuntity to come correct. I will meet with John or Robert if they affirm their racism and anti-blackness. They say black lives matter but now they are being asked to demonstrate that their actions mean more than words.'"

"Gee, that sure is a nice bakery you got here. Wouldn't it be a shame if it got plastered all over Facebook that it's run by racists."

Dude's running a protection racket.


there is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for catching whites committing a race crime, or is there? also, in this age of post-modern categorization and self-applied identity, we have poser rock music, poser intellectuals, and now poser civil rights dissidents. there is a bad repertory theatre aspect to a lot of these recent "actions" - in that the central character fancies themselves something out of something they read or saw. This lady was likely picturing some kind of 60s freedom fighter while she moaned about not getting served some yuppie food. I laugh at this as i slowly drift out of the political spectrum to an individualist, natural law, do-no-harm philosophy. and incidents like this make me care less in general about the spectre of white racism in progressive places like here or there, because all I ever see first hand is this over and over, despite the national boogieman coverage of the ultra fringe weirdo alt-right people. yeah, it would have been different under hillary! and it sure got fixed under his holiness Jesus Q. Obama. whoops, just added a clicks value to the monetization of this type of garbage news that feeds itself and continues on with validation like all of us chiming in a giving a fuck.


The problem is indeed the fact that it's the "whitest city" in America. If there were more black people coming and going on a regular basis anywhere in PDX, there would be no point to this stunt. It was like 20 years ago, but I saw this first hand at some diner in Portland. This hipster waitress refused service to a black couple right in front of the whole restaurant. Too bad we didn't have cellphone cameras back then. I would have filmed the whole thing. It makes me think there is some kind of "lore" in Portland about a lot of things we don't get elsewhere and it just festers within the community.


Vegans are famously racist. Fight racism now! Eat a nice big juicy beef steak TODAY!!


"I want to tell you about a disturbing, heart wrenching experience I had."

Sad, she couldn't tell time nor respect a business' lawful hours of operation.

So, what's she want? Soft closings?

Will changing closing times (to whatever's convenient for those runnung late) also be Discrimination?


I've been turned away when a business was closed and I unknowingly wandered in the door. Felt like a dufus, did not take it personally. Life went on. Why does everyone have to go on social media to throw their tantrums these days? Like a bunch of toddlers with technology. So tiresome.


Here's the brilliant Bob Dylan on this very subject.


The ability of these obsequious SWPL liberal dipshits to acquiesce to these “social justice” shake-down rackets is nothing short of astounding.


White guilt is turning into a cottage industry in trumps America.


@31 as have I.

Here's a similar scenario that I was in that may illustrate why the original patron was upset (this doesn't then imply her response to her upsetness was appropriate):

I was at a fashionable outdoor club in NYC, having a good time with my friends. As dusk approached, a bouncer informs me I need to take off my hat (I'm black). I look around and see many other white bros in hats, and I ask the bouncer why he hasn't asked any of those guys to take off their hats as well. He doesn't have an answer but insists I take off my hat. I tell him I wont, but I'll happy be happy to obey any instructions from the police if he wants to insist, because otherwise I'm not gonna leave. A place like this, they don't want the police here, especially to deal with a non-drunk, paying customer. The bouncer decides to just leave me alone, but me and my group leave anyhow.

I was annoyed and upset but ultimately I was happy to never go back and patronize other businesses. That's the end of the story! The woman in question here walked into an eatery, saw other people being served, and was told that she wouldn't. I understand being upset - but her mistake is in trying to ruin the lives of multiple people over it. Someone's going to cause some real harm soon enough - the fired employee goes home and kills themselves, or has an abortion only because they don't know how long their savings will last while they're unemployed, or something. It'd be nice if Ms. Green claimed responsibility for the consequences on actual lives and compared them to her inability to get a croissant at 8pm.


As a former service employee, I totally sympathize with the employees. There's nothing worse than trying to close up while people keep trickling in. But since there were still people in line, I probably would have served her, but put a chair in front of the door or something to keep other self-important, inconsiderate bores from wandering in.

As it was, the owners should have stood by their employees and told this person to calm herself. She would have got some nutcases to sympathize with her, but the for the most part the controversy would have died down.


We must free ourselves from the colonialist tyranny of the 24-hour day and time zones.

“I’m afraid of black people who aren’t singing and dancing - from a safe distance, mind you - and/or flaming homogay” is not a valid stance from which to tell everyone else they must be as utterly idiotic and clueless as you.

