
Bless you and Matthew, Dan! I would definitely call anything from Darth Cheeto a booby prize. I proudly wear my ITMFA tank top and ITMFA flag hat pins. Viva la Resistance!
In other news, "McCabe and Mr Mueller" has such a lovely ring to it, doesn't it?
The idea that government social welfare programs can take the place of the nuclear family has been pushed by Leftists since the 60s but it won't work—society continues to spiral downward, just a few swirls from the bottom of the crapper...
And when are you cats actually going to get around to Impeaching?
talk talk talk;
VP (soon to be President) Pence isn't getting any younger;
and neither is Ruth.
We are itchy to see who Pence puts on the court.
"... maybe instead of funding the social safety net, we can just funnel federal dollars to churches instead?"

Here's a point though - churches ARE tax exempt. So in effect the government is providing a subsidy by not taxing 'em, a.k.a. arguably funneling tax dollars to churches instead of the social safety net.
Impeach Secret Agent 'Kadet Bone Spurs' Orange Carnage? Nah -- he'll be in Prison before too long. Say, how 'bout that Stormy! And her pretty sharp lawyer? Outfoxxin' Dear Leader like it's EZ as pie. Or Putin.
@4 Denial: I have been ready to impeach Trumpzilla / Pencezilla ad nauseum since January 20, 2017. Where have you been?
You can see how that page read on 19 April, 2016, at">… .
AH, thank you @8 for pointing out Dan's laziness and reflexive belief that Obama would never do anything the same or worse than Drumpf. I am no Drumpf supporter and happily voted for Obama, but c'mon, he did some pretty cruddy things while in office and there's no reason just to assume that his admin wouldn't have lazy, sloppy writers on board. Check the facts Dan, don't just assume. Takes away from your point.

@7, @4 is right. All this effort to impeach Drumpf is stupid because if he leaves office, we are left with Pence who won't be impeached. He's much more dangerous. A) He knows what he's doing. B) He has relationships that matter with folks all over DC. C) He can be re-elected much more easily. D) He is the definition of Evangelical Conservative Christian. D) He has the conviction of those beliefs and they are dangerous. No, we should NOT impeach. We should block every step of the way, elect Progressives in 2018 and vote Drumpf out of office in 2020. (Also, talk of impeachment won't play well in 2018 and the best thing we can do to protect SCOTUS and the rest of the federal courts is to control the Senate.

Yeah, yeah - that's an old complaint made by crotchety, stick-in-the-mud conservatives pretty much since humans started keeping written records - and probably long before that even. And yet, civilization somehow manages to keep chugging right along, despite your impotent protestations to the contrary.
Right, things are just great.
In fact, we have the greatest President ever in our history!
Yeah, Civilization.

Pense scares even us.
And if Trump is gone The Left will lose a YUGE motivator to get out the base.
So go ahead, Dan; ITMFA- might as well double down on 2016's bad bet
Schisze. I've been doing the alternate-name-for-Trump thing for, like, two years now, and I think Darth Cheeto is better than any of mine, possibly excepting Day-Glo Caligula, of which I remain exceedingly proud. The continuity from Darth Cheney deserves special recognition in my view.
@9 cmonster: EEK-!!!-okay, thanks for the grim reminder on Pence. No, we do NOT want a President Pence under ANY circumstances! Instead, may there be a progressive Blue Wave in 2018--and Trumpzilla's and Pencezilla's Evil Empire gets voted out in 2020. I like your thinking a lot better. Thanks!

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