So how many leaders of the Trotskyites and the quote-unquote “People’s Party” have worked service or low-level retail?

Class war.


@5 I also expected to read of a conflagration and was perplexed that I hadn't seen or heard anything about Portland burning from any major news outlet.

Then I looked to see who the author of the piece is. She has a rather weak grasp of reality much of the time. I think of her as a kind of Sean Hannity of Seattle's Left. It's hard for my eyes not to role back up into my head attempting to read her stuff. And I'm neither Republican nor Conservative.


Omg, yes, we were cheated out of fire.
Hell to pay, their oughtta be.

Be thankful they don't let me write The Headlines.
You'd getchur money's worth.


"I think of her [Katie] as a kind of Sean Hannity of Seattle's Left."
The similarity IS uncanny:


@26- exactly right. I don't even know where to start with this.

Someone walks into a place 6 minutes after closing and doesn't get served? What the hell do you expect? Does Green stop work at closing time? 2 employees get fired for this? insane. I hope they do sue. Extortionist insists the owners admit they're racist or he'll trash their business? That is nothing short of heinous. I wonder what Green would have said if even one of the people already in line had been black? Would she still have assumed it was racism, or would she have just figured that it was because the place was actually closed? Might it have occurred to her that the bakery employees had kids to pick up/other jobs to go to/other things they needed to do and they have to close up sometime so they can do those things? Hell of a way to show understanding and/or solidarity with working people.

And if the neighborhood really is now only 15% black, wouldn't you expect that most/all of the others in line would be white?

Jesus H. Christ.


There is a lot to unpack here.

1- The woman arrived after closing hours and demanded she be served. At the end of the day, thats pretty fucked up and may (emphasize may) hurt african americans who dont overtly eschew the rules and are refused fair service.

Lets not bullshit ourselves. This was another gentrifying business aimed at nonblack customers. Portland, like Central District and South Seattle, has had a bug up its ass to do whatever possible to remove or make unwelcome its comparatively few black residents. It's one of the few things Seattle can brag on over Portland that the city has not been as aggressive in its race based gentrification and removal via police harassment efforts. This woman was mostly in the wrong, but overall, she has a point. Jackasses who 10 years ago wouldnt drive through the neighborhood are buying up houses and renting and alienating a community who built themselves there as a last refuge to segregation (which persists even today).

3- To everyone claiming this woman is a (false) equivolent to right wing whiners, fuck you! Even if this woman is wrong in this instance, I fucking guarentee she deals with 100x more racism than most of you would even imagine in Portland. The city thats less likely to hire black college grads than white drop outs, or that sentences blacks with no criminal history to longer sentences than whites with extensive ones.

Crawl off that burning cross assholes. At best, you are still worst than this woman.


There is a lot to unpack here.

1- The woman arrived after closing hours and demanded she be served. At the end of the day, thats pretty fucked up and may (emphasize may) hurt african americans who dont overtly eschew the rules and are refused fair service.

Lets not bullshit ourselves. This was another gentrifying business aimed at nonblack customers. Portland, like Central District and South Seattle, has had a bug up its ass to do whatever possible to remove or make unwelcome its comparatively few black residents. It's one of the few things Seattle can brag on over Portland that the city has not been as aggressive in its race based gentrification and removal via police harassment efforts. This woman was mostly in the wrong, but overall, she has a point. Jackasses who 10 years ago wouldnt drive through the neighborhood are buying up houses and renting and alienating a community who built themselves there as a last refuge to segregation (which persists even today).

3- To everyone claiming this woman is a (false) equivolent to right wing whiners, f u! Even if this woman is wrong in this instance, I fucking guarentee she deals with 100x more racism than most of you would even imagine in Portland. The city thats less likely to hire black college grads than white drop outs, or that sentences blacks with no criminal history to longer sentences than whites with extensive ones.

Crawl off that burning cross a.holes. At best, you are still worst than this woman.


@43: Can you share your index of which races are allowed to exist and open businesses in which places? .


Victim mentality is dangerous to those who harbor it and those around such a person. This is yet another situation where NOTHING racist has occurred, but instead, an individual has simply labeled something racist without properly perceiving the context of the situation they're in. No one cares that you're black. The establishment you walked into was closed. Your proper response should have been "Thanks anyway, have a nice night". How hard is that? When you yell "racism" every time you don't get your way it diminishes the times when ACTUAL racism occurs.

I've been noticing lately that many people begin to malfunction when hearing the word "no", but that's a whole other conversation.


Why is it assumed that a vegan bakery would not be a welcoming establishment to black people? It's like the idiots behind the obstructionist "Save Our (Rainier) Valley" movement, who claimed that light rail was designed to make the valley safe for white people to go to Starbucks.


xina, I have to call BS on your post. One of the most made up stories I have seen in a long time. The only thing missing was Once Upon a Time.


@48 it's cultural. Free range, local, slow food, vegan, natural, etc - these don't resonate too working class and black folks that much


Thank you for deciding to speak for “working class and black folks”, Sportlandia dear, but I would tend to disagree. A lot of “working class and black” cuisine is based on slow cooking and simple ingredients which were unique to the region they came from.

Maybe the terms are off-putting, as they smack of hipster pretension, but the techniques the describe are old as time.


@51 uh... when you present your foods (or goods, whatever) in decidedly hipster terms, it's a turn-off for working class and black folks, yes it is. That the techniques may harken back to traditional southern/soul food is immaterial - otherwise those places would be popping up in the RV or CD rather than in Fremont and Ballard and Capitol Hill. These are establishments designed to appeal to professional class and college educated white people, because they're started by professional class and college educated white people. I don't see what you're possible disagreeing with here.



Detroit Vegan Soul has African American working class roots, and it still has plenty of hipster appeal.

We do tend to do things a little differently here in the D though.

They also have this policy posted on their website:
Carryout Policy: Walk-in carryout orders accepted up until 15 minutes prior to closing. Phone carryout orders accepted up until 30 minutes before closing.

Something like that might have been helpful in this situation.
That being said, I don't think the African-American lesbian couple that owns DVS would have had this problem, even with white employees working the front counter.
It is Portland though, so who knows.



We also have The Turkey Grill, which is a No Frills carry out restaurant featuring Southern favorites made with turkey.
It's black owned and operated, and it's in the most hipster part of town.
It's also really popular with all sorts of Detroit folks.


Sportlandia, the problem seems to be with the people who are objecting to the name. I can commiserate (I would never eat at a place with "factory" in the name), but perhaps "working class and black folks" should open their minds a bit - or we should stop making assumptions of what people will and won't respond to based on their economic status or race.


Sounds like typical PNW muted racism to me, too. Though I agree with @37's closing strategy for putting a chair against the door since another person.also came in. I think people need to try to imagine this woman's experience, being black in this group - a few others straggled in, too, a minute or two past 9:00 - yet she's told she has to leave while they stay. It's an arbitrary cut-off - isolating one person and making an example of them in front of the entire cafe - and it's very rude and inconsiderate - no matter who you are. Maybe some of you might have only felt "like a dufus," but for someone else, this can feel quite humiliating and degrading, especially if you're a member of minority group.

The employees should have handled it more graciously and intelligently - they should have assumed responsibility for having allowed every person on line at that point into the store - she was only one more person more - and handled it from the door - not the line already there.

That being said, I'm not convinced the employers should have fired them. Because .. they have to assume responsibility for not having a system in place that would have prevented this kind of incident, to begin with. So, I think they should have remedied their closing system - which a former service employee here recognized very quickly - but, in addition, provided some kind of sensitivity training - a racism workshop, for example - for their employees to attend - to bring more awareness of these issues into the workplace and customer service. They might also want to examine their own hiring practices in the future. Not firing people, but evaluating the diversity in their own staff - and hiring more minorities next time. Especially, too, given the gentrification happening in this neighborhood - and hiring minorities who have lived in this community for much longer.


@56: I don't think it was an arbitrary cut-off.


@56 (North American Jay Bird): I accidentally posted my comment above before finishing it. I don't think it was an arbitrary cut off. They had the closed sign up. Plenty of business will shift from open to closed with the understanding that no new customers can come in, but they'll finish up with the customers already in the establishment. That's so common I can't believe this fact didn't end the argument.

This is an extreme example of PC, white liberal guilt, virtue signaling, race baiting, race hustling, etc, but it's increasingly common. These sorts of non-issues that blow up into faux civil rights issues are going to eat away at liberalism and cause further divide. Not just divide among liberals, but an even more extreme divide with red states. They see this stuff and they (rightly) mock and ridicule. If liberal progressives want to stop being seen as snowflakes, they need to stop acting like snowflakes.

But even worse: this is an insult to actual civil rights violations. It's not just an insult, it's a total appropriation, degradation, and mis-use of them. It's so shamelessly self promoting and self serving it makes me beyond appalled. The "victim" and her supporters should be ashamed. They are a disgrace to the progressive movement. If the left can't overcome this, if it can't beat it down and show some backbone, then the right will continue to win. And in that case maybe they deserve to.


Correction: The open sign was off, but it doesn't say a closed sign was visible. But that barely changes a thing. At worst it was a misunderstanding that should have resolved quickly. Had adults been involved on both or either side, it likely would have. But the progressive left is no longer made up of adults; it's made up of hyper sensitive babies plagued with useless, virtue signaling "guilt" or spoiled, self absorbed victimization fetishists who, ironically, use the label of victim to wreak havoc and wield power and privilege to ruin lives and businesses and careers.


A White guilt grifter lol. A hustles a hustle, regardless of trendy buzzwords. Everyone involved is full of shit.


Selling reparations happy hours while dismissing the racial qualifications of a gay, Asian. Classic.

Good money in that white guilt


Mikara, wasn't this the case, though, for the other people who came in late? i.e. the open sign was off? And even it wasn't, it seems that lots of people might not see this - but simply be looking at the people inside with the lights on - as the indication that the cafe is still open. It's their job to host customers with courtesy and respect - they gave this benefit of the doubt to some people - and they singled out one black woman who innocently wandered in, too, and politely took her place in line with the rest. I think it's very rude what they did, and it could feel more humiliating and demeaning if you're a member of minority group.

Again, I think this is racism - whether or not the employees are conscious of what they're doing - though I don't think it's enough to fire people unless the employers felt that these employees are really rude to black customers deliberately or entrenched in refusing to adapt, learn and change - like, "hey we're not going to take a workshop or sensitivity training." But we're not privy to what the employer is seeing on a day-to-day basis, nor are we hearing the story from the point of view of these two employees. What did they discuss? Have the employees gone public? Did the employer reach out to them on this subject - and they just basically said "F you?"

On the said extremes to which this was carried. The business owners are making decisions here, as well - and that's their right - within certain limits. I guess they want to do this. Personally, I agree it looks kind of wild, as well - in that a racially exclusive event was held - is that correct? - at their business establishment - whereby whites are not allowed to enter? Wouldn't the business owners, in this case, now, be breaking the law?

So I'm not entirely clear on the entire story, myself. Though I do think it was wrong what they did to this woman.


Fuck her for being a race hustler, fuck them for caving to the nonsense. They all get what they deserve.


@62 North American Jay Bird: My understanding was that they turned off the sign (i.e., closed for further business) while those customers were in the place, but before she came in. That is extremely common. Just recently I went to a restaurant and was told "sorry, we already seated our last table for the night." Ok. Annoying, but that's just how it works. They have to close eventually and there is literally no way to do it any other way. You can't lock the door (in Portland, apparently, when customers are in the place), and no establishment is going to kick out customers. The practice is to stop serving new customers at closing time. There's not even any real room for debate on this one; there's no "well, I understand her side..." etc. It's a complete and total shakedown. They were blackmailed into groveling by people appropriating the civil rights movement. And it's a disgrace.

And really, does anyone think that a bunch of ultra liberal hipsters working a vegan baker in Portland, Oregon are racists? Are you kidding? These are people who fall all over themselves not to appear racist. These are people who live in fear of ever being labeled a racist. The whole situation is self parody. I strongly recommend reading the author of this article's original essay on this in Quillette.


@62 Another correction, sorry: read Andy Ngo's original piece on this incident. I just realize Herzog is the author of this article, not Ngo.


@62 North American Jay Bird: Umm, I think my response got deleted. Not sure why. Anyway, my understanding was that they turned off the sign after the other customers were in, which is very common. Just the other day I was told at a restaurant that they had already seated their last table. This is just how it works; there is absolutely nothing racist going on here. I highly recommend Ngo's original piece on this incident.


Well, i guess my response didn't get deleted. So now it looks like I'm just spamming the comments section with repetitive posts. I'm so sorry, Stranger. I'm failing at the internet today.


@67 -- not to worry, Mikara.
They do this to me, all the time:
Post is here; no, wait, it's not.....
They WANT us to appear incompetent,
so they don't hafta deal with our Truths.

''Spam'' away, M!
(I always do)

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